
Bright Radiance: The Idol System Chronicles

At the age of 40, Kang Ji-Eun, a woman who had once aspired to be a singer, had long abandoned her dreams, buried beneath the weight of life's responsibilities and missed opportunities. But fate had an extraordinary twist in store for her. One fateful day, tragedy struck, and Kang Ji-Eun met an untimely end. Instead of the expected journey to the afterlife, she found herself transported back in time to when she was just 19 years old. Disoriented but determined, she soon realized that she had been granted a second chance at life, along with a mysterious gift – the "Idol System." Nabi's charismatic presence and magnetic aura on stage earned her the title "Bright Radiance: The Idol Star." She became an inspiration to many, using her influence to promote unity and understanding among fans from different cultures. But Nabi's journey wasn't just about her own success. She used her experience and wisdom to scout and mentor aspiring talents, nurturing them into rising stars. Her legacy as a mentor became legendary, and her story served as a beacon of hope for those who dared to chase their dreams. "Bright Radiance: The Idol System Chronicles" is a tale of second chances, redemption, and the pursuit of one's passion against all odds. Nabi's remarkable transformation from a talentless girl to a K-pop sensation serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the belief that dreams can come true, no matter where life's journey begins.

Luna_Ar · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter Six: The First Day of Shooting

The day of the first shoot for "Starlight Showcase" had arrived, and Kang Ji Eun couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. The sun had barely risen when she left her family's home, dressed in her most stylish yet comfortable outfit, ready to face the challenges and excitement that awaited her.


Arriving at the filming location, Ji Eun was greeted by the sight of other hopeful contestants. The 100 girls who had passed the initial interview were gathered, each one with their own dreams and aspirations. The air was buzzing with excitement and nervous energy as they waited for instructions.


Ji Eun spotted a girl standing off to the side, her demeanor noticeably shy. She had a slight stutter when she spoke, making her words come out in a gentle and hesitant manner. Ji Eun approached her with a warm smile.


"Hello there," Ji Eun greeted, extending a hand. "I'm Kang Ji Eun, but you can call me Nabi."


The girl returned the smile, her eyes lighting up with gratitude. "H-Hello, I'm Kim Mi-Young. Nice to meet you, Nabi."


Ji Eun could tell that Mi-Young was a bit apprehensive about the whole experience. She decided to strike up a conversation to ease her nerves.


"So, Mi-Young, have you heard anything about who the coaches will be for the first 75 contestants?"


Mi-Young nodded, her eyes brightening with excitement. "Y-Yes, I heard. The dancing coach will be Lee Soo-Young from Pink Rose, and the singing coach is Ji Eun Jae, the one famous for all those K-Drama OSTs and awards."


Ji Eun couldn't help but share Mi-Young's enthusiasm. "That's amazing! I've always admired Ji Eun Jae's voice, and Pink Rose is such a talented group. We're in for some top-notch training."


As the morning progressed, the contestants were herded into the filming studio, where they were met by a bustling crew preparing for the first day of shooting. The atmosphere was electric, with cameras, lights, and crew members buzzing around.


Ji Eun and Mi-Young found themselves standing together in the sea of hopefuls, waiting for the program to begin. The excitement was palpable, and Ji Eun couldn't help but feel a surge of determination.


Mi-Young turned to Ji Eun, her voice still gentle but filled with newfound confidence. "Nabi, let's give it our all. We have this incredible opportunity, and we can't waste it."


Ji Eun smiled warmly, her heart touched by Mi-Young's resilience. "You're absolutely right, Mi-Young. We'll support each other through this journey."


As the program's host announced the beginning of the first day of shooting, the excitement in the air reached its peak. The 100 girls, including Ji Eun and Mi-Young, were about to embark on a life-changing adventure, guided by the expertise of their coaches, Lee Soo-Young and Ji Eun Jae.

As the contestants awaited their turn on the stage, a friendly-looking girl approached Kang Ji Eun and Kim Mi-Young. Her cheerful demeanor immediately put them at ease, and she introduced herself with a warm smile.

"Hi there! I'm Lee Soo-Min," she said, extending a hand. "I'm a trainee from 'C' Entertainment Company. Nice to meet you both!"


Ji Eun and Mi-Young exchanged polite greetings and introduced themselves. Ji Eun felt a sense of camaraderie as they chatted with Soo-Min. She seemed genuinely friendly and eager to connect with fellow contestants.


Soo-Min's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "So, what entertainment companies are you two from?"


Mi-Young and Ji Eun exchanged glances before Mi-Young replied, "Actually, we're not from any entertainment companies. We're here as independent trainees."


Soo-Min's cheerful demeanor suddenly shifted, and a hint of disdain crossed her face. She glanced at them with a condescending look before sneering, "Oh, independent trainees, huh? Well, I guess some of us have it easier than others."


With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Ji Eun and Mi-Young standing there, slightly taken aback. They exchanged puzzled glances, not sure what had just transpired.


Mi-Young sighed softly. "I guess not everyone is as friendly as Soo-Min."


Ji Eun nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it seems like there's a competitive atmosphere even among contestants. But let's not let it bother us. We're here to give our best."


Their conversation was interrupted as the program's host announced that it was time to begin the ranking process. The contestants' names were called one by one, and they were ranked based on their initial performance and potential.


Ji Eun and Mi-Young watched as their fellow contestants took their turns on stage. Some received high rankings, while others faced disappointment with lower scores. The tension in the room was palpable as each name was called.


Finally, the host called, "Kang Ji Eun, please come to the stage."


Ji Eun's heart raced as she made her way to the stage. The bright lights and the expectant gaze of the judges and audience filled her with a mix of excitement and nerves. This was her moment to prove herself once again.