

"Sometimes your life can become so unrealistically dramatic that you cant even believe that you are a part of it ."

Ariz thinks for a while while looking into that ALL BLACK man's eyes .

While she looks into HIS eyes , ALL BLACK MAN didn't even have a single thought flowing through his mind.It seemed as if all the noises around him faded.While looking into her eyes, he could feel a sense of responsibility and sincerity through her eyes .

"Bring the stretcher !!" Ariz shouts.

" We need to take him to hospital ASAP."

Ariz rushes towards her car.

" Excuse me Lady ." The ALL BLACK MAN walks towards her car while She's getting into it .

" I actually have no time for this ." Ariz tells him while closing the door and speeds towards " HEAL AND HEALTH".

( Ariz reaches the hospital and runs towards the faculty.)

Dr.Daniel : "You are late Dr.Ariz .I actually dont think you deserve the so called title of "magical hands" if you cant use them on right time." Daniel smirks.

( Daniel has been the person who has always competed with Ariz earlier in Exams as they used to be in the same university while studying medicine and now in the job as well )

Before Ariz could say something , Dr.Pat arrives , "Dr.Ariz , How could you do this. " (Dr.Pat is the senior most doc of HEAL AND HEALTH who has always encouraged Ariz for her work. He was befriends with Dad of Ariz as well.)

"Umm..I..i ..did what?" Ariz answers confused.

"Well..How can you appear as an angle before a person going through severe cardiac arrest at the most crucial time"

Dr.Pat smiles .

Ariz: "Ummm.. luck , I can say"

Dr.Pat: " Anyways, You have done a great job today. I think the title "magical hands" should be replaced with "magical doc"."

Dr.Pat gives Daniel an angry look and moves towards the wards.

Ariz feels so good .There are very few people who get to hear such words from Dr.Pat .

She asks other docs about the condition of children who met the accident .To her relief, all were rescued and were safe but their discharge would take some time.

Ariz turns around towards the ward to see the children.

Dr.Bella (Who is junior to Ariz but is friends with her): " Ariz , Congrats ..you actually were great today."

Ariz : " Oh , thanks ."

Dr.Bella:"And...Ariz!!...you know what.."

Ariz: " What ?..why are you so excited?"

Dr.Bella: " Aiden is here, in HEAL AND HEALTH....I just cant believe it. "

Ariz: " Who's Aiden?..."

Dr.Bella: "Wait ..You dont know Mr.Aiden.The most handsome CEO RAVEN PHARMACEUTICALS ever had and my new crush ."

Ariz: "Well..Not more than someone i saw..."

Dr.Bella: " Did you not tell me something you should ...?"

Ariz: "hahaa...Nothing ...maybe some other time."

Dr.Bella: " Anyway i was telling you about Mr.Aiden ..He is the new CEO of RAVEN PHARMACEUTICALS, who arrived this morning....and he was even on news today ..didnt you see the news ?"

Ariz:" Well...i think i am the only busy person here...Anyway Did you get to

see him."

Dr.Bella: " nope! Havent got such a luck and ....security is kinda tight as well.. you know."

Ariz: " ok ok ..gotta go now..wanted to see the children and the man i rescued today ..if they are fine."

Dr.Bella: " yeah sure.."

Ariz moves towards the ward .She steps towards the lift .When the lift's about to close a hand appears between the lift doors .To her surprise, the ALL BLACK MAN appears before her.

The thoughts in her mind running wild* ...why is he still here? ...he should have escaped? ...what if something bad happens? ...*

ALL BLACK MAN: " If I am not wrong you are the same doctor ...the one who was at accident scene before ."

Ariz: "Aaa..yes.."

ALL BLACKMAN: "So , you work here."

Ariz:"Oh ...Hmm..Yeah ."

ALL BLACK MAN:" Are you ...okay?"

Ariz: " yeah ..."

( Ding...The lift door opens she moves out and the ALL BLACK MAN as well...but to her astonishment the room she came for, is surrounded by some people who almost look like agents...like no one could go near the room where the old man ,who was a robber, whom Ariz saved, was lying.)

Ariz tries to step into the room but the security asked her not to .

ALL BLACK MAN: "Your name..Aaa... Ariz..Dr.Ariz ... if i am not wrong."

Ariz : " Yeah.."

Ariz walks towards the hallway on the other side .He follows her.

" Dr.Ariz ...please stop ."

Ariz stops and looks around.

Ariz:" Yes...What is it?"

Him:" Actually ...i think i owe you an apology....from before."

Ariz:" Oh....its ok .It was actually a natural reaction ..."

Him: " btw are you.. like avoiding me ...?"

Ariz:" Well...I just dont think you should be here .I mean i know that he was a robber but i dont think others would believe you ..i mean you should leave ."

He smiles at her , turns around and moves away .

Ariz: " Mr.ALL BLACK ...Its something you must consider if you dont want to waste your time getting involved in this case and get hurt ."

Him:" Mr.ALL BLACK ...??"

( He looks to his left and right and then turn towards her )

Him: " And madam ...what if i feel offended by what you just called me .."

Ariz: " Oh!!...Aaa..I ..just..Its just like.. Its what came to my mind ...Sorry if you feel offended for that ."

Him:" Hmm..So in other words you think i should leave that old robber here all by himself and run away ..right ."

Ariz :" Listen , I know you are innocent and that you wanted to help but you can get in danger because of that robber."

Him:" And being a robber doesn't change the fact that he is a human being.. isn't it what you told me back then."

Ariz :" I am a doctor ...things are different for me ..ok"

Him:" A beautiful girl told me in the morning that saving a persons life is the most important thing ...."

Ariz: " Can you please stop repeating my words from morning...?"

Him:" I just think its what i should do"

Ariz : " Listen ...Mr.ALL BLACK i told you ..what i thought i should ..now whatever you do is your own buisness."

Him:" Can you please stop calling me Mr.ALL BLACK..??"

Ariz:" I ...am sorry again ...i think we have had enough ...i should leave now "

Him:"Didn't you come to see him..the robber...?"

Ariz:" I dont think i would be allowed.."

Him:"What if I can make it happen for you ..?"

Ariz:" Mr.ALL BLACK ..oh ..sorry i mean whatever your name is ...Thanks for that ..i tried doing my best but ...anyways ...The police will be here soon .i dont want to see anything else for today ...so.. Goodbye"

Him:" So from Mr.ALL BLACK to WHATEVER ...why cant you just call me by my real name ...??"

Ariz:" Cuz..i don't know neither am I interested to know..."

Him:" What!! wait...you really dont know who i am?"

Ariz:"I dont think i know you."

He gives her a slight smile ..before he could say anything ...They hear footsteps...

"Mr.Aiden.So here you are" The police general from That ALL BLACK mans back approaches them before he could say anything.

Ariz, full of thoughts , *...Mr.Aiden...was he here ...*

She looks at her back side ..but theres no one else anywhere in the hallway except Ariz and Him .

Finally that Police general comes to that ALL BLACK MAN and shakes hand with him ..

Police general:"Sir , we need to settle some things about the robbery."

Ariz is about to fall ...her mind spinning*...what ...the ALL BLACK MAN is Mr.Aiden..whom i just told to run away ...what ..no ways ..i cant be this foolish...*

Aiden propels his hand forward and looks into her eyes and smiles

Aiden:" So Dr.Ariz...Aiden here. It was nice meeting you."