
When the movie screening ended, a very interesting episode unfolded in the performance hall.

A brave mage took the opportunity to confess his love to the girl beside him.

The girl seemed to be his classmate, and touched by the tragedy at the end of the movie, the girl did not reject his confession but accepted it while she hid her face.

The bold confession instantly made them the focus of the entire performance hall. The ending of the movie had moved the hearts of everyone present, and many of the audience members gave their blessings to the new couple.

Joshua accommodated them and got the attendants to get some red rose petals before using the Magic of Order's "Hand of Mana" to throw the petals into the air, letting them fall slowly.

The lovey-dovey scene was romantic enough for everyone present to remember. Perhaps when the new couple held their wedding in the future, the girl would be wearing the same golden dress as Belle.