
Brothers Conflict Fanfic (You're the Only One)

Ema Hinata is a 16 year old girl, who lives in her own world. But suddenly everything changes, when she comes to know her father Rintaru Hinata is going to make her future arrangements in Tokyo. What comes ahead was a very shocking news for her.

UJK · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

~Made Friends~

It was lunch time. Ema makes her own lunch, so she brought it. A girl from her class comes to her and says,"Hi! I am Mito Touchibana. You can call me Mito. Nice to meet you. Your Ema right?" "Yes. Nice to meet you too Mito." Ema replied. Seeing Ema's lunch Mito asked curiously "You brought lunch? That's nice. Who made it?" Ema replied putting her head little bit down,"I cook everything myself, cause father's away and mother's living her own life. It's not a big deal cooking & stuff." Mito understood that Ema's been staying alone for a very long time, and that's why she doesn't opens up to anyone. Mito felt worried and said in a sad face, "Lets have lunch together. And from today onwards I'll stay by your side. We will be best friends. Share anything with me okay? "Okay." Ema responded in her watery eyes. And then both of them had lunch together.

After having lunch the next classes started. While, the classes were carried out the red haired boy was just staring at Ema. He was feeling different of being her here. The bell rang and classes ended. Seeing Ema getting prepared to leave, he couldn't resist himself from not talking to her. So, he made his first move with shyness and stood in front of Ema saying,"Hi Ema-san! I'm Yusuke As....." BAAM!! Ema startled and moved backwards seeing Yusuke was hit and cut off by the green haired boy saying,"Hey Ema. Am Kotaro Hayama. Nice to meet you. Let's be friends?"

Ema's cheeks went red seeing the two boys trying to become friends with her. Then Mito came in between them with a devil look and yelled,"You two surely know how to make a move fast, huh? If you do anything unpleasant to Ema, you will make the bad Mito to wake up. And if she wakes up, you wish you hadn't met her." Both of the boys got scared and were smirking. Kotaro said,"No no we are harmless Mito." Yusuke said,"I never thought you had the side of becoming a devil." Seeing this seen Ema giggled replying,"Okay." Yusuke saw Ema giggling and felt that she is the one he wants. Then they all headed for their homes.