
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Hidden map

"Any final words"I asked already pissed.

"I pray you rot in he-"I cut off his sentence by hitting a blow to his neck and with that he died with blood gushing out of his ears. Eww.

I went upstairs,straight to his study and for good 3hours I checked the place,more like ransacked.I had to think. I sat upon one of the chairs there and suddenly it occurred to me.The Potrait of him hanging on the wall. I got up and removed the portrait and then I saw it. A safe hidden behind the portrait and sure enough I couldn't start trying different numbers to unlock the safe. I didn't know the code and so I just strapped a time bomb to the safe.

1,2,3 seconds and boom, safe open. Ahh..the smell of victory. I quickly took the map from the safe and went downstairs. I felt sorry for the poor man. Couldn't have killed him, I thought to myself but, what is done is done. No regrets I was raised to be this way. People have to die someday.