
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

Scarlett's POV

I woke up feeling refreshed and so much better. As I opened my eyes, he was sleeping peacefully with his mouth wide slightly open. He looks like an angel. I sighed and thought what a sight I woke up to.

I carefully placed his arm which was draped very waist, on his side. I went to the bathroom and did my whole business. I walk out of the bathroom only to find him sleeping like a baby. I got dressed and brushed my hair. Walking up to him, I adjusted his comforter. A sudden desire came over to kiss his forehead. My lips touched his forehead. He smiled, he is so cute. I went to my kitchen to make some breakfast. Luckily, today is my weekend so I don't have to go to school or the cafe. I am free all day. Yay, I'm so going to enjoy it.

I try not to make loud noises as I prepare the pancake batter. He looked so tired, he woke up in the middle of the night to remove the wet cloth on my forehead. The wet cloth was dried and kept on the kitchen counter. The toaster binged, I took out the bread from the toaster and put it on the plate. Coffee is my booster. I make some coffee and pour it into two cups. It gets me so refreshing and my mind doesn't seem so foggy after drinking a cup of coffee.

It was almost 10 AM, as I waited for him to wake up. After cooking, I cleaned up my home real quick. Soon, I got tired of doing all the house chores. The door opened and a sleepy boy yawned.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty " I teased him. He said good morning but failed to notice that I called him sleeping beauty.

"How do you feel now? Are you feeling tired? Do you want me to get some medicines? Have you eaten anything? Why are you standing? And most importantly why are you awake? You should be sleeping right now. ". His sleepy eyes were now full of concern.

"Geez, one question at a time. And to answer your question, I am fine. I don't feel tired. I cooked breakfast for us. I'm hungry, come on, let's eat." He sighed and walked up to me and put his hand on my forehead to check my body temperature. Alright, what is the problem with me? When he is close to. me, my heart beats like crazy. After checking my temperature, we sat and ate our breakfast.

I sighed to get his attention. Yes, he is still here. Even after begging him to get out of my home, he decided to stay here. I sighed dramatically again, this time he looked at me, his legs dangling on the edge of the couch. We were laying on the couch, staring at the most boring movie I have ever watched. I watch d this movie like a hundred times. To be honest, I don't judge but his taste is weird. We were tossing a coin to see who wins to watch their favorite movie. Out of all movies, he chose to watch Moana.

I whined like a kid " come on Javier, I wanna do something fun ."

"Fine, let's go outside ." He stretched and got up. I cheered and got up, following him like a lost puppy.

I jumped like a kid who just got a big Christmas gift.

It was all perfect. The orange shade of the sun shone on my hair, making it radiant, and my now hazel eyes were full of excitement as I looked at the rearview mirror. My arms which held onto Javier were now raising on both of my sides. I could feel the wind rush. 'I am living at the moment. So, this is what it feels like to have no burden on the shoulders.'

We reached our destination. Everyone was wearing leather jackets and gloves with a helmet. That's when I noticed that Javier was wearing the same. There were bikes everywhere and a big ground in front of us.

"Don't tell me you are going to race against these bulky racers." A guy who was passing by us gave me a look.

Javier held my hands in his and looked in my eyes."don't freak out, and yes I am going race against the other racers. But I always won. "

"Just be careful and don't be overconfident about yourself, and if you feel that you're losing, don't risk anything. I don't care if you lose or win, you being alive is enough for me."

He smiled and said ok. He leaned forward and put his lips on my forehead.

He went somewhere to enter his name in the race. I am so close to panicking. What if he got hurt? What if he faints in the middle of the race? There were a lot of what-ifs but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud voice informing everyone about the race. One by one, the racers came to the start.

And there he was, looking like a Greek God, he put his helmet on and the race began.

I put my hands on my mouth, praying that he will be ok. Everyone was behind him except the one who is ahead of him. Javier tries to go ahead but somehow the other racer beats him. As they take one last turn, the other racer loses his balance and falls from the bike. The bike goes straight to the wall.

Javier reaches the finish line with everyone behind him. I cheered loudly and yelled, more like chanted his name. Even, everyone was cheering for him. Wow, he is popular here.

He ran towards where I sat. I jumped from the seat and leaped on him, my legs strapped on either side of his body. I could hear his laugh even there were loud cheers around me.

At that moment, I felt happy for myself and not others. I felt something for myself after years. I let go and looked at him, smiling like crazy. I can't believe he won. I congratulated him and we started our way back home.

I plopped on my bed as we entered my bedroom. He sat beside me, his chin resting on his hand looking at me. 

I tilted my head to get a better view of him and said " what? Is there something only face? "

He shook his head and all of a sudden, started to cling to me. He pressed himself against me. Okay, what does this guy eat? steel? I swear he acts like a baby around me and when he's around people, he acts as a boss.

His head was nestled between my shoulder and neck. His hands were on my back and my waist. He then began to tickle me on my waist. I sealed and giggled. My squeals turned to giggles then laughter and then my screaming to tell him to stop. My happy tears rolled down my cheeks. He finally pulled away from me. He was smiling cheekily, his eyes shone like stars in the night sky.

Our stomachs growled, reminding us that it was time to have dinner. He offered to help and I accepted. He cut the vegetables and I did the cooking. I could tell he was not good at cutting. The way his hands were trembling and his frown settled on his face as he tried to cut.

I didn't say anything, he has to learn by himself. After a while, he cut vegetables with ease. We ate dinner silently.

We laid on the couch, both of us not saying anything. It was rather a comforting silence than an awkward silence. He got up and kissed my cheek saying "I gotta go, it's late. If you don't feel well, call me. Sleep well, darling. ". He wrote his number on a paper and put it on the coffee table. But I don't want him to leave. I stopped him by pulling his wrist towards me. " Stay, you can leave tomorrow. Please, don't leave."

I felt my heart sink when he was about to go. I don't want to ruin my day, especially after all I felt happy after years. I have never been selfish. I have never asked anything of anyone. But, I just wanted him to stay.

He took some blankets and a pillow to sleep on the floor. He tucked me in the bed and covered my body with my blanket. He looked so good right now.

He was wearing my dad's sweat pants and a blue shirt. When I gave him the clothes to change, he never asked about whose clothes were these. I wonder why.

He said good night and switched off the light. The only light present was the moonlight illuminating everything in my room.

It was midnight but I couldn't sleep. For some reason, I can't sleep and I don't wanna sleep. It took me a lot of courage to get up from my bed and made my way towards Javier. He was sleeping peacefully and I don't want to wake him up. I let my heart rule and poked his arm with my index finger.

I whispered " psst.....Javier, are you asleep? Psst...Javier.....wake up." I was about to give up but I heard his grumbling. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What? Are you feeling not ok?" He sleepily asked. His husky voice just melts me right away.

"I can't sleep."

"Ok, go to bed, I'm coming up there."

I silently climbed up my bed. He took his pillow and climbed on my bed.

He pulled me closer to him until I was pressed against his chest. His fingers stroked my hair and pat my back as if he was making a child go to sleep. Nonetheless, it worked. My eyes started to close as I listen to his heart beating in a rhythm.


All they ever did was be selfless to others. When they met, they wanted to be selfish, they wanted to be with each other and that's how they found their happiness.


Thank you for reading. Vote and comment about what you think about it. Hope y'all like it. Treat people with kindness. Love y'all.🥰