
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Charm Fest 11

Unknown POV:

"The bitch doesn't even know what's gonna hit her. Its been so long,I've been here but I know my way. I move round the house and at last I got there. The basement, I went into it and I remembered" there's always a hiding place for my specials"she had said. So what am I waiting for, I got a shovel lying against the wall and I started digging the floor of the basement and I got there, the large box which I always hid in when I got into trouble with people or gangs. I tried unlocking the padlock holding it but it won't budge, damn it! She changed its lock. Sh*t.

I pulled out my phone and dialled a number, it rings then the person picks

"She changed the lock" I blurted  in annoyance

"I was quite sure she would do that, she's not a fool"the voice said

" So?what now?"I asked

"You frame up her friend and then we watch how the story unfolds,simple as that" it said

"So I just wasted my time here,digging and sweating for no use at all huh?"

"Calm down, just cover it up and be a good girl, do what you have to do but think fast cause there's no much time to waste" the voice said and cut off. So much for doing a good job.I started covering up the mess but it needs time and I've got it. I smile, its just the beginning.

....Yvonne POV:

"Wakey wakey sleepy head we are here" Les said waking me up from my sleep. We were at where the registration for the fest begins and I'm starting to feel disgusted already. Stepping out from the car I take in my surroundings, it looked remote with large trees all around, the air was fresh, its like a forest with little birds chirping here and there and then a cabin that was built, that is were we will get registered.

"Vee let's go, am sure your loving it already" Les said and smiled at me. What would I do without your smile now I thought of a song that had those words in it but can't remember who's the artiste. A guard picked up our bags from the boot and he walked towards the cabin with us following behind, when we got there, we went into the cabin and I saw a queue inside, wow we are officially late I thought. The guard dropped our bags and Les tipped him and he left. We joined the queue and it moved so slow that I thought of sleeping and when I wake we still wouldn't be close to the registrar. After like forever, we got closer to the registrar, like six people remaining in front of us before we get there.

"I need to use the bathroom, I can't hold this any longer" Les whispered to me. Ugh why now.

"OK, but be fast okay?" she nodded at me before leaving. Ugh why now, I thought again. Five more people to go. Just then a guy dressed in a navy blue suit entered and guess what, he went in front of me. I'm peaceful but nobody steps on me and goes free, so I tapped him and said

"Excuse me,but you aren't supposed to be here, you're supposed to join the queue from behind" I said, but the guy ignored me


" I heard you the first time lady but sorry, I don't have time to waste go look for attention elsewhere "he replied in a rich baritone voice. Uh no, is that an insult who does he f**king think he is. I felt my anger spark,I usually don't lose my cool at things like this,but this is different, what makes him think I'm looking for attention,that pierced my pride.

" Hey in where I come from people speaking politely to you doesn't mean they need attention from jerks like you, so move out of the way" I said. He then turned to me and I saw deep brown eyes with golden flecks in it just like Rose's own, now that I see him well he looks a lot like Rose but she never told me she had a brother, so that means it might be a look alike,she never lies to me, I thought to myself when my train of thoughts were interrupted by this jerk

"Did you just call me a jerk, huh who do you think you are?" He asked, should have been intimidated because the guy was solid muscle but muscles are waste of skin don't you think. I stood up to my full height and I said

"You must not know who someone is before you respect them or is that what you were taught in school huh?" I said

"Look I don't have ti-" he said before I cut him off

"No one has time for this sh*t either, so you better respect yourself and do what is right" I know am making a scene cause people were murmuring and some had their cameras on looking for a gossip line. Stupid, I hate making scenes but this guy attitude was getting on my nerves.

"So just because one of your boyfriends gave you some cheap registration money for the Fest you think,you can run your mouth like a tap right " he said let me warn you he said pointing a finger at me and that was all to make me loose my sense,I didn't realise what I did till I found him holding his cheek and looking shocked, yeah I slapped him,he needed it and with that I pushed him away it was hard but I got my training from the best.

"Vee, what's happening here" Les who just came from the bathroom asked looking from me to the guy whose face was getting red with rage

"I'll explain later,some people just need a quick bruise to get their heads straight I said glaring at him.

" I'll make sure you-"

"That's enough, Damien let's go, we can come back here later when the queue is shorter" another guy I hadn't noticed said. He was dressed expensively similar to the so-called Damien. But I couldn't see him well enough, I just noticed his eyes were a deep green,like a forest and his hair was kinda brown but whatever at least he has some sense.The fool called Damien gave me a long cold hard stare and went to his friend and together they left.

"So will you tell me what the hell happened here?"

"I'll tell you later, am tired now let's do this quick and get going" Two more people to go. Wow am quite a Queen Cobra, I thought smiling to myself that's what mum always said whenever I got into a fight or quarrel, I miss her but I'm not supposed to she left me when I needed her the most and am not sure I could forgive that.

"Ma'am, what's your name please?" the registrar asked, oh I'm finally there I told her and blah blah and very soon it was Les turn and very soon we were through. Phew at least I could get some sleep now but I needed to ask something,so I asked the registrar

"How long does this fest last?

" It lasts for 3weeks"at that answer my eyes went wide what?

"Thanks" I replied.

When we got into the car I said

"Why couldn't you tell me this sh*t was for 3weeks?"

"Calm down Vee, its gonna be fun trust me, just wait and see and by the way I will be going back into town to get something I forgot. So am leaving tomorrow morning and I'll be back before evening okay" she said. Ugh this girl like getting on my nerves but I don't have the strength to complain. So she drove us home. I didn't even check where we were sleeping, I just went straight to a room upstairs and I laid down on the comfy mattress

"Lie well Vee" I just adjusted my already sleeping self, and I heard Les grumbling but whatever, am too tired, just hope I wouldn't meet another fool tomorrow. I sigh and then sleep.