
First meeting 1

It was already 9am when i wake up oh! god i forgot to get up early, i have to meet someone at the airport today, his is not only someone but a friend of mine, a friend that constantly showing his affection towards me...

Thanks god im not late to arrive at the airport, we both agreed that i will wait for him at one of the cafe in the airport, so i sit down and order a cup of tea, when i heard someone calls my name, i turn to look for that someone, I saw the face of a man that I only see at the screen of my phone, yes it is him vector, vector amoroso right? he nodded at me with his handsome smiley face, that strucks my eyes oh! god he is so handsome perhaps he is because his a foreigner in our country, vector is business man from mexico city, his tall with gray eyes and chestnut hair, his body is greatly build like superman, oh no i felt butterfly flying so wildly in my stomach... vector, nice meeting you, you are much more handsome and gorgeous in person, hope you will like it here in our country, as i speak out of my fantasy back in my mind...

Kathrine my dearest its my pleasure to meet you in person, your so beautiful as it was, oh! yes of course i love to spend my vacation here with you, as he take my hand and kiss it, he look at me affectionately, i just let him do it and i smile welcome to the Philippines vector, as we are heading to the hotel that i booked for him, he can't take out of his eyes staring at me with the smile on his face, that make me uncomfortable, what's up vector? as he answered me, kathrine how i wish that i can have you in my arms right now... it seems that i stop from breathing when i heard what he says, vector and i only meet at social media, we are friends for almost two years, despite of his confession of feelings towards me, I made it clear to him that i don't want to commit and have a serious relationship, i only want friendship that i can talk to and can understand at my worst, and vector did it for two years of long distance communication we have had a lot of exchange conversation, perhaps vector is much more experience person than me since he was five years older than me...

I chuckled and trying my be self to be calm as I say vector did we talk about this already? to his persistent to come and visit me in person, we both agree that our relationship is purely friendship thats the only thing i can give to him, although he open confess his feelings towards me, but then i can only give friendship... As he look at me and say kathrine why is your heart is so hard on me? his sad and broken heart expression make my heart ache, to be serious im not that hard i need to do what is right for us...