
New Beginnings

Lights danced across the rain damped street as emergency workers ran around busy with their jobs. A house lined off with police tape as bodies were being taken outside by the coroner's. A little girl barely 8 years old wrapped in a emergency blanket being comforted by the local ambulance workers, stares off at the scene hoping and praying that everyone's okay gets Into the ambulance as the others doors close. While they speed away her heart empties to the floor when she hears the others sirens go out while only hers remains. Once they've arrived at the hospital she's taken in by medical staff accessing her injuries a large gash across her back definitely needing stitches and several bruises. After stitching her up the doctor left the room she can see him talking to a officer

"Judging by how she's acting she very shocked did she speak with anybody at the pick site about what happened?" the man who was a taller rather fit with brownish grey hair making him look in his early late 30's quietly spoke to the officer. "no she hasn't spoken a word but just thinking what's she's been through what she could've seen is enough to trumatize anyone" the young officer exclaimed his face low with sorrow. "I hate to be the one to ask but does she know?" the doctor motioned to the girl who sat staring out the room as if she was studying them the cop looked away almost as if he was unable to continue to even stand at that moment "no, she has no idea that they all... I mean she must know about her mother she was gone before we had arrived on scene""shhhh!" the doctor quickly hushed the officer "we need to break it to her gently that she won't be going home again" the doctor looked back at the little girl.