

I try to swallow the words that were getting caught in my throat as I stare at the flame.

"What's wrong, nothing to say? Well if that's the case I guess we can get started." The flame instantly goes out leaving me in total darkness once again.

I hear the flick of the lighter again but out of my sight I see the glow of the light grow brighter slightly. I follow the light as it hovers over my stomach, but I notice its not the lighter, it's a candle.

"C-cat....." it's all my brain could think of to say as my brain goes blank with both fear and lust.

"Now do you understand my darling, I want your...." I feel something clip onto my right nipple."

"Ahhh!!! Fuck!!!"


I didn't know what to say, so I just chose to speak.

"Well you fucking having it!!!!!" I scream at her. "YOU KNOW I DIDNT EXPECT THIS, REALLY I DIDNT. You actually surprised me today. All day at school you didn't really talk to me, I know nothing about you... nothing but your name and who your dad is, and now I'm here... in the dark tied to your bed with my belt..... And you're right I do need this, but I'm not going to break as easy as most people. But I want to know why you are here. You said you planned this. What was it.Did you here about me or something, why my stomach looks like it does..." I feel a tear roll down my cheek, my voice faltering slightly, "What are you going to play me like the rest of them? That your stick. Fun of my life, then rip it away. Fine. I Don't Fucking care. I don't. One night free from my living hell. I will take it as a fucking miracle keeping me alive. So I will accept that..... And that offer still stands, because I know no one will ever accept it truly. I understand you'll get tired and leave. Just...." I open both of my legs as I scream my next words. "PLEASE MISTRESS LET ME CUM SO I CAN GO HOME AND BE ALONE FOR FUCKING EVER PLEASE IM FUCKING BEGING YOU!!!!!!" I'm crying at this point. "Please get it over with....please. Cause i won't let that shit happen again. I fucking won't."

There's complete silence as the flame sits, floating just above me. Out of the darkness, her voice finally breaks through the dark, but from across the room.

"To answer your question. Yes I heard about you. A lot of people did, but the girl at the front desk said she knew you, told me to watch out cause of what happened, but lets not talk about that. Why I'm here is more important...." Her voice begins to move closer to me, lust slowly taking it over as she moves."I am here to give you my everything, and I want to see you at your most vulnerable." She was in the middle of the room when I hear a flick of the lighter. "I want to know every little thing about you..... and I am starting with what you truly lust for and for who you are." Another flick. "So yes my darling, I do take your request seriously." Another flick. "and as for finishing this quickly...." she finally places three more candles into my view all lit with tiny flames. I watch as they come to rest just above me. "I decline that offer my darling because you see I have better plans." The lights float just above my body. I feel the lust start of come back to me as I remember my situation. "I won't let anyone ruin this moment, not even you. So as your reward, I will let you...." Her voice jumps to my ear, just below a whisper, "warm up."

"Just touch me. Please!"

"No, no, no my darling you got it all wrong, I won't be touching you." Her voice just above me. "My candles will." I see one of the candles move to the side, for a second I had no idea what happened but as I feel the molten liquid hit my stomach, I soon realized just how my situation had progressed.

"Ahhaa!! God, Fuck!"

" Don't worry, I will touch you, just later. I want you to be ready first, on the very edge, only able to be pushed over by my hand.

"C-come on th-then." I wanted it, needed whatever she had planned, all I cared about was what I could feel in my one night of grace.

"Gladly my darling." I feel something snap onto my other nipple. I couldn't help but arch my back as the mixture of pain and pleasure runs through my chest, letting out another elongated scream


"Language my darling...." I feel more wax hit my skin. It burned but only for a second as it drips down my side. I feel it begin to harden. "I know it is hard, but try using....." More wax is poured onto my stomach. I grit my teeth trying to hold back my words. "Proper language."

I would be lying if I said what she was doing wasn't amazing, and as i let my lust finally take over my brain, I give in to my lonely desires.

"P-please mistress Catriona, more... Please do more.... I-I can't take it anymore." My words break as my voice quivers in my throat as I beg her for more.

"Are you finally giving in my darling, are you finally going to show me who you really are?"

I open my mouth ready to answer but again my voice screams through the darkness as I feel wax make a trail from my waist to my bottom ribs.

"Y-Yes, I'm giving in." I was out of breath, my words coming out sounding breathless.

"Yes what my darling." I feel the wax begin to be poured in between my breast, but instead of a few drops it was a constant stream. As I let my voice echo through the darkness, I give her the answer she desires.


"Good to hear you're finally going to play along. Now answer me this my darling, how many candles are there above you?"

I look up, counting out the little lights floating above.

"F-four.... m-mistress."

"Only four, but you would be wrong my darling. I want you to count the candles for me as I light them, understood?"

I lay there, fear taking over my eyes as I stare up, seeing one of the candles move to light more candles that hung above me, finally being brought from the darkness. I count out the candles as they are lit.

"Five... Six.....Seven...eight.....nine..... Ten....." I wait for another to light, but the moving candle stops, floating over me along side the other nine.

"Ten lights my darling, all sitting in trays filling with wax hung above you. Now I'm going to ask you a few questions, and every time I feel that you are lying to me....." I see a candle tip slightly as I feel a few drops of hot wax splash onto my skin, gasping as the warmth seeps into my skin. "You understand now don't you?"

I had no choice but to listen to her as she asked her first question.

"How many people do you consider as your friends at school."

I purposefully give a sarcastic answer.

"Oh everyone at school is my freindahhh!!" I feel the wax hit my skin. "Fine, six people."

"Really, only six?" Her voice had a hint of teasing joy in it as I see a different light tilt slightly.

"Y-yes mistress."

The candle straightens back as her next question is spoken.

"What is your favorite color?"

"Purple and black..... mistress."

"How often do you add to your... stomach."

I hesitate with this answer because I didn't keep track of when I did it, just how many new ones were there when I wake up that following day. "Its at random. When my days become to much... I add another cut."

"When was the last time you did?" I feel her hand brush one of the newer scars just under my right rib.

"Two days ago..... before that, a week." I answer with fear in my voice, because I knew this was all a game. I was just a toy for her and these questions were how she was going to control me.

"Who jumped you after I left?"

My eyes widen, "I can't tell you thatahhhhhh...."

The wax falls onto my right breast, falling directly onto my pinched nipple. I feel electricity run down to my core as the wax cools on my skin.

"Answer my question." Her voice was strict and dominating but even as more wax falls and I scream in lustful pain I wouldn't answer. It wasn't until the wax stopped and I felt her hand on my cheek did I answer.

"Please answer my question."

"Cat please..... if you confront her she will think you're with me and turn her gang on you to... just drop it."

"Mia." Her voice is low but her hand never leaves my face. I grit my teeth as I take a deep breath.

"Her name's Jasmine Coy. She's the ring leader if the school. If you don't fall in line with her rules, you end up like me. Cat pl..." I feel her finger press against my lips to silence me.

"Thank you. Now one last question before I get serious with you." Her hand slips away, back into the darkness as lust takes a hold of her voice. "How many times are you willing to cum for your mistress?"

I shiver at the thought, but again I don't know what to say.

"A-as m-many times as y-you can m-make me mistress."

"Your legs are spread apart, yes or no my darling."

"Y-yes." I spread them even more not knowing what I was going to receive.

"I'm going to tie them down, is that ok?"

Again all I am left with is a simple, "Yes."

"Good, now be a good girl and hold still" I feel one of her finger slide its way from my chest, flicking both of the clips she has on both of my nipples, electing a breathy moan from my lips and down my stomach. It hooked its way into the G string I still managed to have on.

"Close you legs so I can get these off." I follow the simple request, and as i feel my sex be freed from my last piece of clothing I shiver at the thought of what was to come as I feel it slide past my feet.

"Spread you legs." I feel both of her hands on my ankles, but she doesn't move her arms to try and pry my legs open, she waits. Only when I spread my legs do her hands follow. I feel her pushing my legs slightly, as I start to strain to widen my legs.

"T-that's as far a-as they'll go."

"Keep them here understood."

"Y-yes mistress."

I hold my legs spread open as I feel rope wrap around my left ankle, squeezing as she ties the knot. I feel my ankle jerk as I assume she ties the other end to the bed. I soon feel the same happen to my other ankle.

"Can you close your legs my darling?"

I try to close my legs to answer her question finding that I could barely close them.

"No mistress, I-I can't."


I see a bright flash out of the darkness, my mind immediately goes to her taking a picture, but I stay frozen, silenced by my mind being flooded by fear.

"What's wrong....." I see another flash from the foot if the bed. "Don't like pictures?"

I feel my breath hitch in my throat as I begin to freak out, my body violently shacking.

"C-Cat I swear to god you better not....." Another flash. "You b-better not show anyone....." Another flash. "Anyone because I swear I...." Flash. "I....." Flash. "I...." My voice begins to break as the thought of someone seeing me like this begins to fill my mind. "I s-swear I will n-nev-ver forgive you." I feel tears running down my face as I pull at my restraints. "I.... I...." Another flash from the dark breaks the dam holding my tears back. I stop trying to speak as I lose my voice to the darkness. The only sound being my sobs as I try to pull my limbs towards my chest, but I knew it was pointless, I knew what my situation was, what I walked into. I feel the foot of the bed drop as I feel Cat crawl onto the bed, her body sliding over mine as she moves her face to sit in front of mine, feeling her breath on my face.

"Get off me.... let me go y.....you evil bitch let.... me go....." I try to act tough, keep what little dignity I had left, but my act was hard to take seriously as I cried.

"Do you feel that, that loneliness. That is why i am her my darling Mia....." She places her left hand on my cheek, she wipes away the tears the continue to fall from my eye. "I'm here so you never feel this again, the feeling of someone betraying you, I'm here to take it all away. I told you I wanted to see who you were, and this is it, a sad girl who has been given nothing but bad, now I'm here to give you every ounce of good you deserve, because I know what happened to you, and I know what's still happening to you....." I see the same flash, getting a glimpse of her face, but then I notice it is slightly less dark in the room. The lights begin to brighten as she talks. "Everything leading up to this moment I planned because I wanted this day to be the best in your life....." The lights brighten even more, through the tears I can slowly start to see the girl on top of me.

"The announcement booth was a bonus to today, but this....." I begin to see her blue eyes, her long brown hair and her pale white skin. "This.... this was all planned. Every bit of today..... I planned for you, because I know who you truly are. Mia I want to be your light at the end of your dark dark tunnel." The light flashes on, allowing me to finally see the girl laying on top of me. "Please let me in, you said it was fine even if we were friends, but I'm willing to work for your heart."

My vision finally focus' past the remaining

tears I have flowing out of my eyes as I speak. "Why... out of all of the people in the world..... why me....why?"

"Because I know you need someone in your life to help you keep living."

"Please..... just finish this..... no more games.... please... y-you already have picture of me... w-what more do you want?"

She raises her right hand to my face, but Instead of a camera, I saw a remote.

"Mia, I would never do anything like that, I'm not here to play you. I'm sorry... I didn't think it would hurt you so badly..... I'm sorry."