
Briella's Crush

A secondary-school student, named Briella, has a crush on a handsome boy, a year older than her. Through these last few years, she did not show any signs of attraction, she has decided that this year will be different. Will she keep to her plan and promise, and let her crush know that she is into him, or will - as always - her nerves get the best of her and cause her to abort the mission as a whole?... *Extract from book* "But tell me..." Nadia begins. When Briella raises her eyes up to her, she sees a smug smile on Nadia's lips. "I never got to ask... Who was that 5th year you always had your eye on last year?". Immediately, Briella's face becomes red as she knows exactly who Nadia is talking about. "Ryan... was that his name??" Nadia questions. 'Ryan...' Briella thinks to herself. 'His name... it brings back all those memories... The first time I saw him was when I was in 2nd year. He was with a group of fellas when his eyes landed on mine and me on his. It was that one look that made me want him. Although he didn't grow on me at first, by the time I got to my 4th year, I had an intense crush on him...'.

Strale · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter Two - The First Day...

It's morning, the sun has risen above the horizon and it will only continue rising before beginning to descend again, sending the day away and darkening the sky back into the night. But until then, a long day of work is to be done...

The birds sing peacefully and melodically before...

Briella's alarm goes off.

She moans and groans before reaching out and dismissing her alarm. "Just five more minutes..." she whispers under her breath.

Suddenly, the realisation sets in...

"Oh crap, today I have to go to school!!".

She jumps out of her bed before rushing to the bathroom, after that, she comes back into her room where she rummages through her closet to find her uniform.

'I should have found and set the uniform aside for today... The only thing I forgot to do for today...'.

Finding her uniform, she puts it on. She puts on her dark grey leggings, before wrapping and buttoning the upper half of her body with a white shirt with a cute, mediocrely large tie. She then finalizes her uniform by putting on her knee-length school skirt and school blazer.

From there, she quickly brushes her hair before going to her main drawer and opening the first shelf. In there she found ribbons upon ribbons.

Choosing the colour that will suit her outfit, she ties her hair into a high ponytail with the ribbon. She fixes her hair in the mirror, and when satisfied, she moves onto her next task. Making breakfast.

A couple of minutes pass before she walks into the kitchen with her bag on her shoulders.

Laying it beside the door of the big kitchen, she races her way to the fridge before taking out milk. She then opens a counter right beside the fridge and fetches out a box of cereals.

Mixing the milk with the cereals in the bowl, she returns everything to its place before microwaving her food. While the microwave is doing its thing, Briella goes to the hallway to get her footwear. She puts on her cute flat-bottomed black footwear.

She comes back into the kitchen just as the microwave finished.

Within minutes, her plate is empty.

Placing it in the sink, she goes to pick up her bag. She is ready to go.

She reaches her front door when she suddenly remembers...


She races up the stairs, into her room before grabbing her phone. While in her room, she grabs a perfume bottle before applying a single spray onto her.

Now she is ready to go.

She goes back downstairs before taking her key for the house that's hung beside the door.

With that, she goes outside, locking the door behind her, and gets her bike. Before riding off, she checks the time.

8:00 AM. School begins at 9:00 AM. She has lots of time.

... And she is off...

She rides through the countryside as it offers the most beautiful view, right by the huge river. Not many people are out and about, the same could be said about cars.

The tweets of birds fill the peaceful cloudy sky as, at times, the moving clouds manage to cover the bright sun.


Ten minutes later, Briella arrives at her school and slows down by the bicycle rack.

Hopping off the bike, sudden dread fills her. She realised she forgot her bicycle lock. Although theft is pretty much non-existent in her school, she likes to keep her things safe.

"Hmmmm...". She looks around her, suddenly something caught her attention. A branch!

She fetches the branch, before trying to secure her bike with it. She manages to knot the branch around a pole and her bike.

Moving away, she keeps a close eye on the branch as it slowly began to slip. Suddenly, a feeling of accomplishment filled her, but it didn't last for long, disappointment was soon to replace it.

The branch unties and falls down to the ground.

With a sigh of surrender, she turns around and makes her way into the school.

Walking into the building and wandering down the hallways in which she was hurrying through only months ago, it doesn't take long for her to find Nadia.

When Nadia sees Briella, she puts her hand up and waves at her.

"Briella!!!" she roars as she begins to sprint her way to her.

"Good morning, Briella!".

"Good morning, Nadia. You seem in a very good mood today...".

"Yeah?... What's wrong with that?" Nadia asks.

"Umm... well, we are back in school... Sooo...".

"Oh yeah, wait... on the topic of school..." Nadia begins before taking a step back. She looks at Briella, from her legs up to her head and back down.

"What???" Briella asks.

"Nothing... it's just that you look different...".

"WHAAA?! What do you mean!?!" Briella exclaims as she looks down at herself.

"Hmmm... wait..." Nadia begins. "Nevermind, it has just been a while since the last time I saw you in a uniform..." Nadia adds.

Briella lets out a sigh of relief.

"But..." Nadia begins, once again. "It does look like you have gained a bit... you did look thinner yesterday...".

'Wait what!? How is that possible???'. "As you said, it's just the uniform!!" Briella replies.

"Okay... anyways, we should get going, we don't want to be late for the opening ceremony!" Nadia exclaims.

"Ummm... it's not a ceremony, it's just an assembly... please tell me you know that Nadia. Do you?".

"But still..." Nadia begins. "A 'ceremony' sounds so much better! It sounds so... magical... so special... so... unique..." she adds.

"Ummm... Nadia, are you sure that everything is okay?".

"Yeah, why?".

"I don't know... you seem like you might be...". Briella suddenly stops before her eyes widen. Omg, it can't be, can it??? "Wait, Nadia, are you in love!?".

"Wait what!?". Nadia's face is full of surprise. "No! Of course I'm not!".

Briella sighs with relief.

"But please... don't even ask me such non-sense again..." Nadia says.

"Of course! Sorry...".

"Anyways!" Nadia begins, "come on, we'll be late!!".

And before another thought could enter Briella's head, Nadia drags her into the main hallway of the school. There, chairs upon chairs upon chairs are laid all across the big area. Flowers decorate the walls of the hallway.

'It really does look like a ceremony!' Briella thinks to herself, surprised.

"So, where should we sit??" Nadia asks.

"Huh?... Ummmm... I don't know..." Briella replies. "Maybe somewhere in the middle...".

"Hmmm, just where I was thinking!!!" Nadia replies.

They both settle and sit down, their bags in between their legs, on the ground.

Briella looks around her as more and more students fill the seats.

She keeps on looking around until her eyes land on someone. It only takes her a second to realise who is it.

It's Ryan!

He is still standing, talking to his friends, his broad back facing Briella.

Seconds pass before they too move and sit down. Till now, he never looked back, giving Briella no reason to not look away. But it was almost as if he finally felt a pair of eyes on him, he glanced back and immediately, their eyes meet...

Even though quite a distance separates them, she could still feel his gaze being as sharp as glass.

The sensation of his eyes piercing into hers... it reminded her of the first time they looked at each other, it seemed like years ago now...

It was Briella who broke their eyes contact as she quickly moved and hid behind Nadia. Her heart couldn't handle it!!

"Huh???". Nadia looks at Briella before looking back forward. "Hey look!! There's Ryan, Briella!... Briella? Is everything okay?".

Briella lays onto Nadia as her heart has had a meltdown. "Omg...".
