
Bringing the farm in another world (continuation)

Hi everyone I love this novel and I wanted to continue it because some left it discontinued if theres anything wrong or wrong spelling please help me out

Enrique_Hernandez · Video Games
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629 Chs

chapter 129

Green hadn't come into contact with computer games, so he didn't know about the word 'data'. Zhao Hai's space was born out of the game, and it was a freak. Aside from strengthening the game's functions, it also retained some of the game's characteristics. For example, the things that Zhao Hai planted and raised could all be digitized. This was one of the space's characteristics.

Digitized things were inflexible, and for a simple game like the farm game, its design wasn't very rigorous. In the farm game, the animals almost didn't have a common denominator. Even if there were, they were special animals, and whether they were male or female, they would produce some strange things.

The space also retained this ability. As long as the animals in the space's ranch didn't have a common denominator, but as long as Zhao Hai took these animals out of the space, they would immediately have a common denominator. Moreover, Zhao Hai also discovered another characteristic of the space. For example, if an animal was male outside, it could also give birth to cubs in the space. But when the cubs were taken out of the space, they would still be male, and it was absolutely impossible for them to be female.

It can be said that the reproduction of animals in the Space Ranch wasn't done through mating like the animals outside. Instead, it was done through cloning. Of course, the Space Ranch had simplified the cloning process. As long as the animals were brought to the breeding pen, they could immediately clone a fixed number of cubs.

Of course, these things were only Zhao Hai's conjectures. Green and the others didn't know what cloning was. They hadn't even heard of it, so it was impossible for them to understand it.

When Green went to Casa City, it took him two days, but when he came back, it only took him half a day. Green couldn't help but sigh. This was the gap between them. Even if the scaled wildebeest was improved, it still couldn't compare to the Chasing Horse and the Snowflake Divine Colt.

As soon as Green and the others arrived at the foot of the mountain, the black fog gave way to a passage. An undead creature stood at the passage and gestured to Green. Green nodded, then led Laura and the others up the mountain. Even the carriages that followed Laura also went up the mountain.

This time, although Laura brought a small group of people, there weren't many of them. Aside from the driver, there was no one else. Laura knew that when it came to Zhao Hai, bringing so many people was useless. Zhao Hai didn't have anything else, but he had a lot of undead that could help them load.

Laura's carriage stopped as soon as it entered the courtyard. Zhao, Meg, and Meg greeted Laura in the courtyard. When Laura saw Zhao come out to greet her, she immediately got out of the carriage and bowed to Zhao. "Laura doesn't dare to trouble Mister. Mister is too polite."

Zhao Hai smiled faintly. "Miss Laura is now my patron, so I wouldn't dare neglect you. Haha, please come in." Then he led Laura to the living room in the backyard and sat down.

Today, Quinn John didn't come with Laura. Laura only brought Nier. As usual, Nier stood behind Laura like Laura's shadow.

After Meg brought Nier to the table, Zhao Hai asked Laura, "Miss Laura, did you come today for the magic radishes?"

Laura smiled. "Mister guessed correctly. Laura came today for the magic radishes. It seems that Mister already guessed that I would come?"

Zhao Hai smiled. "I guessed it. I am very confident in my magic radishes, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. It seems that my magic radishes are very popular."

Laura didn't hide anything. She told Zhao Hai about the situation in Casa City. After Zhao Hai heard it, he was very surprised. He turned to Laura and said, "Magic radishes have this kind of use? I really didn't think of it. Could it be that Miss Laura specially arranged it? " In his previous life, Zhao Hai had been bombarded with all kinds of advertisements. He really doubted the authenticity of what Laura said.

Laura was surprised by Zhao Hai's words. Although the Ark Continent's commerce was very developed, arranging for people to help make fake advertisements had never happened before. Laura didn't even think about it. When she heard Zhao Hai, Laura quickly shook her head and sternly said, "Why would Mister think so? If our Markey Company did this, wouldn't it be smashing our own brand? "

Zhao Hai quickly said, "Miss Laura, don't be angry. I just feel that this matter is too inconceivable. Why would such a situation occur? I admit that the quality of my magic radishes is very high, but it's not that outrageous, right? My magic radishes are like divine medicines. This isn't a good thing for you. "

Laura nodded, then told Zhao about Quinn John's guess. "I also know that this is not necessarily a good thing, but the quality of the magic radishes you produce is really good. I have already ordered the magic radishes produced here to be sold separately from ordinary magic radishes, so I believe that there won't be too big of a problem." Zhao nodded, then said, "But I have already ordered the magic radishes produced here to be sold separately from the ordinary ones."

When Zhao Hai heard Laura, his eyes lit up. He immediately thought of something. It was a trademark, a brand awareness. Laura did this intentionally to establish his radishes as a brand. This was definitely a good thing for him.

Zhao Hai gently patted his forehead. He turned to Laura and said, "Thank you, Miss Laura. Later on, my magic radishes will be called radishes. When Miss Laura buys my magic radishes, you can say that they are radishes. What do you think?"

Laura was surprised, but she immediately understood Zhao Hai's meaning. She couldn't help but secretly praise Zhao Hai. She didn't think that Zhao Hai would think of this point so quickly. By changing the name of the magic radishes, his magic radishes would be completely different from those produced in other places. Although he didn't give his magic radishes a resounding trademark, this name change was another form of trademark that would be remembered by everyone.

Laura couldn't help but smile at Zhao Hai. "Mister is really amazing. If Mister went into business, I'm afraid that I wouldn't have any food to eat."

Zhao Hai smiled faintly. "Miss Laura is too polite. I don't have that kind of skill. Let's get down to business. Miss Laura came this time because you want to bring back some radishes, right? How many radishes does Miss Laura want? "

When Laura heard Zhao Hai directly call her magic radishes, she felt a bit awkward. But she still immediately said, "Then I won't be polite with Mister. It's like this. I'm going to ask for 200 thousand jin of radishes from Mister every month. I don't know if Mister has enough to use?"

Zhao Hai smiled faintly. "Miss Laura, please rest assured that the stock is absolutely enough. Even if Miss Laura wants 400 thousand jin of radishes a month, it would still be enough. I'll say the same thing. Whenever you want, I can guarantee the quality. All of the radishes will be fresh."

When Laura heard Zhao Hai say this, she couldn't help but feel relieved. At the same time, she couldn't help but begin to evaluate Zhao Hai's strength. One must know that vegetables were seasonal, especially low-level magic vegetables like magic radishes. Generally, the main production area of magic vegetables would use the worst soil to grow them. Because of this, magic radishes were even more seasonal. When summer came, people would rarely see magic radishes in grocery stores.

It was because she was very clear about this that Laura re-evaluated Zhao Hai's strength. She really didn't understand how he could grow these radishes. But she was still worried that Zhao Hai wouldn't have any way to supply radishes during summer. So she immediately said, "I don't know if Mister's radishes can be supplied for several months in a year? Will there be a normal supply during summer? "

Zhao Hai understood Laura's meaning. Although he used to be an otaku, he was still very clear about seasonal vegetables like radishes. However, the Space didn't have a seasonal problem. When he heard Laura's question, Zhao Hai couldn't help but smile. "Miss Laura, rest assured. I can guarantee a year-round supply, even in summer. Moreover, I can guarantee the quality. There won't be any problems with the radishes."

When Laura heard Zhao Hai say this, she felt relieved. She ran a grocery store, so she was very clear that radishes were very easy to store. If you did it well, the radishes could even be stored for several months. In the Continent, many merchants would store radishes during the peak season and wait until summer to buy them. Moreover, the price would be more expensive. However, although the radishes wouldn't rot, there would be problems with the heart. The outer skin of the radish would be fine, but the heart would lose its moisture and become as unpalatable as cotton flowers.

It was for this reason that Laura never stored radishes, nor did she sell them during summer. She was afraid that she would ruin her own reputation. At the same time, she was also afraid that Zhao Hai would use the stored radishes to deal with her. If that happened, her loss would be huge.

However, looking at Zhao Hai's confident appearance, it didn't seem like he wanted to use the stored radishes to deal with her. Could it be that Zhao Hai had a suitable environment for growing radishes?

Although radishes were a low-level magic vegetable, there were also requirements for the growing environment. The reason why radishes weren't produced in the Continent during summer, besides the price of radishes, was that the summer environment wasn't suitable for growing radishes. It was too hot, and the rain was too frequent.

"If Zhao Hai has a suitable place to grow radishes during summer, then perhaps we can speculate where Zhao Hai's territory is." Laura couldn't help but secretly think.

Zhao Hai certainly didn't know what Laura was thinking. He was currently very happy. A monthly supply of 200,000 jin of radishes, even if one jin was calculated at 50 copper cities, would be almost 10,000 gold coins a month. This was definitely not a small amount, and was more than enough for him to use. If he added the production of the Oil Fruit Trees, then he could get at least 10,000 gold coins a month. This was more than the monthly tax of a small Duchy.

Laura believed that Zhao Hai wouldn't lie to her, so she didn't ask about the radishes. Instead, she changed the topic and said, "How many blue-eyed rabbits can Mister provide a month? When I go back, I can help Mister contact buyers.