
Broly Reincarnated

Broly the legendary super saiyan is said to be the strongest saiyan born but was defeated and misguided because of being unable to control his anger and hatred for goku. What would his life look like if he had a different start in his story?

Ben_yang · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 Timeskip

20 years have passed since my birth in this world and landing on namek. Because of my reincarnation there are a lot of changes. The first major change is Paragus's no longer need to control my power. Namek is a rather peaceful planet as there is only one race and their planet was rather plain. On a planet with three suns, it is initially hard to keep up with the day time, but the namekians have established their own system. I was not the rage full kid that the original Broly was and was a rather regular intelligent kid.

Namek had basically 7 large tribes that each protect a dragon ball. There were around 100-200 people in each of the tribes. The housing looked like dome houses with a few rooms meant for a regular small family.

It wasn't until I was 10 years old did the old warriors of the namek open up to me and my father. Watching kid trunks childhood, I could finally understand where his rough and serious personality came from, because as soon as I was able to walk, paragus has started training me in combat. At the age of ten, I had already surpassed my father's strength and I began to ask the namekian warriors that kept a watch on us to train with.

Soon after another 10 years pass and now I am 20 years old, standing at the full height of 6'1 with a muscular build. After surpassing almost every warrior I began training and sparring with Nail almost everyday. I don't know how Goku and Vegeta can just train everyday because it can get very repetitive, however, also fun. Although I am now Broly, the saiyan genes of wanting to become stronger is still in my very core.

Besides combat training, I did a lot of meditation to calm my mind and to try and tap into my hidden power. As my saiyan strength stems from mainly anger I have not gone through the fast overpowering strength which causes paragus to hold back on conquering the planet and going after Vegeta.

During this time period, Nail has become one of my closest friend and is like a brother to me. He may be a bit cold but I think that comes from being the strongest Namekian and being the guardian for Grand Elder Guru. Furthermore, because of me continuously growing stronger, Nail's power has also improved.

Paragus would occasionally gauge our powers and I stand close to a 600,000 battle power while Nail stands around 500,000 far stronger than the past Nail. Nail should be able to hold up against Frieza's first form. However, I know that this isn't even close enough to Frieza's full power. However, there is still at least 3 more years to get stronger and I plan to get even more stronger. Not only has Nail gotten much stronger, several of the other warriors were inspired by our power up and trained harder too, making them stronger than the past. The average warrior is now around 50-100 thousand battle power, however, their potential isn't as strong as Nail's and would require much more training to catch up to us. Once the Frieza forces come, they will be able to handle themselves and the only real threat would be Frieza.

This is a good thing because now I won't have to lose them as I grew up with him and think highly of them. They don't really eat and all they do is train or do basic tasks. To be honest, if they have more resources than they could be able to do a lot more things given that their days are really long.

Without getting beaten to the point of almost death, it is impossible to experience a big level up like Vegeta and Goku who was continuously fighting on the brink of death against the frieza forces. If I remember correctly, they both at least went through 2 zenkai's during the frieza sage which gave them a big power boost to match against Frieza.

Nail " Up here to calm your mind, Broly?"

" Yeah. As you know, saiyans are inherently a savage and brutal group of race. Even when I spar with you, I could feel rage building up at a high rate. If it wasn't for my state of mind, I would've probably destroyed this planet by now and several more."

Nail " that's good. This planet is so far peaceful as a barren land. This place is good to train your peace of mind."

There are still a lot of things to do in three years of time. First potential unlocked by Guru and then usage of the dragon balls. I have asked Nail and Grand Elder Guru why can't they use the dragon balls for themselves. Grand Elder Guru gave a vague answer by saying that they are the guardian's of the dragon balls but if they were to abuse it's power, then they will suffer the wrath of the gods. There must always be some kind of balance to their use of power, hence their inability to populate among themselves and become too populated and strong.

In a way I guess this makes sense as they have the ability to regenerate their body parts and only spitting eggs to reproduce new offspring.

Dende and his younger brother Cargo who were with Nail asked, " Brother Broly, what's your plan now?"

" I'll probably ask Grand Elder Guru for help and if he allows me to, I would like to use the dragon balls."

Nail, " That should be fine. We trust that you will use the dragon balls for only good things."

Getting the confirmation from Nail, we head down to where Grand Elder Guru rested at and soon approached him several minutes after.

" Grand Elder Guru. I would like to ask if you can help unlock our potentials and if you can grant me permission to use the dragon balls."

Grand Elder Guru " Hmmm. What would you like to use the dragon balls for?"

" I only have one wish Grand Elder Guru. I wish for the dragon to take me to Supreme Kai's world."

Grand Elder Guru, " That should be manageable."

I originally wanted to go to King Kai's world to learn the kai-o-ken but I want to learn the wrathful form that the original Broly (db super) had and King Kai, judging by his power level being lower than Frieza's and even Vegeta, it isn't worth it. Furthermore, Spirit Bomb takes too much time to gather and relies heavily on the life forms on the planet and I don't think I have a pure heart like Goku.

Grand Elder Guru " Nail, gather the dragon balls."

Nail nodded as he flew off with a rapid speed towards the other tribes that held the dragon balls.

Grand Elder Guru, " I don't know how you know of the Kai's but I will not question you for your knowledge of it. I have seen you grew up alongside us for so long and have felt no ill intentions from you. Because of this I won't seek an answer. Come here Broly. You have a tremendous amount of potential hidden inside of you, I will only be able to unlock a small amount, the rest is up to you."

After I came close enough for him to place his hand on my head, a strange energy soon enveloped me and started to draw out some hidden strength. Seconds soon began to change to minutes then to hours and three days finally passed until Grand Elder Guru took off his hands and started to breathe heavily.

Grand Elder Guru, " This is the most of what I can do with my capabilities."

Feeling the strange energy stop, I quickly went out of his home and looked in awe of the power that was flowing out of me. I felt a simple feeling, unstoppable and also uncontrollable. The power was simply overflowing and I didn't really know how to contain it despite all my years of trying to control my power. I flew up high into the sky and simply let go.

Like all powerups I saw while watching this anime, an uncontrollable yell came forth as I let this power flow at an even greater speed. As I began to power up, the clouds starts to darken as a storm was beginning to form. Lighting and thunder started to resound. Cracks started to form on the ground far below me and the air started getting heavier. I was starting to lose myself in this power.

Nail " Broly!! Stop! You are destroying our planet! Stop powering up!"

Hearing Nail's voice, I quickly awaken from my drunkedness of power and tried to calm down and rein in the power that was overflowing.

It wasn't until several minutes until I was able to calm myself down completely and came down with my head down.

" I'm... I'm sorry Nail and everyone else. My power just began to overflow and I couldn't help it."

Nail gave a wry yet serious smile and put his hand on my shoulder, " It's alright Broly. I understand. This must've been the power that Grand Elder Guru has helped unlocked. Can't believe you had so much potential and it was only part of it."

Dende and Cargo was a little shaken by how I looked and managed to also calm down as they also comforted me and also congratulated me, after all, with the power shown, I will be able to protect them if any strong opponents were ever to invade.

I looked around and saw my father shivering in excitement as his butt was on the ground.

Paragus " I knew it. That power, you are the legendary Super Saiyan that was foretold of in the ancient legends. With that power, we can rule the entire universe. With that power, Frieza would look like a mere child before us. We can exact revenge on Vegeta for looking down and fearing your power."

Paragus had been scanning my power the entire time I was powering up and the scanner broke when it reached over 200 million. More importantly he noticed that it was still increasing if Nail hadn't broken me out of my state.

Hearing his words, I said, " Father. Frieza and Vegeta is simply a pebble that will be in my way, Frieza I will fight since he has destroyed our race but I don't plan on killing my own race. At least if they don't get in my way."

I looked towards Nail and the others, " I want to make my wish now."

After all, training with Nail will now become useless with my powers at the moment. I need a stronger trainer and I want to master my wrathful form and even become a super saiyan but I know I still need a little more time for that to happen.