
Broadcast into the Multiverse

There was no explanation; no warning. One day, a mysterious broadcast opened up in multiple different universes. It showed particular events that would be broadcasted to all of the multiverse. With the advent of the broadcast, various figures, both ordinary and mythical congregated to watch some of the most legendary moments in the multiverse.

ImProcrastinating · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs


[The universe.

A word that encompasses not just all people, but all places. To those who know of it, many believe that it is the extent of a 'world'. That it represents 'everything'. That no matter what, nothing can be more significant than a universe.

They would be wrong. The universe is just a tiny part of the 'multiverse.' All worlds are encompassed in this multiverse. A world where people don't exist. A world where people wield supernatural powers. A world where people have explored their entire universe through the power of technology. Everything.

And even in the multiverse, there are certain 'events' that stand out. Events where people do the impossible. Events that change their entire world. Events that touch the hearts of others. And that is why I exist. To demonstrate these events; to spread them out through the multiverse.

That is the purpose of the Multiversal Broadcast System.]

One day, out of the blue, a screen popped up in front of every being in the multiverse, informing them of this message. However, even so, chaos did not appear. Instead, peace fell throughout every world. Every person in the world understood this message. The elderly, the young, the illiterate, and even the blind and deaf. They were not only able to see the broadcast but understand the message behind it.

And before they could even recuperate, the contents of the screen changed.

[First Broadcast: Begin!]

By the way, chapters won't always be this short, it's just a quick prologue.

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