
Broken Hearted - Sora's Struggle

This KH Fanfic is just meant purely for fun. For context, this takes place after KH3 and ReMind.

AstralShinobi · Video Games
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Chapter 1 - Same Light, Different Universes

It'd been quite some time since Sora disappeared. The boy renowned as a Hero was lost after saving the life of his close friend, Kairi. Sora's friends desperately searched for ways to bring him back, but Sora's case was nothing like anything they'd ever dealt with. But thanks to Sora's Acquaintance from the Final World, along with the help of Kairi, Riku and The Fairy Godmother, Sora's friends now had hope that they could hang onto. Quadratum. A world on the other side of existence, a world not of light, dark or in-between.

Meanwhile, Sora had faced a challenging adversary here in Quadratum, a young man who calls himself "Yozora". As Sora emerged victorious, Yozora disappeared and Sora was left to wander the streets of the city.




"For a large city, there's an incredible lack of people" Sora said to himself quietly. It was true. There were plenty of cars around, but no traffic. The city's luminous signs were on, so someone must be in the city, but Sora couldn't see a single soul. In fact, Sora could hear anything besides a slight breeze and his own footsteps, which made this experience all the more unsettling to Sora.

Suddenly, a white figure formed before Sora. It was a white silhouette with long spiky hair, wearing a cape over a coat and baggy pants. Sora's reflexes kicked in as he summoned the Kingdom Key and got into his battle stance. "Who are you!? What do you want!?" Sora asked aggressively. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before an echoed voice responded. "I'm not here fight you, Sora. Put away the Keyblade and let's talk" The voice calmly responded. The Keyblade dematerialised as Sora began to calm down, though he was still plenty cautious. "Who are you?" Sora asked. Once again, nothing but silence for a few seconds. "You'll know soon enough, Sora. For now, I ask that you'll join me in a special place." The voice said in a calm tone. Sora had heard this tone before, he spoke very much like how Young Xehanort spoke. Calm. Collected. With power. "And where is that?" Sora wondered.

Without warning, Sora's vision was engulfed in a bright light as he felt the ground around him crumble away, leaving him falling for what felt like days, but realistically only happened for less than a minute. When Sora landed, his vision began clearing. Around him was the vacuum of space. A large black pool of stars. He stood on a large metal platform, roughly the size of an arena which was surrounding by a blue bubble, which was allowing them to breathe.

"W-What is this!? This can't be- Space!?" Sora shouted in disbelief. Sora had ventured through the cosmos many times to travel from world to world, but never like this. Any other time he was in the Gummi Ship with Donald and Goofy. "Correct, Sora. This is space. The cosmos where worlds lie separated from one another." A voice rang out. Sora looked behind him immediately after hearing the voice, and there he was, the figure from the city. Sora could now get a closer look at him in detail.

The man had long, brown, spiky hair and a good complexion. He had blue as, just as blue as Sora's in fact. The man wore a red and black coat covered by a white and gold, furry cape. He also wore black, baggy pants and black boots. The man was quite tall and walked with a sense of pride. "You. You're the one who spoke to me in the city-" Sora was quickly interrupted. "Yes, I am the one who spoke to you in Quadratum. And believe me, it wasn't an easy task, Sora. Getting to the other side of reality without a clue as to how to get there." The man stated. Sora was confused. Quadratum? The other side of reality? "Other side of reality? What do you-" Sora was once again quickly interrupted. "Yes. A world not of light, darkness, or in-between, a world that exists outside of the realms you know Sora." *The man crossed his arms and looked into the stars* "This place is the meeting point of every universe out there. They call it the Meeting Place. Those with God-like power are said to be able to find this place if they search for more power." The gears in Sora's head were churning quicker and quicker but he didn't understand what the man was talking about. "AAH! What're you talking about!? Different Universes? Realities? Meeting point? None of this makes sense!" Sora yelled in frustration.

Silence hung in the air once more before the man chuckled. "That response is just like you Sora. All you need to know is that more than one Universe exists besides your own. All with different destinies and people. However... your Universe existed parallel to my own. Meaning our Universes are closely related." The man reach his hand out and clenched his fist. "Very similar, yet oh so different. That's why I know who you are, Sora, yet you do not know me" The man replied. "Grr... Then tell me! Who are you!?" Sora asked in frustration. Sora felt in the dark, like nothing made sense anymore.

"Very well then. My name? My name... is Sora." The man stated clearly. For a moment, Sora had a look of disbelief on his face. "So... we have the same name? Weird coincidence." Sora chucked. Yet the man did not laugh or even smile. "No Sora, I am you from another Universe." He spoke. Sora took a few steps back as he eyed the man up and down. "I... I don't believe you" Sora declaired. After all, who'd believe that they were speaking to themselves from another Universe. "If you're me, then why are you older, why are you so much more dignified?" Sora asked in suspicion. The man sighed and put his hand to his chin. "Yes, I suppose just sharing similar physical features such as face shape and eye colour isn't enough to believe I'm you, is it?" The man put his hand out and summoned a familiar Keyblade. The Kingdom Key. A look of shock spread upon Sora's face as his own Keyblade formed in this man's hands. "Sora... I am the you that experienced nothing but pain and suffering. My life has been nothing but horror. In your Universe, your friends still live, and they search endlessly for you. Mine is the opposite. My friends. Riku... Kairi... they were torn from me by that cowardly geezer, Xehanort" The man was growing visibly more upset. "I've spent years learning how to bring them back. Once they come back to me. My world will become truly perfect. This is my tale Sora, listen well!"

Darkness engulfed Sora as he lost consciousness...




