

The sky was a shade darker than usual. The sound of thunder filled each corner of the city. The night was surely going to be a long one.

On the top floor of a high building sat a lady dressed in white. She was clearly visible in the darkness. The lady was no other than Zoe, one of the best designers of her time. Her life filled with fame and glory was now surrounded by darkness.

Her best friend whom she trusted by heart betrayed her and became the reason for her downfall. Her lovely parents left her to face the cruelty of this world alone.

She had nothing. She was worthless. Sitting alone in the balcony of her penthouse she was not alone. Millions of thoughts running in her mind kept her company. Her tear-strained face was still beautiful but it seemed to have aged a hundred years in a day.

The phone placed on the side table rang out loud in the quite night. Zoe simply glanced at it. Already knowing that that must be a call from the media houses.

Why? Why can't they leave her alone? It is so suffocating to be in a crowd that judges you.

The lady got up from her seat and headed towards the edge of the balcony. It was drizzling. She let the tiny rain droplets to fall on her face. It was soothing and the best thing it hid her tears.

As she closed her eyes to relax, a million of memories rushed to her mind.

About the incident that just took place.

About her parents.

About her life that was dark and hopeless.

Her heart was filled with grief, loneliness and pain of betrayal.

Suddenly her tearful eyes looked up at the dark clouds. Her hands raised to dry her tears as she stood up. Only an inch away from the edge of the balcony.

She looked down at the busy traffic. The cars and people looked like small creatures from such heights. Her body shivered from the thought that just crossed her mind. By instinct she moved back a step.

Her heart filled with the fear of death. Who would not be afraid of dieing. No one wants to abandon the lie of life and embrace the truth of death.

Zoe fought with herself. She was tired. She missed her parents. She was not happy. But was killing herself the only solution. Was life truly worthless. She was still fighting her self-created demons when her phone rang again.

Turning her head to look at her phone screen she saw the caller ID and her eyes softened. She was filled with a glimmer of hope in this depressing night.

Slowly she moved back from the balcony to pick up the call from her hope.