
Bringer of Retribution

All Daniel knew in his life was ridicule. As the bastard son of Satan and a human, he was not allowed to reveal his origins to any other being in Hell throughout his life. Now, he starts his high school career, and with the news of his father quitting his job as the demon lord of hell, Danny needs to decide what he will do: Will he support his half-brother in his ambition to become the next king of devils, or will he make his moves to take revenge against those who hurt him? All these thoughts go through his mind as he awakens new powers that relate to broken oaths and the true origins of the world. Did God create reality? Are the angels truly creatures of virtue? Why was Hell created? These questions and more are answered as he learns the world's mysteries and fights to protect his friends.

Geek_Newz · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Mr. Konjou

After going to the front of the class, Danny couldn't help but take a sharp breath.

There was a big difference between being a know-it-all at the back of the class and being the fill-in teacher.

"Marcuse, for the sake of presentation, can you please discharge magical energy?"

Danny asked his brother, and Marcuse complied.

Marcuse didn't want to follow Danny's orders, but after the latter refused to teach him, this might be the only chance he got at seeing an explanation of Danny's implementation of magic theory.

He released his magic into the air and, along with the rest of the class, looked at the empty space as if nothing was happening.

Danny was probably the only one who could see magic in the entire world, and he knew it.

For the purpose of his presentation, he turned the magical energy into Corcerer's Ink.

This is a glowing black substance that some magic users utilize for spell casting.

By drawing the brash in different ways or writing various words, they could cast even high-level spells.

The magical energy turned Corcerer's Ink floated in the air while Danny began the lesson.

"For the purpose of the lesson, you need to think of magical energy and Corceter's Ink as the same."

Danny said, and whispers broke out in the class.

Demons tended to look down on those who used Corcerer's Ink, as they couldn't use their own magic to cast spells and relied on the magic in the air.

Telling demons to accept Corcerer's Ink to be the same as magical energy was preposterous.

Though, no one was going to argue with him.

He definitely knew more than them, and they should at least hear him out.

Though Danny was disliked by his peers, they couldn't help but respect his knowledge and acknowledge his capabilities.

Danny reached with his hand forward, and the glowing black substance covered his arm like veins.

"Imagine this is the magical energy going through your body. When you use a spell, the magical energy is released from your body and moves in a predictable way that is the same each time."

Danny said and moved the black ink from his hand to the air and molded it into the shape of instant light magic.

As the fluid started settling in place, the students in the class couldn't help but look with awe.

Without an incantation, the dark goo started glowing and turning into light.

"How did you do that?!"

A female student asked.

"The way the spell settles is always the same. Once you release your magic, you need to feel how it moves in and outside your body."

Danny said and looked at the students taking notes.

His classmates listening in class, let alone taking notes, was something that rarely happened.

As the one who made them do that, Danny was filled with a weird sense of pride.

"Once you know how the magic moves and can replicate it without incantation, you'll be able to use that spell without chanting."

Danny added.

He could see the female student writing his words attentively.

"For practice, I'd like each of you to think of a none-lethal spell you are well versed in and try moving the magic in your body and out of it, the same way it does when you chant."

Danny instructed, and the students started practicing.

Danny sat in the teacher's seat and put his legs on the table.

He glanced at his brother, standing next to him, and sighed.

"You should start practicing as well."

Danny said.

These words surprised Marcuse.

The demon prince thought that his white-haired brother had forgotten his presence, so he explained something he had previously refused to.

But maybe this was an act of generosity, and he knew exactly who he was teaching.

Marcuse went away to practice and left Danny at the front of the class.

Danny sat in the teacher's chair and looked at students, practicing what he had taught them.

Amazingly enough, some students actually got somewhat close to chant-less magic.

Looking at these students practicing so hard, many thoughts went through his head.

Maybe he had a future as a teacher if his being a low-level demon was too big of an issue in finding a job.

He also asked himself why he was teaching them this.

His magic control would always be better than theirs', but he couldn't know if helping them was beneficial.

Maybe teaching them was what would bring his downfall.

Though he was doubtful that this would be his fate.

He grew bored of watching his classmates and attempted to pull a book from his bag, but the bell signaled the lesson's end.


Danny rose up five minutes after the bell rang and grabbed his bag.

It was time to go to Physical Education class.

The male teacher lined all the male students in a row on a line in the field and pondered what he should instruct them to do.

With a white headband around his head, a coat placed on his shoulders without any visible straps, tan skin, and brown hair, the students could recognize this teacher was similar to one of those who administrated the physical tests.

Back then, their class wasn't tested by him, and he was busy testing other classes, so they couldn't interact with him.

Generally, they were just happy they weren't stuck for the next year with the teacher who tested them back then.

The common consensus about him was that he was just too strict.

"...Okay! I decided what your first lesson would be."

The teacher said with a confident smile.

He crossed his arms and looked at the students.

"Muster your guts and run! A thirty-kilometer run around the field!"

He said, and the students started running.

Thirty kilometers is little for high-level demons, and even as kids, most of these students could finish it quickly. It was like a warm-up.

For mid-level and low-level demons, it was a bit harder...

During the testing, the students were instructed to run only ten kilometers, but that was because they didn't need too much to see the difference in capabilities between the students.

The teacher sighed as he noticed that the high-level students were finishing their run while the few none-high-levels were still running.

Because it was only their first lesson, he decided to let those who finished the run play soccer.

Because of this, fifteen minutes after the start of the lesson, Danny finished running and thought about joining the game.

In class 4A, there were thirty-one students. Sixteen girls and fifteen boys.

This uneven number of boys made both teams unable to have him join them, except that their teacher had already thought this over.

"White-hair, you can be on that team... And you!"

The teacher pointed at Marcuse.

"Join them too. I will be in this team."

The teacher said.

He was an Oni demon, and even when outnumbered, it was unlikely his team would lose.

"Teacher! What should we call you?"

A red-haired student on the teacher's team asked.

The teacher looked at him with a dumbfounded stare, but then realization hit him...

He hadn't introduced himself yet!

"Oh! Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself!"

He spoke louder than before and bowed at a ninety-degree angle with full sincerity.

"My name is Konjou Onisensei! You kids can call me Konjou. There's no need for formality!"

He pointed his thumb at his chest and said cheerfully.

Taking a better look at him at that moment, Danny couldn't help but think this teacher was quite young.

He must be new. This must be why he is not an old prick and is still cheerful, unlike many other teachers in the school.

The game proceeded smoothly, with the group Mr. Konjou was on ultimately winning.

None of the students on Danny's team was bitter because Konjou was very fun to play against, and he matched his strength perfectly against each of them, so it never felt unfair.

He beat them with pure and unmatched technique.

The rest of the classes went smoothly, and after school, Danny and Chaos returned home.

Danny still needed to think of what to do with the kids he brought from Faerie.