
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

Scarlett's POV

" But you promised me, why did you do it ?" I felt every breath getting shorter and shorter until I woke up and took some deep breaths. It was just a nightmare and I was used to it because I have been getting those horrible nightmares since that incident happened. I looked at my alarm clock on my bedside table flashing the time - 5:03 A.M. I still had half an hour to get ready for school. I tried to get some sleep because I slept only for four hours. I realized that I wouldn't be getting any sleep and so I got out of bed to freshen up.

I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I got out of the bathroom and went to my closet to take out my black jeans and a grey hoodie. I looked at my reflection while brushing my hair. My eyes were lifeless and I had dark circles. My body wasn't skinny, so I always tried not to show much skin. I took some concealer to hide those dark circles. Soon, I was good to go, I took my bag and my phone. I ate an apple and went out. I locked the door and took out my earphones and put on a song.

I usually listen to the songs that I feel most connected to. The weather wasn't great, it was cloudy. I hummed the song and walked faster to get to school early.

Turns out that I wasn't early because I took so much time to shower. I walked into the building that I had been going to for two years. I am not much of a popular student. Not many people know me here other than my three friends.

I went to my locker and took some necessary things. As I shut my locker, I am greeted by my three best friends.

"Hey, good morning Lettie," Hannah said, followed by Kaitlyn and Sam.

"Good morning guys " I greeted them, earning a grunt from Sam. He didn't look good. He was pale and holding his head.

"Why did I get drunk last night ?" Sam groaned. " Because you are stupid," Kaitlyn said smacking him and earning a painful grunt from him.

" Haha very funny and please don't talk so loud. It isn't helping my headache. " Sam said.

As soon as the bell rang, we all groaned and started to move to our respective classes. I said good luck to my friends and entered my class. Well, they needed good luck because we are in HELL !!

As I entered the class, I felt self-conscious and looked down while walking up to my seat. People stared at me because I dress weird. After the teacher started to teach English, they all stopped staring. I sighed and looked outside the window. By now, it started raining and it looked gloomy. It reminded me of how my life drastically changed. I was a happy person but some incidents happened that changed my whole perspective towards life. No, I shouldn't think about that

I was so distracted that I don't notice the teacher asking questions about the concept. She looked at the back and told someone to answer her question. I looked behind and took a look at him.

He was Javier Hernandez. Everybody knew about him and his past. I tried to talk to him once but he just ignored me and never looked at me once. He looked at her and answered the question in a deep voice

Damn, his voice sends chills down my spine He was wearing a white tee-shirt and a black leather jacket which made him more intimidating. Does he have to be charming to attract people around him or is it just me? Who cares!

He quietly answered and got back to his drawing Sometimes, I wonder what was the drawing? Soon the bell rang and all the students went out of the class I put my books in my bag and then I felt that someone was staring at me intently. I turned around to find him staring at me His eyes held me captive. I just wanted to look in his hazel eyes forever but I looked away and ran out of the class. I didn't realize that I was holding my breath until I was out of class. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. What was that I thought to myself.

Sam, Kaitlyn, and mI different classes throughout the day So, I went to my Biology class I miss those guys already. Hannah is a ly and cheerful person who can just lit up the room with her smile. She s shorter than me as she is 5'5 and I'm 5'6. Sam was kind of a flirt He flirts with every girl and goes to every party He is taller than us, well he is 6'2. He has a crush on Kaitlyn She is a lovely person to hang out with. She loves everyone and vice versa. Six months ago, she told me that she has a crush on Sam and I am so happy for them But I didn't tell Sam about this because she was still unsure about this.

Soon, it was time for lunch. Finally, was so hungry. I went to t my friends. All this time I felt weird but I couldn't figure out why

When I joined them, Kaitlyn and Sam were bickering about who is the hottest in vampire diaries. I rolled my eyes and thought to myself 'typical'

Hannah said " I can't wait to get out of this hellhole. I just want to hang out with you guys ." Oh yeah,  about that..." Umm... You see I can't hang out with you guys tonight I have an extra shift to work. " I said trying to look like a cute little kid.

Kat and Sam were no longer arguing and looking at me. Kat said " no no no ... Don't u dare try to look cute with your  puppy eyes "

" Oh come on Lettie ... It will be fun it won't hurt if u just left the shift and hang out with us," Sam begged

" Please come and hang out with us ...you are always busy At least, you can enjoy tonight ." Hannah looked at me, hoping that I will agree to have fun with them.

Soon, they all started to convince me at once. They were talking but I couldn't understand. " No no no ...I can't come, I can't just leave my work. You know my situation ." I declared.

They all nodded and looked at me sadly because I can't hang out with them

" Fine but we will miss you " kat pouted.  Awe she is so adorable I catch Sam staring at her adorably. He realizes that I caught him staring and he blushes.

" I'm sorry guys but I will make it up to you " I promised. The bell rang signaling that we have classes. We hugged each other and went to our separate classes. I grumbled when I went to history class. I sat in my seat and the teacher started to teach about how Hitler caused d War ll and how it impacted the people. I wish I could just time travel and murder Hitler, then there would be no wars

After the classes were done, it was finally Someone bumped into me while I was on my way to meet my friends. My heart skipped a beat when I realized that it was Javier who bumped into me.

" Sorry," Javier said and walked past me. I felt the tingles all over. What was wrong with me

After I said bye to my friends I started to walk to my home which usually takes fifteen minutes. Soon, I reached home and went up to my bedroom. I completed my homework while listening to music. However I kept thinking about him, I think I'm going crazy Yup, I was at my workplace and started taking orders from the customers. I started to feel exhausted at the end of my shift Then, I heard the ringing of the bell signaling that my last customer came. I turned around and put on a polite and turned und to greet the customer. My eyes widen when I saw who it was.


I snapped out of my thoughts and politely asked " good evening sir what do you want to order? "

His eyes slightly widen maybe he recognized me. He said, " I would like to order a Frappuccino ." I took the order and went to give him Frappuccino. He sat in the back of the cafe. All along, I could feel his gaze on me. He was watching my every move.

I gave his Frappuccino and he took it and thanked me. He paid for the Frappuccino and went out of the cafe. I thought to myself ' he is so mysterious.'

I cleaned and put on the tag 'closed' on the front. I locked the doors and went back home.

As I went back home, it was 10 already and ate some dinner. I usually clean and take care of my home at night as I don't have time to do it in the morning. So that's what I did. I put on my PJs and an oversized tee-shirt. I looked at the time. It showed 1 AM. I sighed out of exhaustion. I tried to sleep but all I could think about was him.

What's so different about him? That being my last thought, I fell asleep only hoping that maybe this time I won't get any nightmares but boy was I wrong.


I hope you all liked it ... Do support me guys and you can all suggest anything to me.

Love y'all

Tpwk and have a great day !!!!