
chapter 1

mum ! mum! mummy . Precious mum run coming into her daughter precious room.

"What happened sweetheart"

she said nothing happened but you have to talk to your beloved husband he will not even let me attend night party . What kind of a dad is he and who does that, he is very strict with me am his daughter not his slave so he should go easy on me.

Mum am an adult tell him ,and oh yes he should not be strict with me I can take care of my self am not a child any more. parents should not be strict with their children especially adult.

He locked me up in these room since morning mummy what have I done to deserve these. And who does that to their child.

Tell him that I will pray to God so that I will become his father in my nest life and I promise to treat him the same way he treat me , no less like a slave.

Precious mum laugh out oh my God who tough you such sweetheart there is nothing like nest life and look sweetheart your dad loves you so much he gave you the name "precious"because you are the biggest precious things that has ever happened to him darling.

Sometimes I even get jealous because he loves you the most in these world.

"really mum" yes her mother said and precious began to laugh but she could not hide it so she laughed out loud. What so funny sweetheart, her mom asked why are you laughing.

she continued and then said the reason she was laughing to her mum. Mum I never knew that you used to be jealous of me now that i know I will always tise you with that.

Common sweetheart I was never jealous of you , you are my life .

But you just said that you used to be jealous mum.

Yes I used to be but not the kind of jealous you are thinking sweetheart. I will prepare you bath tub and your food. Common mum after all I have discussed with you I expect you to call your darling husband and asked him to let me go out tonight mummy.

Sweetheart am your mum and I want the best for you so that is why am on your dad side .We both loves you darling so all what we are doing is to ensure that your future is bright.

Common mum I have said this server time that I don't want yours and daddy wealth I what to be a self made lady not a parent made lady .

Precious daddy has been listening to their conversation and he walk in and joined them . He sat on the bed beside precious and said " I love you sweetheart"

really she said

yes her dad replies

if that is the case why do you locked me in my room why would you not allow me to got out why would you not allow me to make friends tell me daddy am curious to know.

I have no answer to give you sweetheart but I promise to make you happy and have your way from today's.

You know what sweetheart, I didn't know that my daughter has grown up but what you said make me realise.

Am proud of what you said sweetheart. Ok I said alot of things but what are you exactly proud of I said so much,I mean I really said a lot of things to mum. So what is it daddy.

You said that you want to be a self made lady and not a parent made lady am proud of that sweetheart .

Ok Ok Ok you said that you will let me have my way right .

Yes he responded,

so can I go out tonight daddy.

Her father wanted to protect against her demand but he agreed because nothing in these world matter to he than his daughter happiness.

He gave her the permission but with a condition .

The condition was that she should not consume any alcohol and she should come home as soon as possible. She agreed and gave her father a huge and said I love you so much dad you are the best dad in the world

I fell like kiss you.

Thank you thank you thank you soo much i promise not to consume any alcohol and come back early. Ok dad you should go I have to get ready for the party.

Common sweetheart you are looking gorgeous you don't need to change . What ,I can go to the party with these clothes I have to change he mother gave her a kiss in her chick and said your wish is our command sweetheart so do as you please .

I have prepared a bath tub for you as I said earlier so go and freshen up your dad and I will go to our room . Enjoy your self her mummy said.

okay I will i love you both.

She rushed into the bathroom and had her bath. After her bath she select a beautiful white dress with a black shoe and also a black bag . The black shoe and bag look gorgeous it matches the colour of her hair ,and her makeup was so beautiful.

One of the things she likes doing was making bead bracelet, necklace and so on.

So she decided to wear one of the bracelet she had made it look so beautiful .

The way she dressed alone catches attention talking about the amazing make up she did on her face.

She look like a shining star, looking at how beautiful she is at the mirror she said "he will definitely propose to me"he will not resist me today.

While saying all that to her self she heard a horn so she decided to finally go down her parents also heard so they also went down to say goodbye to their daughter.

When they got down precious daddy was very angry to see that her daughter was going out with a bike, he fell embarrassed because he was a wealth man of honour how could her daughter go with a man who does not even have a car.

He hatred that man from the very day they meet but precious mum did not have any problems with him.

Her daughter happiness was hers too so she accepted her daughter choose immediately.

precious got on the bike and William drove off.

It was not a night party it was actually a long drive. Who dress up like this for just a long drive definitely she is up to no good.

Wait dose she wants to seduce him into saying I love you to her .

No she is not that kind of girl her honours mean so much to her she will not tarnish her parents reputation she is not that selfish she won't do it but that is what it seems like she is doing.

She knew that her daddy will never approves of her relationship with a middle class man but still he was her choice.

She knew that William love her even more than she could ever love him ,she also knows that he was keeping his feelings to him self so that hurts her.

Her parents always provide her with all her need she never lack any thing as a child they always love and care for her she was her parents only daughter so they never let her asked for anything .

That was why she loves her parents so much. But she will finally have to leave her parents house soon or later she will have to go to her husband house .

Williams was enjoying the ride . He called precious since she was in a deep tough he asked her are you enjoying the ride yes she said and focus on enjoying it.

Williams stop by and offer precious his hand to climb down, precious hold his and and got down. Suddenly precious became nervous tell her self "I plan to seduce him but he is been romantic" did you just say something he asked , No No I don't say anything ok he responded and said shall we precious asked"go where " you trust me yes she said you believe me yes she said you love me y.... she could not finish the statement just follow me Williams said .

Precious was thinking of what Williams just asked her .

Why did she not say yes what was wrong with her she wanted that but she said nothing when he asked her she didn't like the fact that she said nothing when he asked her she could have just say yes but she said nothing and that annoyed her.

Williams took her to a beautiful decorated with rose's and candles it was so beautiful and that make precious forget about everything all her worries and only focus on admiring the beautiful thing and decorations around her "it very beautiful" in a soft tone of voice .

please 🙏 if you find any mistake comment on it.

enjoying so far lots of love 😘🥰😍😘😍😍😘🥰😍😘🥰😍🥰😘😍