
Will's and Goblins 6

"To which account do you want the amount to be transferred, Heir Potter," asked Bloodstain.

"Hmm, let's see. What are the type of accounts you have and the benefits of such accounts?" asked Harry.

"We have different types of accounts for different uses. We have personal accounts, Student accounts, House accounts, Private accounts, Current accounts and business accounts" Bloodstain started and explained about all of them in detail.

"As for the business account, it can be used by anyone with a minimum balance of 1000 Galleons. It can be used for investments in different companies and properties both Magical and Muggle. House Potter has all of these accounts in it but as an Heir, you cannot have access to it as we discussed earlier.

But you can open a new business account with a fee of 100 Galleons. All investments will be taken care of and invested according to your personal preferences or from our advisors, whichever you prefer. Gringotts will take 15% of all the profit made in which 2% will be given to your advisors and another 3% will be given to your accounts manager which makes us personally interested in your investments and take utmost care of them.

All the transfer fees and other costs are not included in this as it is opened specifically for Business. What do you say, Heir Potter?" said Bloodstain, his eyes shining with greed. Harry thought about it. He will loose 15% of his profit if he agrees and as he doesn't know more about Wizarding businesses, he chose to lose it. He is going to take this offer and read more about the Wizarding World business. Till then, he will give goblins their share.

"Yes, I'll take the offer. I want to open this new account and can you tell me all the benefits this has" asked Harry. He knew well not to take anything at its face value.

"It's so astute of you, Heir Potter. Yes, it has benefits. You will get a Gringotts box which is the suggestion I'm going to make to you if you don't want your mail to be interrupted. It's like floo network but with securities.

All the packages will be checked for any potions, portkeys and other malicious things by our experts and will be immediately delivered to you through the box. This decreases the delay of owls and can pass the anti-mail wards put place on your mail" said Bloodstain and saw Harry nod and continued.

"You will get a special card like the Muggle credit/debit card which allows you to draw directly from your account and will give Overdraft facility which you should pay within a month" he further explained about overdraft and its interest more in detail. Harry nodded.

"And finally, you will be given special privilege to use all other Gringotts services at low costs or some tasks will be done free of cost," he said and Harry agreed. He had so much to do with the Goblins right now and if this account gives him benefits, then why not use them.

He filled the necessary paperwork to open the account and was given his new Debit/Credit Card. It is a Platinum card with his name in gold letters on it and Gringotts seal to the side making it authentic.

"You can use this in the Muggle World as well, Heir Potter," said Bloodstain and Harry felt elated.

"So Heir Potter, where do you want to invest the money you receive from Dumbledore's account and how much do you like to transfer from other accounts," asked Bloodstain with a piece of parchment and quill in the air.

"Hmm, I want to clear my mother's vault and relocate all things to my vault and transfer all pounds you have in her vault to Galleons and pass them to my business account vault. Transfer 50,000 Galleons from my trust vault to my business account as well, and as per investments, try to invest in the companies that my family has shares in and can you invest them under the name 'Henry Gold'?" Asked Harry. Bloodstain raised his eyebrow when a devious smile came upon his scarred face.

"It is so cunning of you, Heir Potter. Though this is a business account, the details of it will not be given to anyone, even the Ministry. If you invest with a fake name or alias like you wizards call it, it is not going to be tracked back to you as Gringotts follows a strict non-disclosure policy. If that is what you want, then that shall be done. Shall I reprint the card name to Henry Gold as well, Heir Potter?" asked Bloodstain and Harry nodded and gave him the card and Bloodstain did as he told and gave it back. Now with the name 'Henry Gold' on it shining on it.

Harry's business account was also renamed to Henry Gold and all the investments will be made by Gringotts when the requested amount of shares come for sale.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you like it. Tell me what do you think of the chapter and story in general.


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Before we start, I have an important announcement to make. I have my board exams coming, so I want to prepare and write them well.

I won't be updating till 19th December.

From then, uploads will resume as usual.

Hope you understand.

Next Chapter will be on the 19th of December.

Suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

Next chapter