
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 16

Vince's curiosity had been gnawing at him for some time, and he finally decided to voice his question.

Vince: "Hey, Vienna... I'm grateful for the fact that you're helping me, but... Why ARE you helping me?"

Vienna's expression remained enigmatic, and there was a thoughtful silence before she let out a soft chuckle.

Vienna: "You know, Vince, that was the first time I ever saw a family member fight the head of the clan out of genuine love. It's surprising. I've seen a lot of my siblings, but they've never had the courage to do so."

Vince was taken aback by her response. It was a side of Vienna he hadn't expected to see, a glimpse into her family's dynamics and the complexities of her own past.

Vince: "Your family... They don't value love and loyalty?"

Vienna's eyes held a hint of sadness as she responded.

Vienna: "In our world, strength is paramount. Love and loyalty are often seen as weaknesses. But seeing you Vanessa stand up for, it reminded me that there's more to life than just power."

As Vince absorbed her words, he couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for Vienna's support. It was a reminder that even in a world where strength reigned supreme, there were those who still believed in the power of love and friendship.

Their conversation continued, delving into deeper aspects of Vienna's family and their society, shedding light on the complexities of their world.

As Vince and Vienna continued their conversation, the evening sun cast a warm glow through the window, creating a sense of tranquility in the room. It was a rare moment of respite amidst the challenges they faced.

Vince: "Vienna, I appreciate you opening up to me. It's not easy to go against the norms of your family and society."

Vienna smiled, her features softening.

Vienna: "Well, it's not every day that I meet someone like you, Vince. You've shown me a different perspective, and for that, I'm grateful."

Their conversation meandered through various topics, from their shared experiences in this new world to their dreams and aspirations. Vince learned that Vienna had her own set of goals and desires, ones that didn't necessarily align with the expectations of her family.

Vince: "Vienna, do you ever think about what you truly want, outside of your family's influence?"

Vienna's gaze turned thoughtful as she considered the question.

Vienna: "I do, sometimes. I've always been curious about the world beyond our clan's boundaries. There's so much I haven't seen or experienced."

Vince nodded in understanding. Their talk revealed a shared yearning for freedom and a desire to chart their own destinies.

As the evening wore on, Vienna's presence had become a source of comfort for Vince. It was a reminder that amidst the challenges and uncertainties, there were allies to be found, even in unexpected places.

Their conversation eventually tapered off, but the bond between them had grown stronger. They parted ways with a newfound sense of camaraderie, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The days turned into weeks, and Vince's determination to become stronger burned brighter with each passing moment. He knew that he needed to reach new heights in his martial prowess if he was to face the challenges that lay ahead.

In the training area of the Vehemence Academy, Vince sparred with his friends, each exchange of blows a valuable lesson in combat. Hiro, with his unyielding strength, pushed Vince to his limits. Takashi's speed and agility taught him to anticipate and adapt. Rina's precise strikes honed his defensive skills, and Keisuke's strategy and tactics broadened his understanding of martial arts.

Ian and Zane, with their unique martial disciplines, introduced Vince to new techniques and styles, expanding his repertoire of combat knowledge. Aiko, with her graceful movements and mastery of the Vandal, offered insights into the secrets of his own Kagune.

Vince's training regimen was grueling, but he welcomed the challenge. He sparred, practiced forms, and honed his techniques day and night. The sweat on his brow and the aching of his muscles were reminders of his unwavering dedication.

But it wasn't just within the confines of the academy that Vince sought growth. He ventured into the wilderness, taking on formidable opponents—monsters and creatures of all kinds. Each battle tested his limits, and he emerged from them with newfound experience and strength.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Vince stood atop a cliff overlooking a vast forest. The wind rustled through the trees, and the distant cries of unknown creatures echoed in the twilight. He felt a sense of serenity and determination wash over him.

Vince: "I won't stop until I'm strong enough to face anything. Vanessa deserves nothing less."

As Vince continued his rigorous training, his friends watched in admiration, proud of the growth he was achieving. Little did they know that Vince's journey was far from over, and the challenges that awaited him would test his resolve to the fullest.

In the midst of Vince's intensive training, there were moments of camaraderie and challenge that brought him closer to his friends while pushing his limits further.

One sunny morning, Vince found himself sparring with Hiro in the academy's training grounds. Their battle was fierce, the clash of fists and kicks resonating through the air. Hiro's raw power was a formidable obstacle, but Vince's agility and precision allowed him to hold his own.

Hiro: "You've gotten faster, Vince!"

Vince: "And you've gotten even stronger, Hiro!"

Their friendly exchange of blows continued, each fighter seeking to outdo the other. The intense training not only improved Vince's combat skills but also deepened his bond with Hiro.

Takashi, known for his incredible speed, took Vince under his wing to help refine his reflexes and reaction time. They engaged in sparring sessions that resembled lightning-fast dances, with both fighters constantly on the move. Vince learned to anticipate Takashi's movements and counter with well-timed strikes.

Takashi: "You're getting there, Vince! Keep it up!"

Vince: "I won't let you down, Takashi!"

Rina, with her exceptional precision and control, taught Vince the art of defensive techniques. They practiced forms that focused on evading and countering attacks with minimal effort. Vince's ability to read and respond to his opponent's moves improved significantly under Rina's guidance.

Rina: "You're a quick learner, Vince. Just remember to stay calm and composed."

Vince: "Thanks, Rina. Your guidance is invaluable."

In the forest outside the academy, Vince faced off against Keisuke, who excelled in strategy and tactics. They engaged in mock battles where Keisuke employed cunning traps and ambushes. Vince had to rely on his wits as much as his physical abilities to outmaneuver his friend.

Keisuke: "Don't forget, Vince, battles aren't just about strength. It's about using your head too."

Vince: "I won't, Keisuke. I'll be smarter and stronger."

Ian and Zane, both masters of unique martial disciplines, challenged Vince to broaden his horizons. Ian introduced him to the fluid movements of Water Dancing, while Zane taught him the precision strikes of the Shadow Fist style. Vince absorbed their teachings eagerly, blending their techniques into his own fighting style.

Ian: "You've got potential, Vince. Keep exploring different styles."

Zane: "Don't limit yourself, Vince."

Aiko, with her graceful mastery of the Vandal, sparred with Vince to help him unlock the true potential of his Kagune. They practiced fluidity and control, the crimson tendrils of Vince's Kagune responding with greater finesse to his commands.

Aiko: "Your Kagune is a part of you, Vince. Embrace it."

Vince: "I will, Aiko. Together, we'll reach new heights."

These interactions and small fight scenes not only strengthened Vince's combat abilities but also solidified the bonds he shared with his friends. As he continued his relentless training, he knew that the challenges ahead would demand nothing less than his absolute best.