
Broly Reincarnated

Broly the legendary super saiyan is said to be the strongest saiyan born but was defeated and misguided because of being unable to control his anger and hatred for goku. What would his life look like if he had a different start in his story?

Ben_yang · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Three years later

Three years quickly goes by as I spar intensely with Shin. Wearing the traditional Kai clothing, with yellow pupils and a light green aura covering my body, I had been sparring with Shin continuously for a few days

. During these three years of training, I did not focus on turning super saiyan but mastering this form. The form that allows me to use the strength of the great ape form in my human form allows me a great application of strength without a massive drain of energy that the usual super saiyan causes on the body.

For the first half year that I spent training with Shin, I focused on fighting in my natural state and trained in fighting in a restrained manner. Until I felt like my strength was enough and I could fight at a high level, I started to tap into my inner strength and draw out the power of the great ape. However, this proved a little more difficult then I had imagined as I would still go into a semi-berserk state and had to go through a lot of imagery training and mental strengthening such as meditation and other high level mental training that Shin has taught me.

Through this, I had to learn how to relax my body while being able to fight on instinct. This was the hardest part of mastering as I spent almost my entire life fighting and learning how to fight.

Since the super saiyan transformation was mostly triggered my anger, I did not want to use this method and tried to find a method like the saiyans from universe 6 in dragon ball super by finding the tingling sensation in the back by focusing ki there. But at my level of strength I'm pretty sure I won't need it for some time now.

Shin " that's enough for now." Smiling he continued, "Looking through the universe, I also noticed one of your fellow saiyans have started to train under one of the lower Kai's. He is called Goku but his potential was far below yours so I did not interfere with them two. However, I am rethinking it and wanted to see if you wanted to meet him, although sparring maybe out of the equation as he has meager strength."

" Yeah, that's fine, I'll meet him sooner or later."

During this time, Shin has also been educating me on the workings of the kais and what they are looking for. Shin's current mission is to be on the lookout for any potential beings that may threaten the universe but he has told me that he is also keeping a close eye on Majin Buu who is sealed on earth. He has found no indication of him outbreaking at the moment though so it is an occasional look. I want to tell him about Babidi but I think that will only raise suspicions since I should have no clue about his being even though he has told me the history of Majin Buu and his fellow Kai's demise.

Besides training and mastering my wrathful form, I has asked Shin how to use Instant Transmission to travel between planets and towards the people I had in mind. Mastering this technique took only a brief moment to master because of all of the mental training I had gone through the past 3 years. He told me that he knew a higher level technique but that is only meant for the gods to learn and until he was given the permission to teach it, he won't be able to.

My strength is now on par with his in my wrathful form of being at a solid 2 billion battle power. It's almost at the strength of super saiyan three. My base form is also more than enough for the current Frieza.

During these three years, I have also met Kibito who was out running errands for Shin during this time. He wasn't much of a challenge as his power level was around 30 million. He isn't even stronger than Frieza as I had long surpassed him.

Shin " Seeing that you now have a firm grasp of your strength, what do you want to do?"

" Hmm for now I think I'm going to reunite with my friends on Namek and then I'll figure out what to do from there. However, I think I'm going to go around and look for a challenge and increase my strength."

Shin sighed as he continued, " You... I believe it is due to your bloodline that gives you the urge to always find a stronger opponent. I think that I may have to continue training myself so that I won't become an embarrassment at the fact that a mortal being has surpassed me in strength. Once you find that you have no equal, come to me, I'll show bring you to someone who is much stronger than you can ever imagine."

Smiling as I knew he was talking about, I gave a light bow, " Thank you again master for taking me in and taking the time to train me. I'll be going now."

I focused my energy on Nail which took a while and 'fssh' vanished before Shin and Kibito once I had locked onto Nail's energy.

Kibito " Are you really of thinking of taking him to meet him? Although Broly is strong and has a great amount of potential, I believe it is too early for him to meet that god."

Shin smiled as he nodded, " Indeed, and that is the very reason. That huge potential that he has yet to tap into can be beneficial in raising our universe's very own strength. I sense a great tribulation that this universe will face in, the stronger he is, the better. It is also almost impossible to surpass him with just training on his own."


'fssh' A second later, I teleported next to Nail, nearly scaring as he did not expect to see me.

Nail " Broly?! How did you appear? We didn't even use the dragon balls to bring you back."

" Yeah, I learned this during my training in the Supreme Kai's world. Pretty nice right?"

Nail " Yeah, you came just in time too. A being that conquerors planets have come to invade our planet looking for the Dragon balls. We have gathered intel from the enemy's forces and they belong to someone named Frieza."

Nodding my head, I understood that it was already around that time.

" How are you guys dealing with it?"

Nail " Luckily we have been training really hard for the past three years. Except for one individual, we have dealt with most of the remaining forces already. We had hidden the ones that cannot fight in a shelter and now I am gathering the remaining warriors to fight against Frieza."

" Hmm, I understand. Well then, let's wait until everyone is gathered together."

There is going to be a lot of changes. Frieza was the person who had pushed Goku so much and had him trigger the super saiyan form. If I deal with Frieza now, then Goku will probably take a lot longer to transform into a super saiyan and the z forces will be a lot weaker now. Piccolo would be weaker because I don't plan on letting Nail die. Nail is after all like a brother to me. Hmm maybe... yeah I'll do that.

I then took a look at Nail and smiled. Seems like he upgraded quite a bit. He may not be as strong as Frieza yet but he will be able to last against him for just a bit if Frieza isn't serious in his final form. If the Frieza forces are already here, then that means Gohan, Krillin, Bulma, and Vegeta are already here.

After I a few moments later, all the warriors and my father had arrived and was satisfied as I saw that no one had died. I also saw Dende whom I wanted to meet for my plan. They had also brought all of the dragon balls.

Dende came and hugged me, " Broly! You've come back. That's good, we're gonna need your help."

" Good, Dende I want to ask you a question."

Dende " Yes? What is it?"

" Did you have Grand Elder unlock your potential yet?"

Dende, " Yes. Shortly after you left, he had unlocked mine, Cargo's, and Nail's potential. That's why most of us are all stronger now. However, it took out a lot of power from Grand elder so he doesn't have as much time now. We were getting ready for the next elder to inherit his powers and memories but we got invaded. Also I can heal injuries now."

" Good. Since you guys have already brought the dragon balls, we can wait her for a bit longer."

Everyone gave a weird look. Nail " Wait here? Why is that?"

" Well besides Frieza and his forces, I sense that there are other warriors from other planets are also here to use the dragon balls."

Cargo " Yeah there seems to have been another saiyan who have come here looking for the dragon balls. However, he was not like you Broly. He tried to kill us, but a two people had jumped and helped us fight against him. They seem to know him and called him Vegeta and managed to beat him."

" Did you guys kill him?"

Cargo " No. Before we didn't had the chance, several other forces showed up, so we evacuated the others safely while fighting them off. Since we had a dragon ball, they didn't care about the others."

" I see. Good work, it must've been hard."

Cargo, " He was indeed strong, but he wasn't as strong as you. Thankfully the two of them helped me or else I would not have last long enough. "

While talking, from a far distance there were two people were seen speeding towards us.

Cargo " that's them. What should we do?"

" Relax, it'll be fine." I looked towards Dende, " I'm going to need you to use your ability in a bit."

A few seconds later, the two arrived before us.

Gohan " H-Hi I'm Gohan. This is Krillin. We would like to ask if we could use your dragon balls."

" What for?"

Gohan " Well on our planet we also had dragon balls. But the namek that was in charged of the dragon balls had died. We want to revive him and some of our friends that had also died."

Nail " So there's another namekian out there huh. How did he die?"

Krillin looked at Cargo and Dende, " It was the teammate of the person who had attacked them. We had managed to fight them off but at a great price."

Gohan " So, can we use your dragon balls?"

" Sure, but after we deal with this situation. After all, we are also being invaded and may need to use the dragon balls ourselves. But first I'm gonna help you out."

Gohan " Help us?"

Before he could continue to think about what I meant, I appeared before him and launched a strong punch towards his stomach, instantly causing him to spit blood and almost killing him.

Krillin " What are you doing?!!!"

Ignoring Krillin, I look towards Dende, " Heal him."

Confused, Dende quickly went up to Gohan and placed his hand on Gohan and healed him.

Waking up from his injuries, Gohan looked at me with fear and confusion. " What was that for?"

Smiling, " You are a saiyan right?"

Gohan in his battle stance, " Half- Saiyan."

" Then you know what happens once we recover from our near death state."

Gohan " Umm. We become several times stronger?"

" Correct. I think that you will need to level up several times stronger."

I did the same thing to Gohan 4 times. Reading his power level, it should be about 500 thousand.

" there, that should be good enough for now."

Krillin trembled as he said, " That's kind of barbaric. Is there a meaning to that?"

" Hmm. Just something that should be done. After all, I am helping him get stronger." I continued as I looked at Gohan, " How does it feel?"

Gohan sensing his power, " I feel a lot stronger than I was before." He also looked at me with fear. " How did you know that I was even a saiyan? "

"Hmm just a feeling I guess."

As Gohan was sensing his power, he also sensed mine. His look of fear became even greater. He only sensed a portion of my power and felt that he was no match. He felt that I was far stronger than even the one that he had caught a glimpse of which is the person responsible for invading this planet. He knew that even if his father was here, he wouldn't stand a chance against me.

Gohan " Does that mean that you are also a saiyan?"

" Yeah. Now that I have done this, I think I'm going to go deal with the person who started this invasion now. " I gave Dende and Nail a final look, " If you want to, you guys can let them use our dragon balls. I know that they mean no harm to us since they saved Cargo and the others."

I then flew off towards the strongest power level on this planet.