
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

I was just walking down the road, enjoying a peaceful stroll when, out of nowhere, I heard a noise that seemed to break the sound barrier.

Vince: "What now?"


A shirtless guy with white hair was yelling at someone.

??? - "You're the problem."

A woman with wolf ears responded in a carefree manner.


The irritated guy protested.

??? - "Who cares."

The carefree woman dismissed him.

??? - "This fucking bitch..!"

The guy muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, the ground froze and spikes shot up, swiftly targeting the woman. The ice constructs shattered into shards flying in all directions.

Next, a wave of fire was launched toward the white-haired guy. He created ice underneath him, launching himself into the air, and skillfully landed before darting towards the woman with a Brazilian kick.

But the wolf girl managed to block it, countering with a punch to the guy's gut. He created an ice plate as a makeshift armor.

Vince: "I guess ice users are immune to the cold."

The wolf girl also got serious as an aura of immense heat enveloped her entire body.

Vince: "I'm surprised the concrete didn't melt."

The wolf girl swung her arm in a wide, horizontal arc, creating a blazing crescent moon of fire that quickly cut through the air, heading for the ice-wielding man.

??? - "Why do you always start with this attack?"

The guy seemed dissatisfied.

??? - "Cause this is all I need."

She responded confidently.

??? - "How many times have I deflected this attack?"

The guy sounded disappointed as he casually parried the attack and sent it towards...

Vince: "Oh shit."

I dodged it by ducking, barely avoiding it. I didn't have much empathy for strangers and had no desire to get involved in the conflict. So I simply avoided any potential harm to myself and my groceries.

As the battle between the ice-wielding man and the fiery wolf girl continued, I decided it was best to retreat and leave the scene quickly.

Without hesitation, I turned the corner and began to walk away briskly, hoping to distance myself from the escalating fight. However, just as I was about to clear the danger zone, a stray shard of ice from the battle grazed my shoulder, causing me to stumble briefly.

Vince: "Are you fucking kidding me..."

It hurt, but not enough to do more than complain about it verbally. I just coped with it and went home. There was no point in fighting them, and I wouldn't gain anything. Who knows, maybe they were spoiled brats from rich families.

After making it to the hotel I was staying at, I immediately put away the groceries in the fridge and drawers. However, I couldn't shake the curiosity about the world I unwittingly entered. With a steaming bowl of spicy noodles in hand, I made my way to my room, where my laptop awaited me.

Sitting at my desk, I began my research into the world I found myself in. My fingers danced across the keyboard as I delved deeper into the mysteries of this universe. One of the first things I discovered was the existence of the ten great clans. Here's some important information I came across:

Ten Great Clans: These ten clans were among the earliest beings to attain Vandal, a mysterious and powerful energy source deeply connected to one's soul. The clans had existed for an astonishing 10,000 years, which left me in awe of their longevity.

Vandal: I realized that Vandal was more than just a source of power; it was a defining aspect of an individual's identity in this world. It seemed that Vandal was tied to a person's very soul, shaping their abilities and their role within their respective clan.

Clan Hierarchy: Each clan had its own hierarchy, with a leader or head who held great authority. The clans were known not only for their unique abilities but also for their influence over various aspects of this world, be it politics, economy, or culture.

Purpose and Rivalry: I learned that the clans often competed for dominance, which led to rivalries, alliances, and conflicts among them. The reasons for these rivalries could range from control over Vandal resources to historical grudges.

Clandestine Secrets: As I delved deeper into my research, I began to uncover hints of hidden secrets within each clan. There were tales of forbidden techniques, ancient artifacts, and enigmatic figures that played pivotal roles in the clans' histories.

The Alethea Family: Vanessa's Alethea Family, to which I was loosely connected, was one of the ten great clans. I couldn't help but wonder about the role I might be expected to play within this influential family.

Personal Power: I was intrigued by the potential of my own abilities, the cursed energy of Kinji Hakari, and what it might mean in the context of this world. I realized that I could no longer remain a passive observer and that I needed to make sense of my place in this universe.

With each new discovery, my determination to navigate this complex world grew. I slurped down the last of my noodles, closed my laptop, and lay back on my bed, contemplating the choices that lay ahead. It was clear that I had a lot to learn and many decisions to make in the days to come.

As I attempted to use Daniel Park's copy talent to learn martial arts online, I soon realized that this unique ability had its limitations. It seemed that copying physical skills from a video feed was beyond the scope of my new power. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration as I tried unsuccessfully to mimic the intricate movements I watched on my laptop screen.

With a sigh, I closed my laptop and leaned back in my chair, realizing that I needed to adapt my approach. I couldn't rely solely on the abilities of others; I had to find my own path to strength in this unfamiliar world.

I decided to shift my focus to Kinji Hakari's cursed energy. I had already acquired this potent ability, and it made more sense to harness it to improve my own capabilities.

Over the following days, I dedicated myself to the study and practice of cursed energy. I spent countless hours refining my control, honing my techniques, and expanding my understanding of this mystical power. I experimented with different applications, discovering ways to manipulate cursed energy to enhance my physical abilities, such as speed and strength.

With each passing day, I could feel myself growing more powerful and confident in my newfound skills. I had chosen to forge my own path, independent of the ten great clans and their Vandal powers.

As I continued my training, I couldn't help but wonder how my journey would unfold in this world filled with mysteries, rival clans, and ancient secrets. One thing was certain: I was determined to carve out my own destiny and make my mark in a realm where strength and cunning were prized above all else.

Chapter End

i did my best to try and introduce the world but i think i fucked up abit..

Vancelamentcreators' thoughts