

They had started again

Fighting with one another

Not physically but with the demons surrounding their minds

Unconsciously making their children join their invincible feud

I don't know what to do

We are in-between

They wouldn't give us any choices

As if they are trying to make us choose

I don't like it...

I have hated them even just before too

They were still like that

As if they are still youngsters having petty fights with each other

Money, money, money

Ever since, this was big deal

No one wants to have it insufficient

Every individual wants it

This was the reason and the root of it all

Have you ever not want it? I asked

Of course, it was for survival they reasoned out

But in the very first place, it was just an excuse

It was all they ever wanted

And no one can stop them from their delusion

That money is all that we should have

On both of our hands.