
brown eyed red

Do others see what she sees?

Afrah_Arsh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

florescent little box

"Why me? " replied the annoyed teen. Not only was she dragged to the middle of nowhere, came across extremely weird shit, things she could make no sense of but now was also expected to fight off displeasing scaly looking creatures, about which she has no idea of and with little help from a tiny furry creature, whom she had just met.

" That's another thing you will have to solve."

After a long pause accompanied by an awkward silence by a clearly enraged teenager and an unnatural being, the later said:

" There is one thing that will help you except, I am completely clueless on how it works."

"Not surprised.

Besides, something is better than nothing."

"Since you are stuck in this mess I'm sure the casket has already figured its form in front of you."

Eug now once again began his endless oration on the box that randomly decided to shine in front of Reika.