
C17 - Done waiting

“Babe, it is ok, calm down,” Anthon rubs the side of her arms holding back his frustration.

“Thank you for understanding,” Gabriella says, allowing Anthon to pull her into an embrace.

Anthon holds her in his arms making sure his manhood does not touch her, “do you want to talk about it?”

“No, I don’t think the world's talking will help.”

“Relax, let me make you a cup of tea or would you like something stronger to calm your nerves?”

“Yes, there is some whisky in the top cupboard on the left,” Gabriella says.

“Sit down and take deep breaths,” Anthon instructs her.

Anthon went to the kitchen to get her a glass of Whisky. As he pours her a drink a takes a tablet out of his pocket and crushes it a bit and mix it into her Whisky.

‘I really hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, but I am done waiting,’ he thinks as he waits for the crushed tablet to resolve into the Whisky.