
Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Bro! You wouldn’t believe this! Everything was normal. Me and my bros doing some mining for mana gems for that old sockethole, Somanda like we always do all day, everyday. Me, Fractures, Bonet, Mono-socket, Broadbone and the gang. Then from nowhere, that ungrateful sockethole, Somanda tries to END me! Can you believe that?! I mean, I have told some questionable stories about him caressing my skull affectionately and deeming me his prized undead, but no need to axe a skeleton for something like that, right? RIGHT?! I managed to escape through one of the most convenient and contrived get-aways in all of undead history, even managing to pull a bony one on the Lich bastard by stealing two of his seemingly important possessions which I find out later to be better than I thought they’d be! From there it’s a just a SPIRAL of boneshit left and right! I can’t catch a break! What’s with this atrocious luck, bro?! A voice speaks to me about how I have qualified for something about a something that’s supposedly something’s something! Then I find myself in a new world that reeks of life and gives my bones a disgusted rattle. Powerful beasts and men are at every turn, all lining up to be a huge pain in my PELVIS! GAAAAH! Jeez this is happening too fast! However, even while I’m in the thick of this, the one saving grace is that I got something worth while! A new path of power! I can NOT be an undead! I can be something better than both the Living and the Dead! Immune to the antics from both sides. Well... most of them! I’m no longer on the path for Undeath! Only Lifelessness awaits me! I’m the one who transcends reality in this tale! I am... SKULLIUS! And I’m not an UNDEAD! ...... [Author’s Answers To Popular Readers’ Questions] Q: (IHateArjuun77) -Hey author, is your book trash?- A: (Author) -Haha, screw you dear reader. The answer is NO. The story has elements of comedy, action, magic, adventure and Brutality. Like it gets really dark sometimes. There’s a comprehensive story with characters that I tried my damndest to NOT make generic on top of a cool power system that’s for the most part easy to understand. So its not trash. Q: (IFreakingHateArjuun56) -Hey author why is your first volume so slow paced and... trash?- A: (Author) -Haha. It’s how I designed the First Volume to be. It’s a fun setup that doesn’t focus on many things other than the MC’s mentality, powers and route of progression. The next volumes are normal paced, focusing on the world, the villains and general expansion but all while still retaining the book theme and fun experience- Q: (ShadeIsAPervert001) -Hey author, I instinctively sense that I’ll hate this book, when should I drop? A: (Author) -Is this the same reader?! Anyway, I’ll give a range. Read a minimum of the first 20 chapters to a max of up to chapter 44 before you decide on anything too rash. I’ll hunt down this reader! --- Discord: [ https://discord.gg/8hcraTjzE9 ]

Shade_Arjuun · Fantasy
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1205 Chs

The Bro Who Hogs It All

[Apostle 'Red Rage' has killed LV15 Foul Goblin. 500 Exp awarded]

[Apostle 'Red Rage' has killed LV16 Foul Goblin. 548 Exp awarded]

[You have killed LV16 Foul Goblin. 550 Exp awarded]

Skullius looked at the notifications and thought to take away the bow and arrows from Red Rage. Well, it was a fleeting thought, really.

Red Rage was sniping the goblins down in their initial panicked state.

'Just what is that [Blessing of Serenity]?' Skullius thought to himself.

Both he and Red Rage were at Level 4 right now, but he was sure that his jack-of-all-trades murderous conpanion would overtake him in this fight if he didn't put it in more effort.

When the explosion had happened, coming from the goblin settlement ahead, he had been just as rattled by it as the goblins. Previously, he had been hoping for the goblins to keep splitting up, but he had decided to use the opportunity that had presented itself before him.

The plan he had in mind at this current moment had been fuelled by a 'miracle' that had happened a few minutes ago which enhanced the likelihood of his success in the upcoming fight.


7 minutes ago.

"Hey, bro, run faster, they are already coming. Look at those torches. Pick up the pace!" urged Skullius as he turned behind him where vague lights held by dark shadows a great distance away were advancing slowly.

Red Rage increased his pace, sprinting as he overtook Skullius.

[Apostle 'Red Rage' has learned the skill 'Dash in Dust']

Skullius : "...."


Another skill had been added to Red Rage's list!

Skullius wielded his sword as it was tinged in soft white. He had been trying to keep his mana steady on the blade as Aikil had been doing even without using his deadly skill, but this was the best he could do at this moment.

It was sad for him to have seen the marvellous red hue of the Grand Sword of the Hedonist fade and be replaced by the dull, rusty blade he had salvaged from the goblins, but such was life.

A nasty endeavour.

The goblins couldn't help but wonder among themselves as they looked at Skillius:

'Is this the evil that we were looking for?'

The goblin with the staff started to whirl its tip in the air, a light blue flash of mana arching around it in an unsettling fashion.

It suddenly thrusted the staff forward, the blue flash getting increasingly bright as it was then launched at Skullius with high speed!

"Mana Bolt!" the goblin screeched.

The bright flash stunned Skullius for a moment and before he knew it...


With a small explosion that lit the surroundings, Skullius was flung backwards with cracks on his chest, his leather armour having been burnt off!

He fell to the ground with a barely audible impact.

"Attack!" the goblin with the staff yelled.

The other goblins instantly shot ahead with their weapons in hand. Only two remained as they had to account for something that was gnawing at their minds: the arrows.

There was definitely an archer nearby.

As the other goblins advanced, Skullius picked himself up while cursing in his mind.

'That was scary! I need to kill that one fast!'

His socket flames danced vigorously as he was welcomed with the view of two goblins approaching him, one faster in its sprint than the other!

'Any moment now, Red bro!'

Sure enough, an arrow whizzed through the air quickly, heading for the goblin that was in the lead!

When it was mere inches away from, the goblin suddenly drew back its head, the arrowhead nicking its eye but ultimately failing to take the goblin's life!

At this point, the goblins had thrown away their torches, fully focusing on the enemy!

The nicked goblin grunted. It lost its previous momentum.

The opportunistic Boneman capitalised on this chance!

He dashed and slashed at it with all his might!

The second goblin immediately accelerated and used its sword to parry Skullius' strike!

As the swords knocked against each other, Skillius felt a strange force push him and his sword away!

[Steel Rebound]!

It was a skill this goblin had learned!

Skullius staggered while the first goblin immediately lowered its stance and launched itself forward with the spear in its hand!

"Taming Wind Skewer!" the goblin growled, its spear igniting with a burst of light as it sped towards Skullius!


'This will mess me up like Aikil's skill! I have to block!' Skullius thought as he brought his sword before him and used all of his concentration to channel mana into his sword!

The spear reached the Boneman, and knocked against his sword, a crisp clang of steel resounding!

Skullius was forced back, and he found fractures in his hand from the powerful impact!

Meanwhile, one of the goblins that stood with the spellcaster goblin suddenly bolted towards where the arrow from earlier had come from.

'There!' the goblin thought as it gazed at a thick bush!

It didn't hesitate to attack with its full strength, its sword slicing through the green!


The aftermath showed nothing promising.

There was nothing except split leaves and cut branches.

The goblin searched here and there, catching the sight of an arrow that flew from afar, behind the tall Boneman that was battling its two fellow goblins!

'Is there another archer?!'


Skullius who had been struggling against the two goblins that were attacking him once again, saw an arrow fly through the gaps between his bones and catch the goblin that had parried his sword off guard!

The arrow sank into its chest swiftly, causing the goblin to howl in pain as it dropped to the ground. Its leather armour had minimised the damage to an extent, but lethal damage was still done.

The other goblin with the spear turned concernedly to its colleague.

'Good!' Skillius thought happily.

...And he bolted away from the two goblins!

He ran at full speed towards the goblin with the staff and the one that had remained with it.

The spellcaster grimaced as it once again pointed its staff at Skullius, a bright light surrounding the head of the staff.

'Red bro, do it now!' Skullius commanded.

This time, a spear flew from a different direction; the vegetation behind the goblins he was going after!

It sped faster than the arrows and was like a dark shadow in the night that reached the goblin which stood by the spellcaster before it could even react as its attention had been on Skullius!

The spear pierced its neck and blood flooded from the wound. The goblin gurgled horribly.

The one with the staff was perturbed, losing focus for a moment in shock.

The flames in Skillius' sockets flared in excitement as he stretched his hand towards this goblin and uttered two words...

"[Static Limbo]!"

A hazy blue light wrapped around the goblin immediately after and it froze, its dark green colour turning several shades lighter!

Its eyes rolled back in an unsettling fashion as it looked to have already lost its life!

[You have activated the skill 'Static Limbo'. The target has been afflicted by Serenity. Due to the level and Tier difference, effect lasts for 8 seconds]

'Good enough,' Skillius thought before he instantly slashed with his blade ruthlessly!

The goblin's head tumbled to the ground.

Just like last time, the Boneman didn't receive a notification of the death of the goblin, as that would only happen after [Static Limbo] timed out. He only received the notification for the goblin beside him that had twitched its last, and he absorbed its Null Life Essence.

The goblin who had sought to attack Red Rage from a position he assumed the little boar to be, was shocked!

His mates had died? Just like that?!

The other one, which had been about to tend to the one that had been shot by the arrow turned as well with shocked eyes, gripping its spear in anguish!

Skullius grabbed the staff from the goblin he had just killed and felt the flow of mana.

His socket flames burned brighter with a light of bloodlust.

"Now this seems more suited for a Nullmancer!" he said.