
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 6

Scarlett's POV

The next morning, I was fatigued and feeling sick. I reluctantly got out of bed. I freshened up and wore some baggy clothes. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun. I packed my bag and ate an orange. I took my phone with my earphones and walked out of my home.

I walked down the path while listening to music. I honestly was hurt about the fight that Javier and I had. I thought maybe he would understand me and hopefully become my best friend.

I finally believed that I would have a good thing this year. Whenever I have hope, something bad happens, and I feel hopeless. Every time.

I sat in my usual seat and stared outside the window. Soon, the students came and sat down in their seats and chatted with their friends till the teacher came and started to teach his subject.

Somebody sat down behind me and I didn't need to turn and see who it was. Javier is still angry, I could feel his stare. The rest of the class went on and on.

At the cafeteria, I was still waiting for my friends. I had my doubts about them because lately, they were avoiding me. Whenever I go to them, they always seem to have some excuses to leave.

I texted them if they were coming or not. They didn't even respond. I sighed and walked out of the cafeteria. Sitting down against the tree always calmed me. It provided me comfort and peace. The two things that I needed the most.

Throughout the lunch, neither did they text nor he came. Finally, it was time for the classes. In the middle of the class, I felt a little dizzy. I asked my teacher for permission and she let me go to the washroom. I quickly went to the bathroom stall. I heard some girls chatting and I couldn't help but eavesdrop on two familiar voices and one unfamiliar voice.

"She texted me if we were coming to have lunch with her. Yeah right, like we want to. I can't pretend to like her anymore. I mean, look at her...she is nothing compared to us."

"She texted me too and I intentionally didn't respond to her. Who does she think she is? She acts as if we were her best friends or something. Even our guys feel the same way. Everything about her is so disgusting...Ugh." She scoffed.

"So what do you say, girls? Shall we make some fun of her?"

I recognized them. They were my friends, my best friends. Kat and Hannah agreed with Sally Hansen. She was the most popular cheerleader in this school and the meanest bitch. Their words about me rang in my ears repeatedly. Do they think about me like that?

I felt wetness around my cheeks. That's when I realized, I was crying. I felt pain. No matter how much my life is messed up, they wanna make sure that my life gets messier. I couldn't believe Sam and Adam felt that way too. All I did was feel happy for them. And they hate me.

As soon as they left, I unlocked the stall and washed my face. I didn't even dare to look at the mirror in front of me. I walked up to my class and sat in my seat. The teacher continued to teach. I blankly stared at the wall. I tried to control my ragged breathing. I could feel it coming.  But I held it in. Not now, Scarlett.

I ran out of the class and quickly walked out of the school. I looked at my friends on my left. They were laughing so hard yet they never laughed that hard with me. Their eyes were bright as if I were there, it would just vanish.

I continued to walk and saw Javier hopping on the bike. He had a blank face on. I saw Sally walking towards him. He smirked a bit and pulled her close. She put her finger on his chest and drawing circles. It felt like someone just shot me. I couldn't look at them anymore. I turned towards the gate and walked out.

I reached home and I took some medicine to control my panicked breathing. I completed my homework quickly and started to work on the project.  I can do it on my own. At 5 PM, I went to the cafe to work.

After work, I returned home and cleaned my home. At 12:35 AM, I laid on the bed, not getting any sleep. After some time, my eyelids started to close and I finally let sleep consume me.

I was in my old room.  I heard laughter downstairs. Oh, the things I wish I could do to hear the laughter every day. I went downstairs. It felt like I was reliving my memories. I followed the laughter and saw my mom, dad, and my sister. I gasped and fell to my knees, putting my hand over my mouth. I cried out and went to hug my family "mom, I missed you. Dad, I missed you too. I love you both so much and I love you too Ella. "

My mom hugged me tightly and said" Oh baby, I missed you too and I love you so much. " my dad and Ella hugged me too. We sat at the dining table and I couldn't help but ask them " why did you leave me all alone in this cruel world? Do you know how much shit into through every day? Why didn't you take me with you, mom? "

"But baby, you have to accept what you deserve and that is why you don't deserve to have peace."

My blood ran cold and I looked at the surroundings which changed from creamed color walls to darkness.

"What do you mean by not deserving peace?"

My family looked at me as if I knew what they were going to tell.

My mom said coldly " you are capable of doing nothing. You are nothing compared to them. Look at your sister, she is younger than you yet she is better than you in many ways. Look at us, we worked hard and we were successful in life. Look at you, you are just a boring person. Nobody will be interested in you." I covered my ears yet I could hear each word properly.

"Please stop it, mom, it hurts. It hurts so bad. I can't take it anymore. I tried and tried but nobody likes me for me.  You promised me that you all will never be mean to me. All you do is promise things that you can't do. You always break 'em." I yelled, not being able to take it anymore. Tears have already made their way down my cheeks. My breath was caught in my throat.

" I won't stop and I will never stop. I never wanted you as my sister. You always embarrassed me and I hate you so much. Don't you get it? You are the black sheep of the family. You don't belong anywhere.  " this time, it was my sister, Ella who spoke out.

"You are the unwanted daughter I had. Your sister is so perfect. Why can't you be like her? You don't focus on your career like her? What is wrong with you? Are you that dumb that you don't realize that you are not good enough?"dad spoke with anger. I shook my head to get these voices out.

All of a sudden, I screamed with all my frustration" STOP. I NEED EVERYTHING TO STOP!!"

I closed and opened my eyes and saw that my family was no longer in front of me.

I heard sinister laughter behind me and immediately knew who it was. Cole and his friends.

"Awe, what do we have here? A fatty girl," he said.

I backed away a little and said in anger"get away from here ". He was angry now and grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him. He said " you sound so confident, why don't we teach you a lesson? You think you're beautiful and curvy. Well, you are wrong. You are ugly and you have curves too much. You are worthless. " I looked at him with my blurry eyes. His friends started to touch me. I tried to kick them off but to no avail, they just kept touching. One slapped me in my face. That's when they started to hit and kick me in the stomach.

I just want to get out of here.

I woke up, feeling drained and sweating. I looked at my clock, it showed 4:08 AM. I went to the bathroom, catching my breath. I looked at my reflection and thought to myself 'gross!'. I saw things lying on my cabinet. I threw them and tried to catch my breath. I took a couple of deep breaths.

At the school, it was hard to find Javier's locker but I found it and slipped a paper into his locker. It's his birthday today. I know we haven't been talking lately but I didn't want to be a bad person. I thought of giving him a present but I didn't have enough money so I wrote 'happy birthday' on the paper and folded it. Now it's time to watch his reaction. He finally appeared at the entrance and I immediately hid in a corner. He walked up to his locker and opened it. His expression went from blank to confusion and then to cold anger. He crumpled the paper and threw it in the nearest bin.

I smiled sadly. At least, now I know what I mean to everyone. Nothing. They were right. All of them. I went to the classes feeling numb and started at the wall. Nobody talked to me that day because they all know I'm just a freak. Who am I kidding? I was born unwanted. I let out a humorless chuckle thinking maybe if stopped breathing, they would all think that it happened for a good reason.


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Have a great day.🥰