

B_Adasa · Urban
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3 Chs

Cutting Ties

Exactly the clock struck 3 the next day, I walked into my husband also to be ex-husband's office building as part of the girl at the front desk as she stared at me with her mouth open as she saw me walking towards her and pass by. It had been a while since I walked through the halls of this office but I was still familiar with the layout of the place. Her reaction thrilled me as I was satisfied with my new look. she just confirmed the difference for me. I couldn't help but smile at her. I said "I'm here to see my husband" and she just nodded started to walk away.

she looked like she had so much to say to me from the way she kept staring at me but I was in no mood to condone her at this point. I gave her a chilling look which seemed enough to make her shut up and just look at me as I made my way into the elevator and push the 21st floor where his office was my heart was beating so hard as the elevator move between floors the family of being of the elevator brought me back to the present and as I stepped out of the elevator I tried to come down my heels clicking against the courthouse of the floor as I walked head held high to his office I'm at Secretary of the entrance who told me that they were waiting

"Mrs. King black we are waiting for you in his office," she said all "hello Maria call me by miss Lynch please"

"I'm sorry to hear that she said I smiled at her sweetly and said she shouldn't be worried before I walked into the room the man I call my husband erased his head to look at the intruder and so did Marcus his lawyer my eyes met with Jacob for a moment I thought I saw pain and guilt flash in his eyes but then he broke are eye contacts be strong I said to myself be strong.

"well good afternoon Mrs. king black" the lawyer greeted me "hello Marcus Jacob honey how are you?"

"I'll be great after you sign the divorce papers," he said

"I'm sure you will baby." I couldn't help but sneer at him forgetting whatever affection I should have towards him. he has just shown me in a few hours that he wasn't worth everything I had given him. "Marco the documents please," I said sitting across from my ex-husband with my legs crossed and very aware that the dress I was wearing rules up as I did leave my bed legs well most of my legs exposed.

"Madam, this document states that after your divorce you can't ask any favor from Jacob came back and you'll be given 20 million dollars along with everything you own or he has ever given you. he is handing you the 20 million to sever all ties with you to avoid any interactions in the future"

"I'm sorry but I don't need anything he has ever bought for me and I certainly don't need 20 million Dollars from a man that hates me"

"Take the money Laura you need it so stop asking so modest and take it I'll say it again I don't need any of your money".

"Do you always have to be so stubborn take the money you and I both know you need it you can live on 20 million dollars for 10 years that's if you use it wisely" this is Kane it's a missile into Marcos don't forget by its I'm sorry Miss lunch but I would advise you to take the money what the hell can't you comprehend anything I'm saying give me the downfalls let me sign already and I don't want anything of his anywhere near me outside today if that's what you want us to give me the papers please markers I said to a pen out of my bags I took the documents and sign them after that I got up and walked to the door I put my hands on the handle of the door before I realized I still had on our wedding band so white and one box of the table to drop it

"Changed your mind already Miss Lynch?" Jacob ask

"Megan let me know I forgot to drop this," I said and drop the 28-carat diamond ring on his desk then walked away after saying goodbye Hannah Marcus until next time if we ever cross paths again that is what I said and worked out very to start a new life.