
Broken & Fragmented

Imagine waking up in a town where you know nothing and no one. Will you make friends or try to keep to yourself? And what if this beautiful town has a dark side? Follow the MC to find out all the secrets behind this strange town. Maybe with your help, he will survive.

SleepySloth00 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Mr. Mayor?

Before going to see the mayor, the ladies gave me a quick tour of the town. When I face the Mayor's office, on my right side will always be food establishments. Left will be stores grocery or otherwise, and south of me is all the houses beside the mayors. After the tour, we returned to the bridge in front of the mayor's house. "Hey, I never got your names."

"Oh! you are so right! I'm Margaret and this is my wife Josephine." Josephine smiled and held her hand out to shake, "And you are...?"

I paused for a second now realizing that I knew nothing about myself. Who I am, where I came from, or even my name. "l-l-l-l don't know" I said in shock.

"Don't worry about it." they said cheerfully "Mr. Mayor will help you remember just like everyone else."

Margaret looked at Josephine, "We need to get to work soon so you can cross the bridge without us. Just treat Mr. Mayor with respect and he will treat you kindly." They both smiled at me urging me on. I crossed the bridge and as soon as I stepped foot on the other side, everything went black.


I woke up with my arms and legs tied to a wooden chair. What is happening here, I wonder quietly out loud. I heard someone from behind working on some sort of contraption. I don't know since my back was towards them.

I look around to try and get my bearings. To my right is a big and thick looking metal door. To my left is a bunch of items I don't know what they are, but I don't like them. And in front of me is a giant mirror wall. I cringe looking at it. I look like I haven't slept for days. Either way, I try to look behind me but the guy must've heard me and moved to block my view of stuff. He quickly diverted my attention to him as he introduced himself as Mr. Mayor.

"Mr. Mayor, with all due respect, why am I tied up here? I don't remember doing anything to spite anyone." I ask kinda calmly.

"I hope you liked your tour," he said ignoring my question. "Our town strongly believes in the power of hospitality, especially for men like yourself."

Whatever the mayor is working on is covered with a cloth so I can't see it. "Um, Mr. Mayor, what is it that you are making?" I ask quite nervously.

"Don't worry my friend it's not like I can hurt you," he said smugly.

sorry if this one is late guys, I am trying to do once a week but it is quite difficult since I am currently juggling being sick and end of the trimester school work.

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