
Broken sea

Claire_Scott · Fantasy
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Broken sea chapter 1 prologue

Chapter 1 prologue.

A 5 year old Beth was looking for her kitten and she found her, at the mouse hole, waiting for the mouse to come out, she pick her kitten up. "There you are, Misty" said Beth, she took her ribbon out of her hair, and tied a little bell to it. Then she played with her,

"Beth, come here!!!" Shouted a stren voice. Then the voice gave a yelp. "Put your hair back up. You foolish child! Or I'll tell your father and stepmother. Said the woman.

Beth sighed sadly. She was a daughter of a commoner, her mother died with lungs problem. Her father, Lord Owen Chase came and brought her to her new home at the estate mansion. She loved her father, he was kind, gentle, funny and he read to her. But her stepmother in the other hand, was a wicked witch of the west. Her stepmother had grey hair which was pulled back in a tight bun, and she had tight thin lips, and cold eyes. And did her best to mistreat her, so she just tried to stay out of her way as much as she could.

Miss Molly Firth also has her brown hair pulled back in a tight bun, also had tight thin lips, and cold blue eyes and to be fair she looks like a toad.

Beth had blonde hair which she tied back again, and had big blue baby eyes and she wore a light blue dress.

"I'm coming, miss Firth." And followed her to the class of boredom, she would rather go to her dance lessons.

"Pirates!!! All men battle stations!!!" Shouted a voice. Harry Dixon went up from the Cabin, to see a black ship. "Boy, get to your battle station!!!" Shouted the commander. "Yes, sir!" Said Harry.

Harry has brown hair and big chocolate brown eyes and wore a white shirt and brown trousers.

Harry went to the cannons. He pass a cannonball to a gunner. "Thanks, laddie." Said the gunner. He smile proudly. He was an orphan, his parents died a few years ago.

"In coming!!!" Shouted the captain, John Walter. There was a huge bang and their ship rock. Harry tumbled but stayed on his feet.

There was a wood getting set down. "They're coming aboard!!!! Get ready to fight!" Shouted John Walter.

The gunner look to Harry. "Stay here, boy." He said. Harry nod and stayed down as Tom Smith join the fight.

The out of the corner of his eyes, a sword came down, he quickly dodged out of the way. "Stay still, ye miserable brat!" Growled a pirate. He run then Tom step in between them. "Leave the boy alone, you big bully" said Tom. Then he grab a sword from a dead pirate and start to fight him but the pirate disarmed him very easily. And stab him and slit his neck. "No, Mister Smith, don't leave me." He cried. "Don't worry…boy." He chokes and died. Then he felt a pain at the back of his head and everything went dark.

When he came to, the rest of the crew were on their knees, especially the captain. Then there was a sound like knocking, Harry look to see a man who was ugly, one eye had an eyepatch and the other had a scar across his eye, his clothes were red and black and he had a parrot on his shoulder. He notice he had a wooden leg and he also had a pipe in his mouth, he went to the captain.

The pirate knelt down and blow the smoke into the captain's face, he barely cough, just glare at the pirate. "Captain John Walter, right? Ye fought well, any fool can see that. Just tell me where lord chase stays and I'll let you go, you can simple go home to yer wife's and babies. Just surrender and tell me and I'll let ye go." Explained the pirate. John just glare and spit in the pirates face. "Send 'em to the locker, Kill 'em all apart from the boy." He said. Harry felt tears go down."Captain…" said Harry. "Be brave, boy." Then they slit the crew's throats. There was a pain at his head and everything went black again.

10 years later…