
The Reality

Once upon a time there was house where no one was loving people nearby

always chitat and pretend that thers ghost in that house anybody try to stay in that hose was not able to survive and just deaths occur then after several deaths the people nearby was entirely afraid and don't even try to peep into house . One day after several years a couple enter into house and loved the house and the way it was designed they then decided to live in the house after listening several saying from people then decided to live there then at night they started feeling saffocated and then they drill a big hole on the wall then they understood real problm that there was onle 1 window for huge house and then they understood problem that why people use to die the reason was they was not able to get enough oxygen . And told this scietific theory to entire area and then they got out of this mis understanding that there is ghost .

There is scietific theory behind every single things dont create any wrong norms its all .

bharvi_deshmukhcreators' thoughts