
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

Javier's POV

I laid on my bed trying to get some sleep I sighed and got out of bed and decided that I will go to my peaceful place. I put on my jacket and went outside. I didn't ride on my bike because I just wanted to walk and feel the chilly wind around me. I went around the building. I just wanted to lay on the ground and stare at the sky I saw a figure kneeling on the ground It was her, Scarlett. I heard her cries and it was so painful to watch I wanted to go over there and comfort her but I know her. I know that she buried all the feelings inside.

She kept crying it felt bad that I couldn't go over to her. I could feel her pain and I know she wouldn't let it all out in someone else's presence. She was the person who would let her guard up whenever she is talking to anyone. I watched her so many times. She would mask all her emotions but I could see right through her because I was there know how it feels. I have never seen her real smile or heard her real laugh. She's always on alert and kind of paranoid I noticed when she was alone she let her mask fall for a second, and I noticed that it was all silent so, I looked for her and there she was laying on the ground and staring at the stars. I smiled. She looked so calm and peaceful. The moonlight falling on her made her more beautiful. I stayed there until she got up and left I hid when she went back and made it through the gate of the abandoned building. So, she's an adventurous type.

The next morning, I entered the class late and everybody was staring at me. Why can't they just mind their ness I felt an intense state at me and I knew it was her. I looked at her and she looks beautiful as always in her green sweater I took a seat behind her. Her hair was so smooth, I just want to touch and twirl it in my fingers.

Mr.Waltz started the class and talked about some shitty projects He paired the students. I can't believe he paired me with a student. I can work on it alone I noticed Scarlett's partner walking up to the teacher and discussing something. He walked in my direction and said that Mia and Noah are partners and Scarlett is my partner.

My heart skipped a beat when she sat beside me. I breathed her scent which aroused me It's probably Vanilla mixed with roses. I didn't dare to look at her She sat there fiddling with her fingers. She was becoming impatient so, she talked first " "Hey ...shall we discuss our project ?"

I was surprised at first but then said "yeah sure ." He kept looking ahead. She got a little annoyed and said " Hey if you don't wanna help me with the project ....just say it. I can do it by myself ." I was caught off guard and finally looked at her. She took my breathy and I was quite amused, seeing her impatience I said " We have two months to complete the project and we are familiar with the topic We can meet at the public library today after school " She agreed with me and said, go o d idea and we don't have much time to complete It is very important to get good grades, half of our final grades depend on our project ." She looked calm but I can see her anxiety in her eyes.

I chuckled and said " Relax we will complete this before the due. " She finally relaxed

The bell rang and we packed and went outside. I turned to her and said " see you later " she nodded and said the same to me I took off but looked one last time at her she was just adorable. I wasted no time to go to the cafeteria and sat in my usual seat with my lunch. No one dared to come to me After a couple of. minutes she came looking for her friends. She couldn't find them so, she took her phone out and texted someone For a moment, she looked so lonely. I wanted to go and sit with her but I'm a coward. It would be weird if I just went up to her I ate my lunch while watching her. She stood up from her seat and walked out of the cafeteria. Where is she going now I followed her just to make sure that she's safe. ?

I saw her sitting down and leaning on the tree. She was listening to music. It looked like she just wanted to escape from here. I walked up to her and pulled out one of her earphones. She looked at me with wide eyes. I kept my blank face and sat down I put on one of her earphones and leaned against the tree closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. She stared at me for a w more seconds and then did the same. I can't explain what I'm feeling exactly I feel like I can talk to her about anything. Scarlett, a,r, you doing to me?

I couldn't focus on the rest of the classes and when it was finally the time to get out of school I rushed out of the classroom and waited near my bike for her. It was hard to look for her as the students were rushing out of the school. I finally spotted her and called out to her but she couldn't hear me She started to walk outside I started my bike and sped off to get to her. When I saw her walking on the footpath. I called out to her " Scarlett!" She heard me and turned towards me I said, " come on ....let's go " She seemed confused at first but then understood She hesitantly asked, " Are you sure ?" I nodded confidently She hopped on and put her arms around my torso.

I closed my eyes for a brief second, enjoying the tingles. I was tensed at first but then I forced myself to relax. I took an extra helmet and turned to put it over her head I smirked and said " wouldn't want to ruin that beautiful face of yours would we " She blushed and I smiled a little looking at her flushed cheeks I put my helmet on and sped off. She seems to enjoy the ride. I looked at her in the rearview mirror saw her eyes twinkling with excitement although she was trying to hide it.

I stopped in front of the public library and hopped off the back. We sat at the back and took out our necessary books. She sighed tiredly and looked at me saying " let's get started !" I agreed and started to highlight important information She did the same. Well, this is going to take a long time


Hope y'all like it I hope you all will support me through this It gives me the motivation to write more!

Tpwk and have a great day.

Love y'all 🤗

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