
Chapter Three

'I must be imagining things' Tan darted at the love of his life, the only woman he had ever loved and will ever love. Gabrielle Lot.

God knows he tried to get rid of any memory of her in his life, he used anything possible; his time, his work and other women but he couldn't she wasn't easy to get rid off.

Gabrielle was his ex girlfriend. The woman he pushed away without thinking of a way to save the relationship. He often thought of the damage he had caused but that was like crying over spilled milk.

He abandoned her within a backward glance. He hated himself for what he did to her. He hated he had to see those beautiful eyes of hers again. She hasn't changed except for the rage and boiling hatred she was looking at him with which was replaced by the look of love. She still maintained her tall gorgeous frame Her curves Which he could trace with his fingers. She was still the Gabrielle, everly Beautiful with her cheek bones and her elegantly sloped nose. He clenched his fists in a manner only him knew what was going on.

He watched as her lips parted on the sight of him, those lips which her had hovered and plummeted over many times.

He hated the effect she still had on him, the instant their eyes clashed.

What the hell was Gabrielle doing in New York. Not belittling her, he knew this restaurant was for the big leagues in New York. What was his business though, he had no right to to her life. He left her like a discarded thrash.

As if they'd never curled their sweat dampened bodies around each other, lost in their little bubble where the outside world couldn't pierce through.

He did what had to be done, even though he hated himself. He'd earned a degree in the field of breaking hearts.

He could blame his family for their breakup all he wants but it didn't change the fact he hurt her badly.

After what he did to Gabrielle courtesy of his parent he never intended to see her. But there she was, standing two feet apart from him.

He remembered the promises he made to her, he swore to protect her when the world wasn't in her Favour and he failed to do that. He didn't deserve to see her again, not now not ever.

If he knew he would see Gabrielle at this restaurant then he would have stayed put in his office. He could only blame one person for this mishap, his secretary.

"Hi" Gabrielle greeted, her gaze fixed on Leo Tan's friend who had come to eat in the restaurant with him, they had a lunch date. Out of habit, Leo stood up from his seat, with Tan following suit.

That soft low voice grazed over her skin. Even before they began dating, his voices reminded her of tangled sheets, throats chafed from pleasure soaked screams.

"It's been a long time Leo, I haven't seen your face in like forever...you look good though" Tan hated the fact that she spoke to Leo first.

Just when Tan believed she was going to ignore his existence, she peered at him and deeped her chin.

"Hello Tan. It's good to see you again" if anything he could tell she was lying.

"You both come here often? Gabby asked as they lowered back into their chairs, saving Tan from replying to her fake smile. Leo glances back and forth between Gabby and Tan, all he could see was a flood of mixed emotions on their faces. A mixture of love and hatred.

"Yes" Tan responded relaxing his nerves.

"I came to do business in this part of the city and we decided to meet up for lunch"

"Right, LEE has a business branch here" she said while nodding her head.

Why did she say that? she didn't want their conversation to go any further.

"What a small world Gabby" Leo stated. I never thought I would see Gabrielle Lot again"

"Neither did I ever think of seeing Leo or Tan again" she said letting a small smile escape from her mouth.

"I should get going" Gabby spoke warmly and made a turn to leave. "You don't have to leave because of us, we were just about to leave. It was nice seeing you Gabby".

The two friends stood up to leave, Gabby watch them walk to the entrance of the door, just when she thought she wouldn't see his face again, Tan looked back.

Tan had to fight the urge to touch her again, but he lost that opportunity a long time ago and he would be lying to himself if he didn't want that opportunity again.

"Are you still thinking about Gabby?

"Yes, she hasn't changed at all, she still looked like Gabby, the only difference was that she wasn't his Gabby anymore”

"I don't agree with you, I think she changed, she looked sought of rich and accomplished" Leo argued. Even though Tan didn't admit to that, he knew Leo was telling the truth. She looked better off without him.

"I 'd suggest you forget you ever saw her, to avoid hitting destruction mode"

Leo knew the mess his friend became when they broke up. Although he didn't know the reason they broke up, he knew he didn't want to see his friend get hurt again.

"Thank you, but I'll be fine" Tan replied assuringly.

"You should have seen your face when you saw her, you looked so pale, like you have been drained of all your blood" Leo chuckled. Trying to bring his friend back to reality, he wanted to think about Gabby and the good memories they shared.

He could still detect her scent even if they weren't close enough.

He thought about Gabby and how he wanted to give the answers to all the questions she asked or find out if she still made a low gasp if he fisted the thick strands of her silk textured hair and tugged, if her eyes would darken with desire.

Man, the things they'd done to each other in their college dorm, unbidden lust burning through him, hot memories of their skin sliding against each other.

"Tan, what are you thinking about" Leo brought him back to reality.

"I'm just going to say this, then leave you alone" Leo murmured.

"From a friend to another, whatever is eating you up deal with it before it swallows you-

"As for what we discussed earlier, GALA would be great to push forward the design of LEE Fashion line, I've already sent a mail to the company and an appointment had been scheduled for tomorrow"

"You should make sure not to keep them waiting" Leo continued.

Tan went along with the subject change, nodding and replying when Appropriate but his mind was still on Gabrielle.

His mind drifted to the day he broke things off. When he broke her heart. Thinking about it, if it had to do with anything to protect Gabby, he would do it over and over again without hesitation.