
ch 1. Timothy Brightblade

Timothy Brightblade, eldest son of the current head of the Brightblade Family, is currently going to school in his personal car. his driver Is focusing on the road while Timothy who sits at the back can only sigh tiredly.

Timothy is now sixteen years old. with messy brown hair that he got from his mother's side. what he got from his father is his face with a squared jaw and flat eyebrows. when he is not trying to be nice, his relaxed face will make people a bit afraid of him, but since he is just a sixteen-year-old boy, Timothy thinks people are just not used to his face.

Timothy is staring at the road outside, where cars of different sizes and types all line up together in the middle of a traffic jam. it is still early in the morning but his city, Jakurtan, is always this crowded. with the increase in population, the city must expand further, or something like this will be unavoidable. 

just as Timothy was thinking, he saw a person running in panic. that person running while carrying a pretty bag in his hand. meanwhile behind the running person is a woman who is crying desperately while trying to catch the running person. that person is probably a thief!

"Driver, I need to go.

I'll see you later this afternoon."

Timothy quickly left his car and ran to chase after the thief. his speed is much faster than normal humans because Timothy is no longer a regular human. Timothy quickly reaches up to the woman who chased the thief. the woman looked pale and tired because as soon as Timothy reached her, she fell on her knees in resignation.

Timothy checks on the woman for a bit, ensuring she is alright and unhurt. after that, he quickly goes on a full sprint to chase the thief. Timothy then summoned his Soul Weapon, a sixty centimeters plain one-handed sword. his speed suddenly gets a boost, though not by much, and soon enough Timothy can find the thief who is trying to blend in with the crowd of pedestrians.

Timothy runs straight to the crowd but it quickly becomes a hindrance to him. The pedestrians are too crowded and the thief is smart enough to blend seamlessly with the crowd. unfortunately for the thief, Timothy as a Weapon Wielder has his body and senses enhanced enough to discern the thief's clothes among the crowd.

unable to push through the crowd for fear of injuring some innocent people, Timothy begins to look around and form a plan in his mind. he jumped and landed on a nearby tree. from there, he jumped as far as he got while shouting.


the people below Timothy quickly jump aside, surprised and afraid of the loud voice more than the words. the thief began to panic and quickly tried to run away once more, but has threw his weapon and let it spin horribly fast. by luck, or maybe not, the handle of a sword quickly hit his head. knocking him down and making him fall to the paved road.

the sword that knocks the thief down then quickly disappears only to appear back on Timothy's hand. Timothy quickly approaches the thief, taking the pretty bag from the thief and carrying the thief on his shoulder. Timothy also didn't forget to apologize to the people around for the disturbance. he explained that this man was a thief and he just tried to catch him.

the people didn't believe in him, as they didn't see anyone asking for help to catch the said thief. then after fifteen minutes of repeated explanation, a policeman appears.

"where is that thief?

I heard he was captured by someone!

if anyone dares to disturb the police work, they will be arr- ah hello Mr. Brightblade, sir."

behind the newly surprised policeman, a woman quickly ran toward Timothy. She said thank you repeatedly while Timothy returned her bag to her. the people around them finally believe that the person is a thief and deserves to be punished.

as Timothy puts down the unconscious thief while talking with the woman, the policeman quickly took one of the thief's hands and made a declaration.

"by the ancient law of the Jakurtan City.

all who dare to take anything that doesn't belong to them will have their hand severed.

the punishment must be executed immediately, is there any objection?" the policeman declared the ancient law and asked the people around.

since the first time the city was built and standing, there is a strict ancient law that binds the people from doing anything that is deemed wrong by the general standard. the law is meant for everybody and no one can escape from it, even if that person is the ruler of the city.

the policeman looks around and sees that no one shows their objection. happy that he could finally do his job, the policeman quickly made his declaration.

"by the ancient law of the Jakurtan City.

Thief, you are now punished by having your hand cut off.

be ready and may the ancients forgive your sins!"

the policeman quickly summons his Soul Weapon, which Is a plain machete blade. he raised his blade and was ready to deliver the punishment. but before it happens, Timothy decides to interfere.

"um, excuse me, officer.

can you just surrender him to me, I want to do something else to him."

the policeman looks at Timothy in surprise. The young Master of the Brightblade Family, who ruled and protected the Jakurtan City for five generations, is asking to deliver the punishment himself. the policeman seems reluctant but he also knows that the ruling family can take over any execution and punishment whenever they want, as long as they don't change the ancient rules.

with resignation clearly shown on his face, the policeman quickly lowers his hand and unsummon his weapon. he quickly turns back and walks away slowly. Timothy feel uncomfortable seeing the excited and law-abiding policeman going back with a dejected look.

"officer! Can you tell me your name?" asked Timothy.

the officer only turns his body and points to his name tag that is attached to his shirt. the name written there is "Jonathan".

"Officer Jonathan, I will tell the Ministry of Defence and Security about you and your successful effort here. I am sorry that I take your job from you." said Jonathan as he bowed down a little.

Officer Jonathan's face quickly changed from a sad dejected look to a happy excited one. he grabs Timothy's hand and thanks him repeatedly. Timothy also feels good as he can make the sad officer happy again.

with all that done and people beginning to continue their activity, Timothy now has to deal with the thief's punishment. Timothy once again put the thief on his shoulder and begin to walk away. Timothy knows clearly that thievery is a heavy crime in this city. many have found themselves disabled after they fail in their thievery effort. Timothy also hated thieves, but he could not bring himself to hate and disable the person. some may steal for greed and jealousy, but some steal because they are hungry.

Timothy dropped the thief in an alleyway near the place where he captured him. With a precise work blade, Timothy cut a bit of the thief's flesh on both of his hands. after that Timothy unsummon his Soul Weapon and made a declaration to the thief.

"Today I have delivered the punishment of 'severing' your hand.

do not make the same mistake or your life will be the price."

the thief can only see Timothy in surprise. he has heard the rumor about the Kind-Hearted Eldest Son of the Brightblade, who is willing to spare the life of a mere farmer when they insulted him out of spite. but today, the thief finally sees with his own eyes how benevolent the Eldest Son is.

"you can come to my mansion later tonight, I'll help you to secure your life."

with those parting words, the thief ran as fast as he could. he has repeatedly thanked Timothy for the forgiveness and he still says thank you repeatedly as he runs back to wherever he comes from.

Timothy then quickly ran. he has to go as fast as he can or else he will be late for his first day at school. As the son of a ruling family, Timothy didn't need to go to the public school as he could get the best education just by staying at his castle. but Timothy loves to be with the people. he didn't go to the normal school to be praised as the glorious son of the Brightblade, he just wanted some real friends around his age.

Timothy finally arrived at the school about twenty minutes later, right before the school gate fully closed. he thanked the gatekeeper for letting him in and quickly went to the school building to find his class.

oh and when Timothy said that he goes to public school, what he meant was the legendary Dragon Soul Special School. a school that belongs to the Brightblade Family to teach their nobles and the most talented students in the city.

Timothy realizes that he has privilege and cannot go too far down as the Eldest Son of the Brightblade Family. which is why he attended the Dragon Soul Special School. at least it has all he wants for a school, right?

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