
Bruises Chioma_Dominic_97071663601647

Chioma_Dominic_9707 · Urban
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The past

Its not everyday that is blessed, I tell people that what we do today influences what will happen tomorrow,

I woke up startled, with beads of sweat on my face, for a long time, I have been having a hard time of sleeping, I can't sleep without dreaming of what happened 15 years ago,

It all happened on the day of Christmas eve, my mom was preparing cookies and as usual me being the stubborn and self centered person kept on pestering her,

Mom! mom, I called her, she was busy breaking eggs which were to meant to be used for cake, I could clearly see that she was stressed but I didn't care,

Mom I called her again,

Stephen as you can see am currently busy, whatever you want to ask me can wait till am done with what am doing,

Mom what am I getting for Christmas, I asked

Tomorrow is Christmas, you will get to know very soon, be patient son, she said

My mom and dad are one of the most humble and modest kind of people you will ever meet, I was eight then bur I dont need eyeglasses to know this, beside I hear from people and our maids how my parents were,

Our family is the rich type, but the way my parents carry themselves, one would never know, unless you were told, my mom is the only child of her parents who owns a game company, my dad on the other hand comes from a conglomerate family with businesses here and there, he is the only child of his parents,

Things started getting messy, when it clocked 10pm, I noticed my mom was getting anxious, when I asked her if everything was okay she said it was nothing,

I checked the time, it was 10 pm, there could only be one person that could make my mom worried, my dad,

My dad always gets home by 9 pm, if there's any sign that he would be coming home late, he takes it upon himself to always call to let her know the reason for the delay, we both knew that my mom is a worrywart,

You might be wondering why an eight year old boy is still awake by that time, its because I always wait for my dad to come home before going to bed, he said its a must for us to see eachother so we don't drift away from each other due to his work, well that's part of the reason why am still awake, the main reason was to eat some cake before going to bed and also lick the mixture of cream and sugar to my heart content,

She called my dad, I guessed he was not picking his calls cause she was pacing up and down,

Mom are you worried about dad?

Its nothing son she replied it must be the traffic, that must be the reason why he is running late, she was talking to me but I felt those words was said to calm her racing heart down,

I left her and went to my room, I love my mom but she was making me feel anxious too, I played some games, after some minutes I grew tired and sleepy so I slept off,

Baby wake up! Wake up!, she was tapping me an attempt to try and wake me up,

Mom am awake I said,

Put on your shoes she said I didn't even get to grasp what was going on when I found myself in the car, she put on my seat belt, closed the car door and went back to sit at the drivers sit,

Mom what's going on, are we going to buy things or what,

She did not answer me, she was saying, God please not today not today, she kept on repeating those words, at this point she was making me feel scared and worried,

She drove out of our car park, and was on the road when she received a call,

I couldn't hear what the other person was saying,

I will be there she told whoever what's on the other end of the call,

I thought the situation must have something to do with my dad, did he get into an accident or what, No no, that can't be, I tried to control my thought cause it was all over the place,

I looked at the stereo and checked the time, it was 11:45 pm, we were still on the main road,

It happened so fast, I didn't even get a chance to grasped the situation and am sure it was the same with my mom, the next thing I heard was mom screaming my name, and a force, clearly our car had been hit, but my brain couldn't register what just happened,

I didn't get to see or react when everything turned black, when I opened my eyes it was to see my mom crawling to get to me,

We were still in the car, I was hanging upside down, the car must have turmbled I thought,

The green light displaying the time was the only thing giving light to us, I traced and saw the time was 12:00, happy Christmas I thought, then the whole world turned black.