
Brother-In-Law, Im Pregnant

Summary: Having a dark and twisted personality, his beautiful and gentle sister was the only light in his life – but that devil suddenly appeared and stole his light, making him go crazy. In any case, he cannot absolutely let that devil become his brother-in-law and defile his sister, he must save her from that devil’s evil clutches! But unfortunately he did not succeed, instead, that demon found his greatest secret and, violated him…. After discovering that he was pregnant, he immediately decided to commit suicide, but before that, he wanted to tell the devil “Brother-in-law, I’m pregnant”, and see what that devil would do! What the! The demon said he wanted to marry him??? No! He did not want to marry the demon, although he unconsciously had started to fall in love with the devil…

Bastard · LGBT+
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51 Chs

Chapter 3

With more than 30 years of history, "Yucai High School" is a well-known elite school, which has cultivated countless talents. The annual rate of graduation for this school is the highest in the country. It has been the most sought-after high school in China, until a few years ago, this phenomenon has changed.

The one who caused the change was a student named Qin XinLei. He was, since Yucai High School was established, the first to not have excellent grades, but because of his family background, he was able to stay. The Qi family can do anything they want in the political and business circle where all the giants are at, so Yucai High School let Qi XinLei enter through the back door, but the school quickly regretted it because Qi XinLei was super evil.

Qi XinLei relied on his family's power to misbehave in school. He smokes, doesn't study very hard and only knows how to play, and his playing means bullying and harassing his classmates. The most terrible thing is that he even dares to bully and torture the teachers. The school already talked to his parents about his behavior, but his parents were already very old and he was their only child. He was the heart of his parents, so they did not strictly discipline him, instead, the school was the one who was reprimanded, saying they were just making a fuss and even threatened to close it down. Frightened, the school no longer dared to control him, turning a blind eye to all his evil deeds.

Living in fear under Qi XinLei's evil clutches, the whole school was naturally miserable, the teachers and students no longer have a passion for teaching and learning, making Yucai High School's graduation rate fall, even applications for enrollment gets lesser and lesser. Teachers and students alike hate Qi XinLei so when they saw the pictures posted around the school, they were in shock, hard to believe, both sides showing a delightful expression, for Qi XinLei's retribution has finally come…

Qi XinLei, the main actor in the photo, turned a deaf ear to all the mocking and whispers around him, rather, he can't see or hear anything now. It was a very long time before he recovered from the shock. For fear of his eyesight going wrong, he quickly removed his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes, but found nothing has changed. In the school's huge bulletin board, all kinds of nasty pictures were posted showing a tall and strong teenage boy wearing only a pair of shorts, being bound like a dog, beaten and abused by a large group of fat and ugly middle-aged women wearing masks, posing in humiliating positions. The teenager did not even show a trace of pain, instead, a look of enjoyment and pleasure was on the face of the boy who looks exactly like Qi XinLei.

"Xin Lei, what's going on in these photos?" seeing the SM photos, Han ZiChen was stunned, returning back to her senses, she immediately asked Qi XinLei, her beautiful face full of anxiety and disbelief.

Although she has always been conservative because she often surfs the internet, she also knows what the very popular SM is about, she also happened to see some SM photos online. She has always felt it was abnormal, extremely nauseating, unable to understand how anyone would like to play SM. Never in her wildest dreams would she think that her favorite person, her beloved boyfriend would play SM, or that he would like to be sexually abused by a large group of fat middle-aged women. She couldn't accept her boyfriend having such a habit. These photos… These photos must be fake!

(TN: Ahem.. sister what are you exactly looking at to be able to chance upon those kinds of pictures???)

"I don't know what's going on… What kind of vicious, insidious bastard would set up so many fake photos and post them in school? If I catch him, I'll make him die an ugly death, I'll make him regret being born in this world!" Qi XinLei narrowed his pale brown eyes, crushing the sunglasses in his hands into pieces, the murderous look on his face was extra terrifying, so that the teachers and students around him can't help but shiver in fright.

Qi XinLei was very angry, he has never been this angry before, those pictures making him so riled up. He could not imagine how much he hates the person who framed him, how perverted his heart must be and how poisonous his character is to be able to come up with such an idea. That person is clearly trying to ruin him so that he can no longer gain a foothold in the school. No matter who the other side is, once he(QXL) finds him, he will severely be tortured using the top ten torture ways of the Manchu Era, then wait for the other to die, and cut him to pieces.

Dare to do this in his den, really do not want to live!

"No matter who it is, this is too much, I'll never forgive him!" Han ZiChen who was always smiling was now showing a rare expression of anger. Softly comforting her boyfriend, "Xin Lei, rest assured, I believe these photos are fake and you're just being framed. I know that other people will believe you, too."

Han ZiChen breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to herself: Great, just like I thought, all these pictures are fake. She imagined her boyfriend to be so masculine, mighty, and domineering, how could he like to be sexually abused by a group of middle-aged women? This has never occurred before in their relationship, and he never asked her to do an SM play, let alone sexually abuse her.

"Baby, that's very kind of you. Thank you for trusting me." Qi XinLei looked down at his girlfriend, eyes flashing a satisfied smile. It seems that Han ZiChen really, really likes him, loves him even, not doubting him even after seeing such pictures, firmly believing in him. Unfortunately, he just likes her face and body, doesn't really like her, love her…

"Sister, don't believe him, which part of these photos is fake? Obviously it's true, he really does have a perverted and disgusting fetish." A cold male voice suddenly sounded from behind Han ZiChen and Qi XinLei, Han ZiYe finally came.

When Han ZiYe entered the school, he instantly heard the conversation between his sister and her boyfriend, found that his sister did not change, he thought that she would believe that the photos were true, disappointed with her boyfriend, she will break-up on the spot, scared to appear with Qi XinLei in front of many people, she will quickly rush away and cry*.

(*This was a scenario thought up by Han ZiYe lol)

Hearing Han ZiYe speaks, the crowd nodded, the photos were without a doubt, true. Let Qi XinLei fall into ruins, then he will be ashamed to stay in school. They really, really hated Qi Xin Lei, blame it all on him for treating them poorly, this must be karma**.

A courageous student stepped forward, pointing to the picture on the bulletin board, "It's really not like a fake one, these photos have no traces of being edited."

"Yes, even though PS is amazing, it's impossible not to notice if they were edited. These photos must be true." Another daring student stepped forward.