

Raymond Donald discovers the culprit that killed his parents and now...he is given the perfect opportunity to revenge. He switches identity with the son of the real murderer of his parents. Now, the monster Smith harbours the child of his worst enemy. He has no idea that his son has been switched. He discovers that the sons of the people he murdered is dead...He strives to kill them...but in the true sense, his biological son is one of them.

Vicky_Philz · War
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1 Chs



Sophia adeptly propelled the ball into the net, securing two goals.

Raymond subtly expressed dissatisfaction with his more amiable older brother, Richard . "A girl defeats two boys! Big shame on us!!!".

Sophia nonchalantly stretched and yawned,"Am I the only one that is hungry? My mummy right now must have prepared tasty soup with semovita".

Raymond nudged his brother. "Mummy will definitely cook beans. Because dad likes beans, she loves cooking it all the time".

Richard chuckled. "... don't tell me you are salivating over Sophia's mum's delicious vegetable soup?".

"Sophia's mum is a wonderful cook! She cooks better than our mummy!". Raymond rolled his eyes.

Laughter ensued as they left the football court.

Raymond's assertion held merit; in the neighborhood, none rivaled the culinary prowess of Sophia's mother.

The trio leisurely retraced their steps homeward.

Sophia bid farewell with a wave before vanishing into her abode.

The brothers proceeded to their own dwelling, abruptly halting at the door upon detecting unfamiliar voices emanating from within.

Pressing their ears against the door, they overheard a stern warning directed at their parents.

"I grant you one week! Cease the construction of that church on the designated land, or face consequences," a resolute male voice declared.

In retort, Marcus, their father, defended their claim, vehemently opposing the threat.

Another male voice chimed in, foreboding repercussions for their steadfastness.

Before Raymond and Richard could withdraw from eavesdropping, the door swung open forcefully.

The intruders cast disapproving glares before departing.

Bewilderment etched on their faces, the brothers rushed inside, confronting their parents.

"Daddy, mommy, why are those individuals issuing threats regarding the church property?" Richard inquired, his concern palpable.

Hilda attempted to downplay the situation, urging her sons to join her in the sitting room where a meal of beans awaited.

Raymond promptly surveyed the surroundings from the window, observing the three individuals of concerning demeanor approaching their white vehicle.

A premonition of his parents' vulnerability seized him, inducing a sense of urgency and distress.


Uncle Mike consistently stood at the school gate, firmly holding a substantial brown cane.

Due to Sophia's influence, Raymond found himself becoming Uncle Mike's target for the first time.

Recently, he abandoned accompanying Richard to school, opting to patiently wait for Sophia to join him on their journey to school.

Breathless, Sophia halted as they reached the gate, realizing their futile attempt to escape Uncle Mike's disciplinary cane.

With a mischievous grin, Uncle Mike, aptly nicknamed "THE CANE MASTER," relished the sight of his designated scapegoats.

Raymond extended his hand, met with the forceful strikes of The Cane Master's cane.

Uncle Mike appeared to derive pleasure from chastising Raymond's palm.

In an attempt to spare Sophia, Raymond pleaded for her share of the punishment, a request Uncle Mike willingly fulfilled.

Upon enduring the penalty, they were granted entry into the school premises.

Tears welled in Sophia's eyes as they entered the school.

"You shouldn't have intervened for me, Raymond," she expressed with regret.

"What did I tell you? I said I will protect you with everything I have. Including my life". Raymond expressed candidly.

Sophia reached for his swollen hand. "Promise me that you will never leave me. Promise me that you will marry me when I grow up".

He chuckled. "I am only seventeen. I cannot promise to marry you".

"I am fourteen already and mum wants me to marry at twenty three. I promise to build a restaurant and wait for you to also build your life when we grow up".

He chuckled and nodded as they hurried to their respective classes.

As customary, Robinson had prearranged a seat at the front for Raymond.

They had bonded due to their remarkable resemblance, sharing identical height, voice, and nearly indistinguishable facial features, prompting a pervasive misconception among their peers that they were twin brothers.

A subtle exchange of winks occurred before Raymond claimed his designated seat.

Upon observing Raymond's swollen hands, Robinson gasped, inquiring, "Uncle Mike, right?"

Raymond affirmed, revealing, "It's my first time falling into that man's trap; I've managed to evade him for almost a lifetime."

Robinson bit his lower lip. "Let me guess...Sophia delayed you".

Raymond giggled.

"Man, you are in love with that girl". Robinson rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Raymond! You again!!!". Mr Paul the maths teacher snarled. "Come out and solve this number three equation".

Robinson let out a breath, uneasy tension lingering in the air.

He feared that Raymond would not be able to solve the equation because he had only joined the class few minutes ago.

Raymond confidently approached the board and took the marker.

He successfully solved the equation, causing a murmur to permeate the classroom.

Everyone knew that Raymond was a genius.

Consistently excelling academically, he perennially declined the role of class captain.

Robinson observed in admiration.

Was Raymond that much of a genius that he didn't have to be present to pass tests and exams?

He had always secretly envied Raymond.

Raymond Donald embodied the qualities he aspired to possess, aiming to meet his father's expectations.

During the break, they proceeded directly to the cafeteria.

The trio consistently spent their school hours together.

Raymond, Robinson and Sophia.

Richard, Raymond's elder brother was the school headboy.

He was always too busy to join their circus.

Sophia displayed a displeased expression upon sampling the Jollof Rice they had ordered . "The rice tastes like carbon paper. The cook didn't even add bay leaf ingredient".

Robinson rolled his eyes. "The whole world already know that you can cook. Can we have a break?".

"Can you have my fried rice? I think it is better than the Jollof". Raymond courteously exchanged plates and observed with enthusiasm as Sophia savored her meal.

Robinson envied the way Raymond always treated Sophia.

In such a tender way.


It was Saturday.

They were to clean the church for thanksgiving Sunday.

Every Christ Mission Church member would go to church to clean.

It was done every February.

"Make sure you people wash the toilet and clean the carpet! Don't forget that today is Saturday!Do thorough clean up! ". Hilda issued a reminder to the boys with her consistently stern tone.

"What is on the menu?" Richard inquired with anticipation.

"Beans!". Their parents chorused in unison.

The brothers expressed discontent.

"You need to consume ample beans for proper growth, you two bigheads!" Marcus admonished them.

They erupted into laughter.

The boys bid their parents farewell with enthusiasm and secured the door.

Raymond bit his lower lip. "Shall we follow our usual routine and sneak into Sophia's kitchen for vegetable soup?"

"Excellent idea!" Richard exclaimed excitedly.

They discreetly entered Sophia's kitchen.

As anticipated, she eagerly presented a full plate of vegetable soup and yam.

Sophia attentively observed Raymond to ensure he relished the meal.

Richard rolled his eyes as he observed them. "What do you two teenagers comprehend about love?" he derided.

Sophia and Raymond shared a chuckle.

Their laughter abruptly ceased as Sophia's grandmother let out a loud cry.

Nearly breathless, she located them. "Your parents in church...." Her words trailed off, indicating imminent danger.

In a panic, the trio sprinted urgently toward the church.

Many individuals were already rushing to the scene.

Raymond reached the scene first.

It was the newly constructed church building.

Firefighters had already reached the scene, successfully extinguishing a portion of the fire.

Some church members, bearing injuries, had managed to escape the partially damaged building.

Unidentified bodies were extracted from the structure.

Raymond turned to witness Richard and Sophia grieving. "Our parents...our parents..." Richard uttered breathlessly.

Raymond let out a heartfelt scream.

He noticed it – the same car those men had driven to their house the night they had threatened their parents.

It was parked a distance away from the building.

Recognizing it from afar, he rushed towards the car.

The backdoor was ajar.

He cautiously approached and overheard one of those men seated at the driver's seat, speaking on the phone. "Mission accomplished. I just reached the scene to verify if it was done correctly. Those individuals were not among the survivors".

Raymond covered his mouth and wept uncontrollably, doing so silently to avoid detection.

Upon returning to the scene, Richard and Sophia were nowhere to be found; they were back home.

He observed his brother cry when he got back home but kept all he had witnessed and heard to himself.

The following morning, Uncle Charles visited the house and instructed the boys to pack their belongings.

They departed from their residence, with Uncle Charles set to adopt them as their sole guardian.

His residence, located in town, proved closer to their school, eliminating the need for them to trek each morning.

Uncle Charles promptly directed them to attend school the next morning to divert their focus from the ongoing turmoil.

Silently, they walked to school.

Richard turned to his brother. "You haven't shed a tear since our parents' tragedy. Are you alright, Raymond?"

Raymond shrugged, responding, "Will my tears bring them back?"

Richard shook his head in disbelief. "You are stranger than I thought."

Upon reaching the school gate, Raymond noticed Robinson in the school park, exiting his father's car.

Richard pointed, "Is that not Robinson?"

The brothers approached Robinson.

"When will you learn to walk like a man? In two years' time, you'll be in the university! Is that the morale you'll use to inherit My Boyle organization? You fool!" The man in the car chastised Robinson.

My Boyle? Raymond instantly recalled that name—it was inscribed on that peculiar car! My Boyle Organization!

He hurried to see the man talking to Robinson, recognizing him as one of the men from the scene, one of those who had taken his parents' lives.

Remaining rooted to the spot, glaring at the man, Raymond forgot how to compose himself.

The man approached him. "How dare you look at me like that because I'm talking to your friend! You think you love him more than I do?"

He pushed Raymond aside and escorted the fearful Robinson into the school.

Richard rushed to assist his brother to his feet. "What on earth is happening to you, Raymond?"

Raymond seethed at him. "You're only brilliant! You're not intelligent!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Those people who threatened our parents. Don't you even recognize them? Robinson's father is one of them!"

Richard gasped, falling back to the floor.

He continued, "At the fire scene, I saw their car, the same one from the day they came to threaten Mum and Dad. I ran to the car and overheard the man saying, 'Mission accomplished. I just got to the scene to find out if it was properly done. Those bastards were not among the ones that survived.'"

Richard sat beside him, dumbfounded.

It was their Food and Nutrition practical.

First-year senior students had to study all subjects before being categorized in the second year.

Raymond and Robinson were paired in the Group B Pancake practical.

After Group A class members finished frying meat pies, it was their turn to make pancakes.

Alone in the kitchen, Raymond glared as he watched Robinson excitedly handle the ingredients.

Robinson aspired to be a chef but his father desired him to be My Boyle CEO.

Raymond fumed at him. "You don't even deserve to smile like that."

Robinson gasped, looking up. "Is there a problem, Raymond?"

"Your beloved father killed my parents."

Robinson fell back to the floor, leaving the steaming oil unattended. "Is this a prank?"

Raymond pushed him back to his feet, forcing his face into the hot oil.

Robinson screamed.

Raymond rushed to close the windows to conceal the incident.

As Robinson's face became disfigured, he retaliated, forcing Raymond's face into the oil.

Both friends struggled in the hot oil until teachers intervened.

Assisting Robinson out of the kitchen, his school identity card fell to the floor.

Raymond picked it up, unable to find his own, and placed it in his pocket as the two friends passed out.


He opened his eyes, and the first person he saw—Smith Boyle.

He rushed to Raymond. "Robinson, you're awake!"

It was at that moment Raymond realized what was happening.

Due to his striking resemblance to Robinson, the burnt oil had prevented them from recognizing him.

A young, elegantly dressed woman hurried into the hospital, sobbing uncontrollably. "Look at what they did to my child! You've been here for three months, responding to treatment, and I thought I would never see you again."

Richard contemplated how he would raise funds for his brother's plastic surgery.

Though Raymond's face had healed with time, it was still partially disfigured.

He needed to find a way to conceal his brother's disfigured cheekbone.

While pondering, he saw Robinson's father—the man Raymond had identified as a suspect in their parents' death.

He impulsively approached him. "I know what you did to our parents! If you don't help me, I'll tell everyone and show them the evidence I have against you."

Smith struggled for breath as he recognized Richard. "You! What made you think I killed your parents? Was that why your brother did that to my son?"

"If you take your son to Turkey without my brother, I'll release the evidence to the world!" Richard gritted his teeth and walked away.

Smith shivered, realizing he had covered his tracks.

How did the boys know? If he attempted to harm Richard, what if a detective somewhere was supporting him?

He had no choice; he had to comply with the threat.

Robinson observed Richard caring for him until he was sent to Turkey for his plastic surgery.

Their lives had inadvertently switched, bringing him relief.

He was determined never to address that murderer as his father again and to avoid returning to a life of bondage.

The poignant experience weighed heavily on him as he witnessed the man, responsible for his parents' demise, tending to him with genuine affection.

He yearned for this new life—a tranquil existence fueled by love.

After successfully undergoing plastic surgery in Turkey, the two friends, Raymond and Robinson, were repatriated to Nigeria.


He disembarked from the limousine, observing two suited men rushing to his aid.

Smirking, he stepped out of the car, finding the entire family already waiting outside.

A young girl, roughly Sophia's age, eagerly embraced him, tears streaming down her face. "We thought we would never see you again," she wept.

Raymond rolled his eyes. "How can a grown teenage girl be crying?"

She gasped, "Robinson?"

Raymond chuckled. "Why? Because I didn't lick your skin like a dog?" He ignored their surprised expressions and headed towards the house.

"Are you not going to greet Mum and Dad?" a little boy, slightly younger than the girl, cried out from behind.

He ignored the boy and entered the house, even though he was unfamiliar with the layout.

He waited for the bodyguards to bring in his suitcase and followed them.

His assigned room was the size of their entire house in Joromaisin.

He admired the surroundings.

He noticed Robinson's pink-colored diary and decided to flip it open.

It turned out to be mundane, filled with stories about his daily life.


'I didn't like the way dad knotted my tie but what will I do?

I wore it like that to school.

Sonia had pissed me off because she had used my pink toothbrush to arrange her hair edges.

Nat farted in the car and I vomited nanny Paula's sweet fried egg'.

Raymond burst into laughter at the last sentence.

Sonia and Nat were the names of his siblings.

Since Robinson always shared every detail of his home life, he had a wealth of memories to draw upon for his revenge mission.

Supposed Sonia walked into the room without knocking, and Raymond, unwilling to tolerate the nonsense Robinson had endured, glared at her. "The next time you enter my room, make sure you knock. Do I make myself clear?"

Sonia rolled her eyes and sat on the bed.

"Despite knowing that this is a different Robinson, aren't you supposed to respect yourself in his presence? Plastic brains could be harmful, you know." He made a face at her, and she screamed, fleeing the room.

As he removed his shirt, another knock echoed.

Gritting his teeth, he watched the door open, revealing supposed Nat carrying a tray of food. "Mum made you your favorite.Beans"

"Thanks," he hid his discontentment.

Robinson's favourite food was Beans!

He was doomed for life!

He frustratedly threw his shirt to the floor.

Nat gasped, picking up the shirt and placing it in a pink basket close to the wardrobe. "You didn't use to throw your dirty clothes like that. Did the surgery affect your brain, big brother?"

Raymond shrugged. "Maybe."

Nat nodded thoughtfully. "Can you still remember everything?"

"Not exactly everything."

Everyone believed their 'Robinson' had lost his memory, allowing Raymond to play his role freely—his father's dream, the son skilled at everything.

Years Later...

Confidently holding seven awards, Raymond marched in his graduation gown, now a graduate of business administration.

He pursued further studies, obtaining a master's degree in Economics.

Upon returning home, he assumed the role of My Boyle's Solution Provider.


Sophia's Den, a sophisticated establishment, bore witness to an unexpected encounter.

Tracking her to Greenville Estate, Raymond discovered her thriving restaurant, surpassing his expectations.

Sophia, despite a decade passing, still wore her hair parted like a teenager.

Entering her classy restaurant, Raymond found Sophia overseeing operations.

Their eyes met briefly, prompting his hasty retreat.

One of the waiters walked to his table. "Good day sir. What will you like to offer?".

Raymond cleared his throat. "Any good Italian dish!".

He watched the waiter leave for his order and returned his gaze to Sophia.

She was on a call with someone and she was smiling.

Was she dating already after ranting that she was going to marry him?

The waiter returned with his order.

He tasted the meal.

It tasted perfect just like he had expected.

Raymond, feigning dissatisfaction stood up angrily. "What the heck is this huh? Tell me! Who cooked this rubbish? I spent so much on this amateur meal! Rubbish!". He spat on the meal and walked out of the restaurant.

After creating a scene, he achieved his objective—Sophia and her staff followed him, offering apologies.

"We are really sorry sir. We are ready to give you a refund but this really has never happened before". Sophia cried out. She sobbed.

He gasped, surprised by her tearful response.

She was twenty four and she was still weeping like she was still fourteen.

"Why are you crying like that and looking so ugly?". He grimaced and looked away.

She was shocked at his words. "Y...you.....that line". That was Raymond's favourite line when they were younger.

"How old are you?".

"I am twenty four years old and life has been tough, but really, I am doing my best. It is the first time I have made this mistake. Please forgive me".

Raymond resisted his impulse to comfort her and instead threw a handkerchief her way.

He followed them back to restaurant.

His strategic plan continued as he ordered more food, ignoring onlookers.

Later, he waited outside, seizing the opportunity to confront Sophia.

He waited outside the restaurant in his car, until she closed for the day.

He pressed the car horn.

She turned, surprised to see him. "You! What are you doing here?".

"Come into the car and stop asking stupid questions!". He snapped.

She reluctantly entered the car and watched him drive on.

She observed suspiciously . "I have a boyfriend".

He frowned slightly. "Why are you telling me that?".

She waved her phone screen, revealing a loved up photo of herself and Robinson .

He was shocked.

He pulled the car to halt in full speed.

She was nearly out of breath. "Why did you drive like that!!!You nearly killed me".

How in the world could Robinson date his Sophia after all his monster father had done to their parents?

How could he?

He parked in front of her estate.

She looked suspiciously at him. "How did you know where I live? Are you a stalker?I didn't even direct you".

"Get out of the car!". He snarled.

She got off the car and watched him as he drove off.

He drove to Uncle Charles house.

He parked outside.

He was going to wait right there until Robinson comes out.

Just few seconds after he had parked, someone knocked on the roof of his car.

He got out of the car to see who it was.

To his greatest surprise, it was Sophia.

Tears welled her eyes. "Why are you here?".

"Er...I just parked to er..."

"Raymond Donald". She called him.

He was dumbfounded.

"You think I didn't know?Your striking resemblance with Robinson... It gave you away ".

"Er...I thought...".

"It is already two years now since I and Richard found out. Immediately you walked into my restaurant, I knew the only person that shared a striking face with my Raymond vwas Robinson and we both know what you guys did ten years ago ".

Emerging from the residence, Richard stepped outside and cast a discerning gaze in Raymond's direction. "For eight years, I forced myself to believe that I was only imagining things. But brother, I was too close to you to be deceived with another person's identity! Why didn't you tell me what you did?".

Raymond hugged Sophia. He was so overwhelmed. He had thought he had lost her to Robinson.

She disengaged herself from his grasp. "I will continue dating Robinson until you officially reclaim your identity ".

"Is he aware of both of your awareness about my identity?" He observed as they shook their heads in negation. "I shall inform him, disclosing your knowledge of his circumstances should you choose to pursue a relationship despite being cognizant of the facts."

"Are you even a Christain? You hurt him in that fire because you wanted to embark in a revenge that won't even bring our parents back! How could you!!!". Sophia snarled. "I can't even marry someone like you! You are a beast!".

"Beast! God made me switch identity with that fox because he is also in support of my revenge! When will you all realize that?".

"Two years ago, after I found out that he was the fake Raymond, guess what! I didn't break up with him! You know why? I discovered that he was a better person than you in terms of character. Robinson is soft spoken,calm and easygoing. He is the kind of person every woman crave for. I can never leave Robinson because of a bitter man like you !".

"You would rather marry the child of the monster that killed our parents?".

"Robinson is nothing like his father and we both know it! You are more like Smith Boyle!".

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Don't say that to me! Don't you ever!".

"What happens if I do that? You would hit me like the violent person that you are? You are so full of grudge!".

"If your Christian belief teaches us how to not revenge then I don't want it". He clenched his teeth in frustration

"Yes, you will get your revenge and end up like the true son of Smith Boyle that you are ! A murderer!!!".

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! How dare you! Are you talking to me like this because you know that I still love you? I promise to never cross your path again! I will make sure that I never love you again!".

"No problem then! Goodbye!"Sophia exclaimed in distress.

Richard firmly took hold of his hand "...before you do anything that will make you regret forever, you can just walk back into the house and change everything".

"After ten years of planning for this, you think I came this far to be a coward like you all? Never!".

He entered his vehicle and departed, leaving Sophia in a state of profound emotional distress.

Sophia, overcome with sorrow, knelt and wept uncontrollably.

Richard, offering solace, embraced her from behind and expressed, "Let us maintain our prayers for him, Sophia; the Lord will mend his heart."

Sophia, grappling with her emotions, acknowledged the impending arrival of Robinson.

Swiftly composing herself, she hastened to embrace him.

Robinson, concerned, sought reassurance from Richard. "Is she alright?"

Richard, assessing the situation, replied, "I believe she is still contemplating her deceased parents. However, it will be fine, Sophia; please refrain from shedding tears."


Entering his private office, he acknowledged ownership of the prominent ChatRight Website, concealing his identity under the pseudonym Paula Davis.

Established seven years prior, the website had surpassed Google in influence, offering more current information and boasting a higher viewership.

With ten million websites reliant on its traffic, ChatRight held a significant position in the digital landscape.

He encountered Paula dozing in the office at 11 pm, the time he entered.

She was surprised to see him at the office at that time of the night.

He retired to one of the rooms, prompting her concern about his apparent fatigue.

Dismissing any issues, he responded with a brief assurance that there were no problems.

She retired back to the radio programme that she had been listening to before he had dozed off .

Pastor Richard was a midnight preacher.

She had discovered the radio programme when she was battling with depression after she was able to be free from her father... the man who had disvirgined her.


At the inauguration of the new fishery project, notable figures from the business community were in attendance.

Raymond presented a comprehensive list of effective fishery preservatives for the management's consideration.

My Boyle acquired Swola Sea for two billion naira, and Raymond observed with satisfaction as the three brothers proudly highlighted the success of My Boyle group of companies.

Raymond possessed evidence of a slush fund obtained following Rake's assumption of the governorship.

The fund was accumulated by misappropriating funds from a foundation, purportedly employing fifty thousand ghost workers.

Rake, one of the three individuals associated with My Boyle, was implicated.

Furthermore, Raymond held a recording of a conversation between Smith and Wilson, facilitated by a discreetly installed recording device in their car and Smith's study room.

Additionally, he possessed video evidence of Nat's involvement in the death of a teenager three years prior.

A surveillance camera was installed in Nat's vehicle, a high-value acquisition presented to him by Smith on his eighteenth birthday.

Following a post-beach celebration with friends, Nat, under the influence, approached Raymond and implored him to discreetly eliminate the aforementioned camera apparatus.

He had provided assurances to Smith that he had successfully managed the situation discreetly.

However, he possessed compelling evidence, notably the ideo capturing the mother and daughter sleeping together.

Raymond was meticulously ironing his preferred t-shirt when Smith entered the room with enthusiasm.

"It has only been less than two years since you completed your masters, and every project at My Boyle is flourishing. You truly are a genius, Robinson. Since the accident, your productivity has soared."

"Thank you, Father. Your commendation means a lot to me," Raymond responded.

Smith sighed profoundly as he took a seat on the bed. "Were you aware of your mother and Sonia?" he inquired.

Raymond nodded in acknowledgment and sighed. "Yes, not too long ago."

"I told her to travel to China next two days. Sonia is a full lesbian now . She tried to rape one of the maids. I will send her to the United States to continue her mess".

"If you send her out, she will just get worse. Leave her here and give her Conditions dad".

Tears filled Smith's eyes. "You are my only hope, Robinson. You can see how the full family is messed up. Do you have anyone in mind".

"Anyone like how dad?".

"Do you have someone you love so that you can get married?".

Raymond swallowed. "I don't".

"Should I set up a blind date for you? You are almost thirty".

"I will find someone. You have nothing to worry about dad".

He placed a hand on his shoulder and patted it. "Thank you son. What about the recipe show for next tomorrow?".

"What about it dad?".

"My Boyle is organizing a cooking competition using My Boyle spice on a TV show in two days time. I want you to be involved in everything that concerns My Boyle so that Rake and Wilson will be convinced to make you the official CEO. Rake adopted a daughter and Wilson has twin girls. We know that you are our only hope because you are very capable in everything".


He arrived at the event and was escorted to the prominent table to observe the five competitors.

A jolt of surprise coursed through him when Robinson and Sophia took the stage, hand in hand.

Hastily reaching for a glass of water, he downed it to quell the internal turmoil.

Despite the lingering discomfort, he removed his jacket, endeavoring to compose himself discreetly.

Sophia and Robinson stood out conspicuously among the contestants.

Did she favor Robinson due to their shared interests in cooking?

Had Robinson surpassed him in intimate matters with Sophia?

Those unsettling thoughts persisted in his mind.

Observing Sophia's culinary expertise, he couldn't help but envy the attention Robinson devoted to her, passing her a face towel whenever she perspired.

The intentional care stung, and he grappled with the discomfort of witnessing another man assume the role of Sophia's steadfast support.

He couldn't fathom why Robinson exhibited such deliberate attentiveness toward her.

Despite his aversion to admitting it, witnessing another man assume the role of Sophia's unwavering support caused him considerable distress.

Following the judges' tasting session, as anticipated, Sophia claimed the first position, with Robinson securing the second.

Sophia and Robinson celebrated with exuberance, the latter even lifting her in a joyful twirl.

Upon an inquiry from one of the judges about their relationship, Robinson revealed, "She is my soon-to-be wife," eliciting cheers from the audience.

Raymond, unable to bear the situation, left the hall promptly, driving directly to Greenville Estate, where he parked and waited for Sophia for a full hour.

Upon her eventual appearance, he approached her, and she expressed surprise, asking, "What are you doing here, Raymond?"

He responded with frustration, "Why are you making everything so challenging for me? Why do you smile at another man in front of me?"

"Another man? That is my boy...".

"Stop that! Who cares if he is your boyfriend?"

"...if you don't care, why are you after my life?".

"That is why I am so frustrated! I don't even want to care but this heart of mine just keep doing things that I don't want it to do!".

"...and how is that my business?".

"...your business is that I am not going to become a murderer like Smith. I just want to get justice for what he did to our parents".

"How then do you intend to do that? ".

"I have recordings and proof of their slush funds dealings".

"Why then are you hesitating to submit all those now?".

"I don't still feel satisfied ".

"What do you want Raymond?".

"I want a happy life with you and Richard. I own a huge website of mine! I am going to build a good empire for you and Richard ".

Tears filled her eyes as she stared hard at him. "How long are you going to stop all these and come back to me, Raymond?".

"I just need few months, Sophia. Please don't date anyone. I don't want to loose you, Sophia. Without you, I really don't know what I will be able to do. I only have you and Richard. I have lost everyone that mattered to me ".

She hugged him . "If I had put you through any tough time, I am really sorry Raymond".

"Hope you didn't allow him to touch you?".

"Have you forgotten our Christain anthem, 'Keep the bed undefiled?".

He chuckled. "You still remember?".

"What about you?Have any girl touch you?".

He burst into laughter. "Of course not".

She rolled her eyes. "So during your revenge mission, you still somehow had the fear of God in you?".

He made a face at her. "I don't remember ever denying Jesus".

She chuckled and squeezed his right cheek. "I missed you so much big head".

"I missed you more talkative ".


In the midst of the night, Smith abruptly entered Raymond's room with distressing news. "Robinson, I am in dire straits! Someone has falsified my statement, and the land we developed for our fashion house, Joromaisin land, has been acquired by a church!"

Raymond swiftly rose from his bed, seeking clarification. "What land, Father?"

"Joromaisin land. Without my knowledge, it has been repurposed as a church."

Raymond, harboring suspicions about the situation, considered that the perpetrator might be a victim of the explosion a decade ago.

Determined to unravel the truth, he inspected the office the following morning.

As he exited, he noticed something peculiar protruding from the trash can—a white sheet revealing concrete evidence of slush fund activities tied to Rake's dealings.

Shaken, he feared exposure but, upon returning home, found the cabinet housing the slush fund intact.

The realization dawned that someone else was orchestrating Rake Boyle's downfall.

Driving to Joromaisin to verify Smith's discovery, he was astounded to find the fashion house transformed into a church named "CHRIST MISSION".

Utterly astonished by the scene, CHRIST MISSION had reclaimed the land from Smith through the utilization of a fraudulent statement.

Raymond, now deeply suspicious, contemplated that only someone intimately connected to Smith could procure such a statement.

Entering the church, he discovered the architectural plan precisely matching the one his deceased father, Marcus had drafted ten years prior—the same plans Richard had supposedly destroyed on the day they perished.

The mystery of how this detailed plan resurfaced after a decade perplexed Raymond.

Encountering a man dressed in priestly attire praying at the altar, Raymond initiated a conversation. "Hello."

The man ceased his prayers abruptly and turned towards Raymond. "You came to talk to Christ?"

"No, I came to talk to you," Raymond clarified.

They proceeded to sit at the front, facing each other.

Despite Raymond's attempt to discern the man's expression, it remained inscrutable.

"Could you please show me the statement indicating Smith's disavowal of ownership for this land?" Raymond inquired.

The man exited the church, returning in what appeared to be a brief interval with a sheet and his phone.

Raymond scrutinized the document closely, confirming its authenticity with Smith's signature.

The man abruptly took back the sheet and handed Raymond his phone.

Playing the video displayed on the screen, Raymond was confronted with footage of Smith signing the identical agreement.

The revelation spoke volumes. Infiltrators from Christ Mission had strategically embedded themselves as spies within My Boyle, intertwining the slush fund and land ownership matters.

This connection explained the presence of the slush fund evidence in his office trash can—the work of Christ Mission Spies with the intent to undermine My Boyle.

Determined to unveil their identities, Raymond resolved to set a trap for them, with the primary objective of acquiring comprehensive information.


Robinson found himself trembling in his room, reflecting on the disconcerting encounter at Greenville Estate. Upon visiting Sophia's residence, he witnessed her jovially interacting with Raymond.

His prior suspicions about the duo, Sophia and Richard, harboring knowledge of his true identity resurfaced.

There were moments of discreet conversations between them, and now, the truth unfolded as Sophia addressed him by his real name with a gaze full of affection.

Realizing the extent of the deception, he pondered why Sophia hadn't severed ties with him.

Was she leveraging their relationship while awaiting Raymond's completion of his vendetta? His belief in forming a genuine family shattered as he comprehended their concerted effort to shield Raymond by concealing a crucial truth.

Overwhelmed, he wept and left the house in frustration, strolling along the road.

Sophia attempted to reach him on his phone that moment, but he declined her call, followed by a call from Richard, which he also declined.

For the first time in his life, he declined their call, a departure from his usual practice regardless of his busy schedule.

The depth of trust and affection he held for them was unprecedented.

Upon arriving at the gate of My Boyle Group, he instructed the receptionist to inform Robinson Boyle of his visit, identifying himself as Raymond Donald.

Raymond swiftly authorized his entry and the receptionist guided him to Robinson's office on the top floor, prominently labeled 'Robinson Boyle's Office.'

A quick knock, and Raymond promptly opened the door.

Robinson entered, fixing him with a stern gaze. "Long time no see, Raymond Donald," he remarked.

Raymond responded with a mischievous grin. "Robinson Boyle is my name."

"...but Sophia and Richard are allowed to call you your real name. Why can't I?" Robinson queried sarcastically.

Raymond, taken aback by Robinson's apparent awareness, inquired, "They told you already?"

Robinson nonchalantly shrugged. "They love you more than me. They will only do anything to protect you. No one cares if anything happens to me," he expressed with a touch of resentment.

"Once your father and his brothers pay for their sins, I will leave the organization in your hands. I hope you manage it better than I did ".

Robinson grit his teeth. "I love my life better now, with the restaurant, with the love of my life ".

Raymond punched him hard on his jaw. "You took my parents from me and now you want the only two people I have! Is that not unfair to me?".

"You took my family away from me too!".

"Is that a family? I made you live like a free man! I struggled to live up to your father's expectations! Sometimes, it was tiring because I was human too but i had to work to satisfy your monster father every second of my life! I detached myself from love and warmth but you lived ten years of your life in freedom! If you had lived like me, your father would have made life so difficult for you! I helped you!". He brought out a tape from his pocket and connected it to his laptop. He gave him the laptop to watch. "Watch the so called family you believe I stole from you!".

The recorded content depicted Nat in a state of distress following his involvement with the girl he had murdered in a tragic accident unintentionally.

Another tape, capturing Sonia, his sister in an intimate situation with her mother.

Robinson knelt down, expressing profound distress.

"Despite harboring intense animosity, I refrained from disseminating those videos to safeguard the dignity of your family." Raymond snarled.

"Thank you for taking that family away from me for a while. If not for you, I would have lived in misery all my life. For the first time, I was genuinely happy for ten years after we exchanged lives".

Raymond tossed a facial towel towards him, remarking sternly, "Compose yourself and desist from displaying emotional vulnerability. I diligently managed My Boyle on your behalf, refraining from appropriating what rightfully belonged to you. Extend the same courtesy in return."

"I never stopped myself from loving Sophia for your sake for once. I was indeed the selfish friend. I am glad I was privileged to be in that house. I was introduced to Jesus. When things got so rough, he was always there for me. Before I knew about Jesus, I handled my depression alone. But coming to that house, I gained so much that money would never buy".


The subsequent morning, she awaited at the studio, having thoughtfully prepared coffee and a sandwich.

Considering Pastor Richard's probable conclusion of an overnight sermon, she exercised patience within her vehicle until his emergence from the building.

Upon spotting him, she disembarked and approached him, marking the initial occasion of their face-to-face encounter.

Exiting her vehicle, she hurried towards him, encountering him in person for the first time. Contrary to her expectations, he appeared younger.

Observing her delivery, he exhibited a visible sense of surprise, though he graciously accepted it.

Inquiring, he asked, "Do you know me?"

She identified herself as his devoted listener on 19.2 Vicky FM, expressing gratitude for his impactful messages.

Overwhelmed, he responded, "Thank you for your kind words. I'm humbled that my messages made a positive impact on you, helping you emerge from depression and realize the brighter aspects of life through surrendering the burden to God".

"I would be pleased to offer you transportation. May I inquire about your destination?"

"I can easily take a bus. Your assistance has been generous enough."

"I would be sincerely grateful if you permit me, Mr. Richard. Please allow me the privilege of taking you home."

With gratitude, he accepted the offer and entered the car as she proceeded to drive.

She gestured a farewell when she got to his destination until he had vanished within the residence.

Subsequently, she reversed the vehicle and returned to her residence.

Upon her arrival at Chat Right general office, she observed that the three other colleagues were already engaged in their tasks.

The company maintained a greater presence in Europe compared to Nigeria, a strategic choice to avoid disclosing Raymond's identity.

Fatigued, she wearily proceeded to one of the rooms to rest.

Richard prepared Robinson's preferred dish, consisting of beans and plantain.

He then proceeded to take a taxi to Robinson's restaurant.

Upon arrival, Robinson's employees informed Richard that he could find him in the office.

Upon reaching the office, Richard discovered Robinson fatigued and asleep at his desk.

Robinson awoke to find Richard observing him, expressing confusion and mild irritation. "Your intense gaze made it seem as if I were your woman or something!" Robinson exclaimed, visibly flustered, as he quickly stood up.

Richard chuckled. "Are you not my man?"

Robinsin cringed. "Come to think of it,are you gay? I have never even seen you date anyone since I knew you. You want to end up like uncle Charles?".

They burst into laughter.

Uncle Charles was unmarried at fifty and nobody knew why.

"I brought you your favourite". He placed the plate on the desk.

Robinson was so touched and he couldn't even hide it. Richard was always so intentional about him. "Are you aware that I already know that you know my real identity?".

Richard gasped. "How did you know?".

Robinson shrugged. "I saw them. The Inseparable couple. Sophia never looked at me with such over pouring love. She called him his real name. It finally occurred to me that the truth has been revealed".

Richard nodded. "Sorry you had to find out that way, Robinson".

"Can I ask a question? When you found out, why did you hide the truth from me?".

Richard sighed and sat on the desk. "Robinson, before I found out, I had bonded with you uniquely. It was a different kind of bonding because I was discovering Raymond as a different person. I had to grow to also love your new personality just like I did the first. You were pitiful. Your father was a murderer but you were an angel. You thought I put up act for my brother's sake? Yes, I was hurt that my brother was not the one in my arm all these while, but i was comforted by you. Don't ever call my love fake, Robinson. You might not be my own blood, but I am already fond of you".

Robinson sobbed and hugged him. "Thank you for not despising me because of my father. Thank you all all so much. ".

Richard was moved to tears.

He also wept.

His late-night theme was centered around 'I am loved.'

She was taken aback, nearly losing her balance in surprise, as he uttered her name on the radio show.

He said, "Thank you sincerely for the coffee, my esteemed sister Paula. Today, on 19.2 FM, we will be delving into...".

Paula, overwhelmed with excitement, exclaimed, "He mentioned my name! Pastor Richard addressed me and even referred to me as 'Beautiful Paula.'"

Contemplating the sincerity of the compliment, she pondered while attentively listening to his sermon.

Undeterred, she prepared another round of coffee and a sandwich, then proceeded to the station.

He was shocked to see her again.

"Sister Paula?".

It felt so exciting to be sitting in the car again with Pastor Richard to talk about life.

It always felt relieving anytime he was with pastor Richard.


His mobile device emitted a distinct ring, signifying an incoming call.

Answering it, he was greeted by one of the surveillance operatives he had tasked with monitoring Christ Mission.

The operative relayed, "For the past two weeks, a black bus has consistently entered the premises, its occupants eluding identification due to the opaque tinted windows."

Inquisitively, he probed, "A black bus? What distinguishable markings does it bear?"

The informant responded, "It bears the inscription 'Christ Mission ministry.'".

Seeking clarification, he remarked, "It might merely be a church bus. What arouses suspicion?"

The operative disclosed, "The clandestine arrivals occur solely under the cover of night. The black bus remains conspicuously absent during the Sunday Service."

With a discerning tone, he directed, "Substantiate your findings. Provide visual documentation – photographs and videos – immediately after this conversation."

Concluding the call, Raymond promptly rose to his feet, driven by the urgency of the unfolding situation.

If the bus failed to arrive on Sunday and only arrived at night, it raises suspicions.

He issued directive to bring all general office employee files to his office.

While examining each file, he identified two Joromaisin Indigenes among My Boyle employees as indicated on their file and separated their files on the right side of the table.

His focus shifted to scrutinizing the files of these specific Joromaisin employed staff.

At that moment, his father, accompanied by his personal assistant, was engaged in laughter.

His father had just arrived the general office and Raymond, upon entering his office was taken aback as that moment, his father, accompanied by his personal assistant, was engaged in laughter.

It was uncommon to witness such levity when it concerns Smith Boyle , especially during a critical period when Christ Mission members had successfully reclaimed the land.

Intrigued, Raymond sought to understand the circumstances.

He observed Smith's personal assistant attentively, intending to ascertain if the individual shared his Joromaisin heritage.

The imperative nature of the agreement signing indicated a close association.

"What is our course of action regarding the altered fashion house?". Raymond inquired from Smith.

"The building wasn't demolished; a strategic approach is required for its retrieval," came Smith's response.

Raymond, deep in contemplation, scanned the office for surveillance devices.

The palpable unease exhibited by the secretary conveyed a profound message.

Hastening to his office, he meticulously examined the Joromaisin staff files until he unearthed the pertinent document — that of Smith's secretary, a fellow Joromaisin native.

The revelation underscored a larger narrative.

Within the dossier, it became apparent that Christ Mission had deployed operatives in the vicinity of MY Boyle.

In the midst of this revelation, his phone interrupted with Nat on the line. "I'm at the station. I've reported myself. My conscience could no longer remain silent," Nat confessed.

Raymond experienced a complex array of emotions. While he should have felt relief that his adversaries were being held accountable, a profound sympathy for Nat, rooted in their shared history, tempered this sentiment.

Nat's challenging upbringing and struggles, compounded by familial tragedy, had shaped him into the person Raymond once admired.

The detritus of Nat's tumultuous past, encapsulated by the image of his mother and sister in bed, weighed heavily on Raymond's conscience.

Raymond informed his father of Nat's actions and they both promptly proceeded to the station.

Smith, in response, expressed frustration, stating, "You have tarnished my reputation! This will undoubtedly impede my potential future election as the Nigerian president."

"I endured pain and agony growing up, attempting to recognize you as my father! I curse the day I entered this family!" Nat snarled.

In a separate scenario, Sophia diligently cleaned the entrance of her restaurant when Robinson entered.

With a friendly wave and grin, he greeted, "Hi Sophy!"

Inquisitive, Sophia responded, "It's been almost a month, and you haven't answered my calls or texts. Your staff always claimed you were out when I visited. It was evident you were avoiding me, and I deserve to know why."

Robinson, nonchalant, explained, "I did that to overcome my feelings for you so I could tell you I know the truth without sentiment."

Intrigued, Sophia asked, "Sentiments? What truth?"

Robinson confessed, "I discovered you knew about my identity the day we won the My Boyle cooking competition. I saw both of you."

Gasping, Sophia apologized, "I am sorry, Robin. I truly am sorry."

"No, I should be sorry. You wanted to marry Raymond and I was not Raymond. I had deceived you. I am the sorry one,Sophia".

"I couldn't tell you immediately because I didn't even know how to. I really liked you but finding out that you were not Raymond changed everything ".

"How exactly did you find out?".

"Your vibes felt exactly different. It was not the opposite of my ownself. It was too much reflection of myself. My heart couldn't feel it. I found myself liking you solely because you are a good person than an unintentional kind of love. True Love is usually unintentional. You just find yourself drawn to that personality that suits your soul".

He touched her cheek and smiled into her eyes. "I don't regret meeting you . Y'all.Raymond, Richard and my darling Sophia. You remember we were good friends in school?".

She chuckled and nodded as they stood reminiscing good old memories.

Raymond skillfully maneuvered his car into reverse, having driven to Sophia's restaurant with the intention of checking on her well-being.

To his dismay, he discovered her engaged in her happy moment with Robinson.

A concern lingered in his mind – was Sophia reconsidering Robinson?

Contemplating this apprehensively, he promptly reversed and directed his course towards Uncle Charles' residence.

En route, he halted midway upon spotting the bus mentioned by his informant.

Positioned two buildings away from Uncle Charles' house, it bore the conspicuous label "CHRIST MISSION."

His informant had disclosed that this particular bus exclusively traversed the area under the cover of night.

Perplexed by its presence in their estate, Raymond observed discreetly.

As the bus came to a stop, its sole passenger disembarked – Uncle Charles.

Breathlessly, Raymond witnessed his clandestine exit from the CHRIST MISSION bus, strategically dropped two buildings away from their residence.

The clandestine nature of this maneuver hinted at Uncle Charles harboring secrets.

Deciding to investigate further, Raymond discreetly followed the bus.

After fifteen minutes, it halted again, revealing another passenger – a familiar face from My Boyle's accounting department, a Joromaisin worker.

Aged 42.

Prince Clement.

The suspicious looking employee entered his residence subsequent to his disembarkation from the vehicle.

Maintaining close proximity to the bus, he observed its progression into the Estate to Estates, discharging My Boyle (Joromaisin Indigene) staff members.

The clock had already struck nine when it altered course towards Joromaisin.

In close pursuit, Raymond found himself unable to locate the bus as they neared Joromaisin.

While attempting to reverse his vehicle, he discerned a person knocking on his car window—

They were smart enough to discover that someone had been following them.

It was actually someone he recognized: Uncle Alex, previously confirmed deceased in the fire a decade ago

Raymond hastily exited his vehicle, closely examining Uncle Alex and expressing disbelief, "Uncle Alex? You are alive?"

Tears welled in the man's eyes as he embraced Raymond. Leading him to the church building, a bewildered Raymond found himself surrounded by everyone presumed lost in the explosion—his entire family, Hilda, Marcus, Sophia's parents.

Overwhelmed and struggling to comprehend the surreal situation, he succumbed to unconsciousness.



Second Of February 2012.

"Marcus, those individuals will return. Did you not observe the hostility in their eyes when Evelyn retaliated? They pose a serious threat, and I am genuinely frightened," Hilda exclaimed, seated on the bed, her breath heavy.

"My Boyle brothers were notorious cultists at the University of Lagos. They've committed heinous acts – theft, murder – and have terrorized Christians in Joromaisin for five years. They annihilated Bernie's entire family," Marcus recounted bitterly.

Hilda gasped, "How can you state it so matter-of-factly? You can't be certain."

"Uncle Tam witnessed it all. Living in a thatched house in December 2009, they didn't realize anyone occupied the adjacent house. They attacked at night, massacring them," Marcus continued.

"Why would he keep silent with no intentions of exposing their evil deeds?" Hilda questioned.

"With no solid evidence? Rake proposed to Bernie in 2008, Valentine's Day. She rejected him, claiming he was too old. The next year, he falsely claimed her family's land, leading to a brutal assault. Uncle Tam, on his deathbed, instructed Von and me to keep quiet for the sake of our family's safety," Marcus explained.

Hilda screamed, collapsing to the floor, "Marcus, we're doomed."

"You mustn't lose faith, Hilda," Marcus replied sternly.

"I am a Christian, but I am also a mother. What about my children? We must relinquish the land; we have to," Hilda pleaded.

"Even if we do, it's too late. They now perceive us as a threat," Marcus stated.

"What should we do then?" Hilda questioned in desperation.

"Summon a meeting with the others," Marcus suggested.

They convened in the church, with Marcus addressing them, "We have a plan, but it demands considerable sacrifice."

"What kind of sacrifice?" someone asked nervously.

"Smith and Rake are like the sons of Jacob, Simon and Levi. Once provoked, they won't stop until they've destroyed each household. They'll come for all of us and our families," Marcus warned, eliciting fearful murmurs.

He retrieved an item from his pocket and circulated it among the group. Each member examined it in turn.

"Some may be unfamiliar with this; it's a tracking device, not widely known. Tyler provided it after we both returned from California; his father, was a government spy. He instructed me in its installation. Our initial step involves placing this GPS Tracker With Live Audio Monitoring in their car. Through my research, it appears the three brothers convene nightly in their white car. This device will allow us to eavesdrop on their conversations, discerning their plans".

Zion, Sophia's father, inquired, "How do you propose installing it in their car?"

"We'll entice them to my residence. Their driver, a Joromaisin native and devout Catholic, will be persuaded by Zion to permit our surveillance. Following that, Zion will discreetly install the device in the vehicle."

Alex expressed concern, "Convincing him won't be easy; he might expose us, leading to significant trouble."

"Smith hasn't paid him for two months, and he remains unaware of their malevolent activities. Since our intent is not harmful, he should comply."

They nodded in contemplation.

"I'll invite the three brothers to my home, presenting a business deal."

The fifteen trusted members of The Christ Mission convened again, exhibiting signs of distress.

"How could they contemplate burning us alive?" Elena fretted.

Marcus suggested, "We'll allow them to think they succeeded."

Discussion ensued.

"I've settled the hospital bill for their driver's sick mother, and he has joined our cause."

Zion voiced skepticism, "We can't trust him under any circumstances."

"To thwart these men, we require an insider, along with patience and sacrifice. The individuals assigned to douse the church in fuel will initiate their plan at 6 pm during our thanksgiving preparation. We'll feign panic during the fire, and when the commotion ensues, the fifteen of us will discreetly exit and extinguish the entrance. Making it appear we were trapped inside, we'll leave the main building to burn, pretending to escape with the others. Once they find their way out, we'll slip away through the back."

Hilda inquired impatiently, "What about our children? They will eventually trace us and discover our feigned death. Their lives could be endangered."

"In that case, we must make the sacrifice. Our children need not be aware of our survival for their safety. They should also remain oblivious to the involvement of the Boyle brothers. It will be a painful process, but we must observe them from a distance until justice is served and we reclaim our land. Only five of us will disclose our existence to our children post-incident. Specifically, those who directly confronted the Boyle brothers – myself and my wife, Sophia's parents, and Timothy's parents. The others will maintain anonymity, distancing themselves until the situation subsides."



In the church hall, members of CHRIST MISSION, including Richard, Raymond, Sophia, Uncle Charles, and their parents, gathered.

Marcus discreetly collected slush funds from Raymond, expressing dissatisfaction with Raymond's unexpected involvement in the long run and praising the group's resilience.

They marched out in their CHRIST MISSION attire, submitting evidence against the wrongdoers in town.

The three My Boyle brothers received a life imprisonment sentence.

Everyone stood watching them handcuffed and loaded into a Black Maria Truck with a sense of relief.

Sonia had committed suicide, and the three useless wives of the My BOYLE brothers sold out the organization and left permanently for Houston Texas.

Robinson, now a frequent visitor to his imprisoned brother, guided him to accept Jesus.

After CHRIST MISSION Sunday service, Robinson expressed gratitude to Raymond, emphasizing the positive impact on his life and acknowledging the success of Raymond's restaurant, Rob's Den.

They shared a heartfelt moment, affirming their enduring bond as best friends and family.

Sophia skillfully propelled the ball into the net, her jubilation evident as she leaped energetically. "I haven't played football in more than a decade, yet this twenty-five-year-old legs of mine remain remarkably flexible!" she exclaimed.

Raymond affectionately placed his arm around her, teasingly questioning, "Whose baby are you again?".

Amid laughter, she playfully responded, "I am Raymond's baby."

As they shared a moment of joy, Richard interjected with a hint of sarcasm, "How long will your affectionate display suffocate me?"

Raymond, undeterred, countered, "How long will you keep my friend Paula waiting? When will you propose to her?"

Richard retorted, "I will propose to Paula after you propose to Sophia," prompting chuckles from Sophia and diverting glances.

Raymond, seized by a romantic impulse, knelt down, unveiling a ring box.

Sophia's scream echoed, and as they looked up, their parents and the entire Christ Mission congregation stood witness.

The orchestrated proposal unfolded according to plan, with Richard joining the scene, proposing to Paula on bended knee.

In unison, the question hung in the air, "Will you marry me?"

The resounding affirmations marked the climax of the carefully orchestrated event.

As envisioned, the sky became the canvas for a celebratory display, spelling out the triumphant message, "LOVE WILL NEVER FAIL."


Two men switch lives to have a test of life. The life they have always dreamed to have. They are pushed towards their real desire. One swirls in a revenge mission...the other swirls in the true life. A life without pressure. A life that made him do everything he ever wanted...

Vicky_Philzcreators' thoughts