
Bright Shadow (The Light I Met)

Bloom, the head of The Ashllim Society, a long-running organization that both rehabilitates and afflicts individuals with dark powers, was suspected of murder in a recent slaying case. Undercover cop Kim joined the team to look into things, but he wound up falling in love with Bloom. On her own side, Bloom is unaware that he is here to take her into custody. Will their relationship be as ill-fated relationship? Would Kim ultimately follow orders and capture his first love?

Faith_Library · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Sign

     The faces of four mages were hidden by their dark clothing. The moonlight started to diminish, the clouds started to gather, and it seemed like everything was getting darker. The four mages were gathered around a young girl who was lying motionless but sound asleep on the ground. As they extended their hands toward the girl, dark powers emanated from them. She started to sway to the sides, groaning in agony and trying to relax.

     Both she and the mages stopped moving and using their magic on her. The girl lost consciousness once more. The mages vanished, and a new character emerged. The individual didn't appear to be a typical mage—she was radiant, dressed in white, and her body was shining. The clouds began to become more transparent. When she touched the girl who was lying there, the girl's body began to light and her eyes to open.

     Bloom mumbled as she covered her face with her hands, "Arrgh, this stupid dream again, and why does it keep showing me the past.

She grumbled and got out of bed when she heard a knock on the door.

She breathed in Michael's smell from the entrance and whispered, "Come in.

A Caucasian young man in his 20s entered the room carrying a tray with fried chicken legs, coffee, and a few loaves of bread. He has dark, lustrous hair that is neatly cropped, and he appears handsome.

        "Good morning Princess, hope you slept well?" He queried. He stepped over and unlocked the window.

        "I think I did, just those dreams again" When she mentioned those dreams, her countenance turned annoyed.

         "Do you think it's time?" He inquired after placing the tray at the desk close to her bed.

         "No" She answered. She saw the breakfast "Oh boy, you didn't have to bring them to me, you took it from the maid, isn't it?"

        "I had no choice, just wanted to see your morning face before you wash them off". She grinned.

        "I see that you're trying to flirt with me, so I'm wondering why you don't already have a girlfriend. Her gaze was averted to him. He felt shy all of a sudden.

         "I'm not flirting with you Bloom, come on, you're a great friend to me and if I am, maybe I'm just practicing"

         "Practicing?, Don't be silly" She giggled.

          "Well, hurry up, there are list of people who needs redemption and those who want to be plagued for the rest of their life". "Fools" He mocked them and he reached to the door and turned "Meet me downstairs, kiddo".

          "What, kiddo?" She cried out. Michael laughed and closed the door.

"What! Does he believe I'm a child? She made a mumbling motion toward the restroom.

A few minutes later, Bloom entered the house wearing a short emerald green dress, tule arms, a black hat, and sunglasses. Everyone who was passing by bent their heads in reverence as they paused to view her, but Michael grinned gleefully. In a dark LandCruiser that leads to the town, they both drove away from the castle. They got out of the car and started strolling in that direction. Bloom noticed a white, attractive man walking by wearing a brown jacket.

He seemed homeless, so she wondered why he smells odd. She walked by him.

"Two guys were discovered dead in their automobile late last week along Bethel Park; a sign with a circle and a figure 4 inside it as the end point and an arrow was also discovered at the victims' chests. The similar indication was discovered on the chest of a little girl who was found dead yesterday while wearing her school uniform and walking home". The woman on television said, "She was stabbed with a knife at her back" A lady at the crime scene kept talking...

As Kim continued to type, his gaze was fixed on his laptop, and eventually he noticed the subject of his search. At that very moment, he came across a news piece regarding the sign the journalist had mentioned.

       "They identified as "The Ashllim Society," a group founded to "redeem people and show them the route to their path of life." He voiced his reading.

"Their course of life? Well, you jerks slaughter people and claim that this is their way of life. Is that atonement or murder? he yelled. I wonder if the station gave us this case.

       "They raise a lot of issues regarding the meaning of the signs and the identity of the perpetrators. The authorities are still looking into the case and attempting to find proof of the murderer's identity. The journalist continued to speak.


        "Only trustworthy and deserving females have been given the right to govern. Nobody is aware of their society or the location of their gatherings." He carried on reading until his phone rang, at which point he abruptly stopped.

       "Hello Sir," He answered the phone. "Okay, I'll head out straight away". After cutting the line, he quickly dressed in his brown jacket and left his room for the town.

As he continued to stroll, he came across a young, dark-skinned woman in her 20s wearing a short, emerald dress along with a black hat and sunglasses.

Why, he wondered, does she wear spectacles and still appear strange, shallow, and attractive at the same time? He went right by her.