
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Dinner Time

I snapped back into consciousness and I was still upside down, I felt the blood rushing to my head and I felt woozy. I looked down and I saw my friends, fvcking piranhas. God what time is it? How long have I been gone? I need to get out of here in one piece,cause some people are quite hungry. I can't be dinner.

I started yelling and struggling, which only brought me closer to my friends dinner time.

After some few minutes, I saw a figure walking towards me. How can we all breath? underwater? I'm so confused.

"Who sent you?" I heard him ask. Wow he was a sight, note the sarcasm. He was like the hulk? Just that he wasn't green. He had a seriously scarred face,he was missing an eye and he lost like some of his front teeth. He had a very hairy neck, which lady would want that.So many things disgust me.

" I won't ask again?" He said threateningly. Is this how I would die.

"I'm your boss's baby mama" I said smoothly. He seemed throwed back with my answer. Interesting

" I wanted to see him, concerning our son's welfare" i continued smoothly. He looked at me squinting his one eyes intently, trying to figure out something,but my face wouldn't give it away. I should have taken a course in theater arts. He moved towards a lever and he pulled it. That's it am dead. Am actually going to be dinner.

" Wait, he asked me to come see him concerning,the map" I blurt. Cause if i don't   I would be dinner to piranhas.

He hesitated before pushing the lever back and I stopped moving towards the piranhas filled water.

" Why would I belief you?" He asked, saying 'belief' due to his lack of incisors.

" If you don't believe me, you can go ask him yourself,but I suggest you release me,cause if I die before you get back here, you'll join me soon afterwards" Everyone  knows Mr Patel isn't exactly a patient person,due to his body count which is very very high.

" Fine" he said doing some stuff,and the hungry piranhas were gone? There's some serious shit going on here. Firstly he had demons under his control,he was breathing underwater,and he gave some people something that controls sea creatures? How? This is bad.

He let me down slowly and I was then on the ground. I felt my body trying to get it's wits together. Then I heard his footsteps fading away. He's so gullible,even with he's big size. I guess size isn't IQ. I tread slowly out of that room and I find myself in a bigger room with different weapons, I slowly walked out of there,not knowing where I was going. I walked along a path for a while and I heard voices coming from a small room. Wait isn't this supposed to be a cottage or hut? I wondered. It looked like a hut outside,but inside tells a different story,it's like he used magic to make the outside less presentable,so that people would be less interested in going in. But he was dumb,cause how many people knew that there was a hut underwater huhn? Unless he wasn't alone in this, yes he wasn't. I saw jerk face and the other guy,the electricity guy and I couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. But it wasn't clear. I although heard snippets like 'prisoner, he won't be happy, how come, brotherhood and dad?' it doesn't even make sense,but the last two did. Either jerk face or electricity were sons of Mr Patel or there were in some kind of brotherhood. All of a sudden I heard footsteps and the I entered quickly into a different room to avoid being caught. And I hid. Someone entered and said

' how could you be so stupid?'

' sorry sir' another voice said, ermm hulk?

' find her and bring her to me, I'm sure she's still around the premises, secure my room, I need to talk to my son' ohh, so this was Mr Patel, looking at him, I saw a brief resemblance of Electricity to him.

What's in his room? I thought how do I find it. Surely something important must be there. When they left,I got up just to see hulk still standing there, I hope he doesn't see me. He stood there for a while and his started moving to a very large fireplace and as he got there he touched a brick which looked like it had something engraved on it and the place opened,he went in and after a few minutes he came out, looking left to right and then he left the room. I went to the door and after locking it and I went to the fireplace doing the exact same thing and it opened,to reveal a very opulent room, wow, money speaks a lot. I started my work, ransacking every corner,nook, cranny and wherever else. Even the potraits and still nothing,my pure luck. While wallowing in my misery, I I started looking round the room admiring it's beauty. The man's got taste if I may say. Then my eyes caught something in the curtain rods. It looked like a pipe but it was engraved with gold,like a decoration. I wanted to ignore but my brain refused to. I grudgingly climbed a footstool and reached out to it and when I carried it down and looked at it, I realized how foolish i was. I was finding an old battered scroll, whereas the scroll was actually looking good in gold and it wasn't looking old at all. I've found it,my happiness was short-lived, instead it was replaced by fear.

'Drop it' the voice said, I turned around to come face to face with Mr Patel. He was quite handsome even though he looked elderly,he can surely be my baby daddy I thought smiling.

'Drop the scroll and the smile' he said

' Why should I? I just saw my baby daddy' I said. He looked puzzled, hulk didn't pass my message, stubborn stump he is.

Before regaining he's composure, I struck ,he was fast dodging the blows and hitting me back, before I knew we where crashing into another room which looked like a mini kitchen? How? I taught and just then a blow hit my face. How dare he? With my anger simmering I pushed all my efforts into fighting him,then we were throwing things at each other and then I fell and before I stood up he stabbed me with a blade on my stomach,I felt my blood draining, surrounding me, I won't give up, I stood up and facing him, I lunged at him and with the other sharp end of the blade sticking out of me, I hugged him and it went straight through him and with my other hand I picked up a butter knife and I stabbed him on the neck and I watched as his eyes widened,and he started turning pale. I let him fall to the ground and I pulled the knife out of me and I use a lighter there to burn the stab wound, groaning in pain, I stood up, picked up my scroll and started moving, I saw jerk face and Electricity running trying to get to me and I threw a match at a curtain and watched it burn claiming the door with heavy smoke,hmm interesting fire burns underwater,what's it's called in English again? How do I get out of here? I thought. I needed to get out of here, as I was moving,more like struggling to, I felt someone grip my leg I turned about to hit the person when I saw it was electricity, at his touch I felt it like current and jolts through me,he was wheezing for air, I felt for him and I dragged him outside the hut,I didn't see jerk face and I don't care. After we got outside, i did a memory spell for him so he won't remember my face, something I learnt at the Creed and I asked him how do I get out

' just the same way you got here' he said falling unconscious. And I did and when I woke up, I was near the creek and checking myself anxiously I saw the scroll and I saw that I was healed. Thank heavens. I got up and I walked finding my way to the apartment me and Les share. I saw her sleeping soundly and I got into the bed beside her. Now thinking on it,I don't know why we share a bed, cause there's another room.

' Vee,you're back I thought,you got lost in the woods,I tried calling you,it didn't go through, where did you go?'

' I just went into town, sorry my phone is in the bathroom, I forgot am sorry' I replied

My phone was actually in the bathroom, I'm sure it's dead by now.

' You owe me big time and why are you wet?' she asked

' it's the dew,just go to sleep we'll talk about it tomorrow ohk?'

' ohk' she said falling back asleep. Well I hope electricity is ohhk, I really don't care about jerk face, and those people were my sleeping thoughts.