
Bts system

In the BTS mansion, the rules are head cracking to hear but heart beating to listen . I don't know how I ended up there but it's a long story . I didn't really wanna go there at the first time but now I feel like there is something stopping me from running away from it . It's love !, I never thought I could love someday but somehow it happen and it happened beyond it's limit , have you ever love seven men in seventeen at a seven time !.

Maya_Amani · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

How things started

"waiter!!... waiter ! , my glass is empty come here , and fill me one shot ! " . The voice of a customer wake me up from my undying memories, I stood up from the chair and I went directly to him

" excuse me dear how can I help you" I asked him because I didn't heard him from the first place.

" what..? are you ....are you... deaf I'm askrriing you to pourrring me a drink prrgh..*

" okay I'm sorry but you finished your bill , should I add another one ?" I asked him but still unassured of getting a right answer because he looked so drunk and stubborn.

" sorry for what ? you didn't do anything , until I call your manager you'll be really sorry I'm telling you .... you " while straighting his finger to me , he stood up from his seat waving around , starting a commotion , he grabbed me with his hands on my dress shaking me abruptly while calling my manager .

" manager ! .... manager ...! "

manager came up " what's wrong here " manager asked

" manager , it's good you came . ... this bitch here is ruining my day , it's my money and still she's teaching me out on how to use my money , how dare her. !!! . you know my friend , I've been visiting here for years now , do you really wanna loose a customer like me for a just mere clueless loosey bitch eeh... !? why aren't you answering me "

I just popped up on speaking because I was so afraid to ruin other people's business " No sire , I didn't know next time I will be so careful , please boss calm down , go home and rest you're drunk " I thought those words will settle him down and let me go but it looks like I made the big fire up .He looked so slim to tangle me like that but I still confined in his arms I tried to break free but I failed , I ended up receiving blame on him in front of manager .

" look .. this bitch is cursing me , I'm not drunk and you're saying I'm drunk , this is so much disrespect I'm getting today "

He stretch one of his arm and wanted to slap me but shockingly before he do that , I felt my cheeks burning from fast slapping of my own manager who was standing there more furious than that drunken man , something that I didn't expect .

" That's is not enough , what I want is to fire this girl , I don't want to see her again whenever I come here !! ..... " that man after seeing what manager did to me and saying those words he took everything that belong to him from the bar table , he left . For god's sake I didn't know who is that man for a manager to embarrass me in front of the other customers and bar tenders like that who was surprised and shunning me with their faces . Actually I thought it is because of my status , I'm like a dog wandering around the streets with no where to go and that's why I was treated like that but that wasn't enough I was thrown out of the bar with my little stuffs and fired from work .

" starting from today , don't bring your ass near this bar " the harsh sound from the manager hurts me and broke me up I felt like someone who don't fit on either side of the world , I felt bad but not compared to then I remember when I was locked up in cell from that "stealing money from government office case" I felt so terrible I wish I was born rich and raised rich until I grow up .

when I walked away from that bar at night , I stepped on many posters down the alley , those posters were flying around by wind . there was no one but only me and walls listening to my grudges and curses while stepping hard on those papers to release my anger , a heel came out from my foot and fly to the other side of the wall of the alley and stay over on a one poster which looked different in colour from those ones which I was stepping on them . surprisingly some curious hit me want to check on the poster when I followed my heel to pick it up . I picked up my heel along with a poster . I read vividly a big headline which was written in red . it said " BTS MISSION FOR ONE CHOSEN GIRL AMONG BILLIONS IS COMING ON OCT 2020" . This October ?! I laughed nonchalantly as it is a scam headline , that's impossible to let a contest like that and who's going to win actually and for what basis . am I dreaming maybe or I just read it differently I read it again and again maybe I could find how is that contest is going to be but there were no more information .

Because I felt I have nowhere to go I decided to stay there at the alley for the night , it was dark but only one light came from one of the building spot me so I thought it will be safe for me to stay there until morning , fastly I fell asleep .

when I wake up in the morning I was surprised to find some people surround me and chatting anonymously .

one woman asked me " what are you doing here young girl "

I didn't want to be interrogated by anyone , I rushly stood up and run away . I found one internet cafe around the corner , I have a little tips I've been given by customers yesterday and I wanted to give it a try to a poster which I held it in my hand hoping that maybe I can get a chance or anything that can change my life. I thought this life is miserable but I can't give up on it. I still have chance to go on as long as I'm still living , you might not know what god prepare for you after all of this shortcomings .

It was so early for any shop to be open but I thought this shop was a 24 hrs open always . Not giving my mind plenty room for discussing things which aren't much important at that time .

I entered and found a shopkeeper and allowed me to use the computers I searched on bts mission like what was written on a poster but found nothing I regretted on wasting my energy on hoping such a ridiculous thing to happen , but before living internet cafe , some thing popped out from the computer screen , it was written

" you've been chosen to complete the mission "

what ?! such a ridiculous thing so what does that mean , I don't have any clue about what I've been chosen for or this is kind of game people are playing with others minds .

after a 1 min another message popped out . " [ Hurry up You've 24 hrs to enter bts mansion]

[ code access no: 434] "

I was so surprised how come is this possible what kind of a system is this . hurrying on situation , I pressed code number but nothing came out from that , and the computer switched off

what remains in my mind is code no 434 , bts mansion , 24 hrs .