

*Mia's point of view*

I walk outside, seeing a few students sitting on the benches eating their food and gossiping amongst themselves. I walk over to the soda machine, pulling out the few bucks I had in my bag just for this occasion. As I'm just about to make my first purchase, I hear the voice of the one person I hated the most out of every person that went to this school.

"Hello little Mia, thirsty or somethin'!!"

My head is slammed into the soda machine, the force making me fall to the ground.

"AHH, YOU BITCH!!!" I scream as my head is held against the machine. I feel a small stream of blood drip down my nose. "Lets finish what I started yesterday shall we!" Jasmine Coy yelled from behind me.

I push myself off of the machine as hard as I can, ramming my head into her nose. "FINE BITCH YOU WANNA GO IM GAME!!!" I twist myself around and throw myself into Jasmine, both of us hitting the hard concrete. I waste no time in righting myself on top of her, throwing as many punches as I could before I was drug off of her and pinned against the wall.

"You're going to regret that slut!" Jasmine says as she gets up, spitting blood from a clearly busted lip.

"Fight me one in one then Coy, be a man instead of having your goons jump in when I start kicking your ass!"

"Naw I like it my way!" She throws a punch into my stomach, I can feel the skin rip under my shirt. "What's wrong, SOMETHING RIP!!" She yells as another punch hits my ribs. I grit my teeth in pain, not allowing Jasmine the gift of hearing me scream. "Come on slut, let me hear you scream!!" Jasmine forces her foot into my stomach, I feel the blood flow from every ripped open wound.

"Fine you wanna see me fight..... Fine..... LETS GO!!!" I ram my head into the girl holding my right arm, grabbing her shirt and throwing her to the ground. The girl to my left knees me in the stomach, I hunch over in pain but grab her leg, sweeping the other out from under her, throwing her down, her head making a loud crack as she lands. I look up at Jasmine fear painting her face, but just as I'm about to pounce on her and beat her to a pulp I'm forced to the wall, unable to move. My anger only swelling as I realize what's happening. I can only scream as I'm pinned to the wall. "YOU WANNA TRY AND JUMP ME ON THE SECOND DAY, COME ON THEN BITCH!!!! LET ME FUCKING GO!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I push against the wall, almost freeing myself from my captures. My mind goes blanks as I try again to free myself, but before I am able to throw myself at the girl I feel lips press against my own in a brief moment.

"Football field, now!!"

It was all I heard, my mind shut down, only focusing and doing what I was just told. I shrug my friends off of me, grab my bag off the ground and walk away, people staring at me as I walk past them.

*cats point of view*

"Ok please fill me in on why that happened!"

"Ok look, that was Jasmine Coy, basically bully for life for dear Mia, father is head of school district and principal so no matter how bad it gets the bitch never get pegged." Barbara says as calmly as possible as we try to keep pace with the raging Mia.

"So she basically starts fights she can't win and we have to intervene before she seriously injures the bitch." Adam says, jogging to keep up to the rest of us.

"Why do you think I'm so buff!" Antonio says, flexing his arms. Barbara uppercuts him throwing him to the ground.

"Not the time go get our shit!!"

"Ok Cat look, I'm gonna be real with you, you are probably the only one that can calm her down, so look, you have to talk to her. When was the last time she took her meds?"

I think back on yesterdays freak out.

"I don't know, she had a freak out yesterday, so I'm guessing a few days maybe?!?" I look forward at Mia as she ascends the stairs to the announcement box, we stop a few feet from it. Watching her ascend the bleachers taking the stairs three at a time. As she gets to the top she throws her bag and her phone down just before she opens the door and slams it shut as she disappears into the enclosed space.

We all look at each other, then everyone looks at me.

"Are you sure I can do this?" I question. I hear a loud scream come from the box above as a loud crash is heard shortly after.

"Think she broke the other chair?" Andres asks.

"Look you got her here with three words, do you know how fucking hard that is to do?!?" Jon says.

"Ok just give me a bit, I know what to do." I say as I reach into my jacket and grip the remote. Walking up to the bleachers, I can hear more cursing coming from the room, but as I ascended the cursing fades, getting lower the higher I go. When I reach the door all I can hear from inside the box are low sobs. I look back down at the crew of friends, all giving me good luck signs as I take a deep breath, and disappear through the door.

I stand in the door way for a few moments, listening to the quiet sobs coming from the center of the room.

"Mia..... doll.... I'm here for you.... I'm going to come closer... okay sweety... just talk to me...." I start to move closer to her. Kneeling down, I reach my hand out to touch here back."Mia....." I touch her back, but I'm almost pushed to my back when Mia lunges at me, wrapping her arms firmly around my neck. I wrap my arms around her, but I feel that the bottom of her shirt is damp. I look at my hand, Seeing a slight shade of crimson in the dim light.

"Mia you need to take your shirt off so I can look at your wounds... y-you're bleeding really bad.." I try and push her off of me but she holds tight to me.

"N... no..... m...m-more..... I... I c-can't... I-I can't TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!!" She screams into my ear. Her broken voice, gasping sobs, I dont know what to do, what to say, because I umderestimated how bad this really was, how bad this girl needed someone to hold her.

"Mia, I can't help you if you bleed to death, please...Mia." My voice breaks as I say her name.

Her grip loosens, she falls flat on her back, her arms cover her face, her body shaking as she continues to sob.

"O-okay..... now I'm going to lift your shirt. Just hold still..... okay."

I bend down, reaching for the rim of her jacket and shirt, sliding it up to show her stomach. My heart stops as I look upon Mia's stomach, every cut on her body that was scabbed over, was now dripping and stained with blood.

"Mia I need to get something to clean you....."


She grabs my wrist, squeezing hard to stop me from leaving.

"Pleeeeeease...." She begs me, needs me to go hold her.

"Okay... Can you take your jacket off for me darling?"

She slides her jacket weakly off of her body, dropping it above her the second the fabric leaves her wrists. I rush over to the jacket, grabbing it. I fold it into a ball.

"Lift your head up high for me darling."

I try to make my words sound as carrying and loving as possible.

She lifts her head, and as she does I move behind her, sitting with my legs crossed I place the jacket in the center of my legs. I move her head to rest on the makeshift pillow.

I notice her hand opening and closing really fast.

I brush her arm gently with my finger tips.

"Give me your hand." I whisper.

Her hand slips up Her body, and as i grab it, her fingers snake in between my own.

"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry...I-i'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, do not blame yourself. I will not let you blame yourself for any of this, do you understand me!" My voice breaks as my words drift away. I close my eyes, feeling the tears drop from my eyes. I feel her hand brush my cheek.

"D-Don't cry..... I never want you to cry..... open your eyes.... please..... Cat...."

I open them, my gaze meeting with chocolate orbs.

"She jumped me... I-I didn't know what else to do.... she attacked me..... I swear she.... she....." Her words are cut short by the sobs she was trying so hard to force down.

"I know... shhhh now, its in the past just breath.... close your eyes and listen to my voice okay."

I watch her eyes close, I wipe the blood off of her forehead and away from her eyes with my shirt, most of it has already dried.

"Everything's going to be okay, I've got you. Its all going to be alright." I wipe more of the blood away. I wipe over the open cut going down her forehead. Mia hisses in pain as she squeezes my hand.


Mia chuckles, "Hehe, its fine. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.... I guess I still have some left in me after all... " A tear falls out of the corner of her eye.

I don't know what to say, so I just continue to wipe her forehead clean. I begin to mindlessly hum as I wipe the crimson liquid from her tan skin.

"Hmmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmm, hmmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmm." I hum softly. Mia finally stopped shaking, and I notice her chest rising and falling slowly.

"Okay. I think she's calmed down." I think as I study her body, hearing her breath exit her nose as I stop my song to speak.

"Mia... how long have you been off your meds?"

I feel my hand get squeezed again, her mouth opening slightly as she thinks about my question.

"Two weeks I think."

"When are you supposed to take them?"

"Everyday. Twice a day."

"What, why aren't you taking them?!?"

My hand is squeezed again.

"I-I can't tell you that." Her voice is low as she opens her eyes slowly, looking up at me. "You'll think of me differently... I know you will..." Her voice breaking as a tear falls once again.

I stop my cleaning of her skin, placing my hand on her cheek.

"Mia, I will never think of you any differently, but if you don't wanna talk about that, we don't have to talk about it anymore."

"Can you hum for me again?"

"Of course my darling." I begin to hum again, Mia's eyes shut as my melody rings through the small box.

"Hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmm, hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmmmm."

We sit like this for a while, her head in my lap as I hum my toon. I don't know how long we sat like this, but a knock at the door breaks us from our calming moment.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!!!" Mia screams, not opening her eyes.

The door opens revealing who it was behind it.

"Hey it's just me, is everything cool in here?" Barbara says as she pokes her head through the door. "Mr. H brought the med kit, and Antonio managed to save your lunch, you want them?"

"Yea, we'll take them." I say looking up at the blond girl.

"Okay give me two seconds." Barbara states just before her face slips back behind the door.

"I'm going to move and grab the stuff, I'll be right back okay." I look down at Mia.

"Okaaaaay." She says, yawning.

I lift her head and the jacket, sliding out from under her, I place her gently on the floor. As I stand I hear a knock in the door again.

"Me again!!"

I walk over to the door, opening it. Barbara is standing in front of me with a tray full of food in her left hand and a red med bag in the other.

"Do you want some help or are you good?" She asks me.

I look over my shoulder to Mia, "Yea, I'm good, but we aren't going to class for a while."

"You've already been excused. Here, everything you need is in here." She says as she hands me the things in her hand. I grab them but before the door is closed, I hear Barbara speak one last thing.

"Thank you." Was all I heard as the door closed again and I was left alone with the girl on the floor.

I walk back over to her, placing the bag next to us as I place the tray on my lap. I unwrap the plastic fork, jamming it into the macaroni.

"Open." I say as I move the food over Mia's mouth. As my word registers in her mind, her mouth opens and I plop the food into her waiting maw.

I watch her chew a few times before she swallows and opens her mouth again.

"More please." She says as she opens her mouth again, waiting for more food to be placed in. I oblige her request, placing another fork full of cheesy noodles into her mouth.

This little cycle continued until the last of the Mac n' cheese was down Mia's throat. She opens her eyes.

"Did you eat any or did you give it all to me?" Almost on queue my stomach growls, forcing her to chuckle. She pokes my stomach, "Thank you for answering tummy."

I can't help but chuckle at her actions. Mia tries to role over but I push her back to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

"Its my turn to feed you. There's still two pizza slices you can eat."

I look down at her, "Even like this she's thinking of someone else."

"I'm fine. My tummy can wait till after I've cleaned you."

Mia stops, laying back down, placing her arms over her eyes.

"Ready when you are doc."

I open the red med bag, immediately pulling a rag and a bottle of rubbing alcohol out. I place the rag over the open alcohol bottle, tilting it. I feel the cold liquid soak into the cloth.

"This is going to sting, and I'm not going to lie and say a little bit either." I say looking at her stomach once again.

"I'll live" Mia says dryly.

I move the damp rag to wipe the blood and cuts on her ribs.

"Tsss Fuck!" Mia hisses as I make contact with the first of the cuts.

"Sorry." I say as I press the rag to her skin. The cuts bubble with white foam as the alcohol cleans her wounds.

I end up using three different rags as I clean her stained flesh. I toss the last of the bloody rags to the side, reaching into the bag and pulling out a roll of gauze.

"I'm gonna need you to sit up so I can wrap your body."

"Alright." Mia groans as she sits up, holding her arms above her head, the bottom of her tank top gripped in her mouth.

"Hurry up, thsss hurrrts." She mumbles.

I wrap the gauze tight around her, forcing Mia's breath to become labored. When I finish wrapping the body, she drops her shirt from her mouth and turns to me. She grabs a slice of pizza from the tray and places it in front of my lips.

"I'm clean, now tummy needs to get fed."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I open my mouth, taking a bite from the slice.

"Mmm, that's really good pizza." I say as I take another bite from the outstretched food.

"Are you going to eat the crust?"

"No, do you want it."

"Yes please."

I take a few more bites from the pizza before Mia rips the crust in half, throwing a piece into her mouth.

I grab the other slize, following the same action Mia did to me just moments ago.

"Your turn."

Mia swallows the crust, and takes a bite.

"There rest ith yourth." See exclaims with a full mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I say, slightly disgusted.

She swallows her food. "Sorry. You can have the other slice, I ate all the Mac n' cheese so its only fair."

"You need to eat, here." I try to push the food into her mouth. Mia takes another big bite, chewing and swallowing before speaking this time.

"You saving room for desert or something." Mia jokes.

My brain falls to the remote in my pocket, a devilish grin spreading across my face.

"Why yes my darling, I am." I say as I put the remaining pizza back on the tray. I plunge my hand into my left pocket, pulling out the remote. I hold it in front of her, both of our faces burning red.

"And now I finally get to eat."