
Briella's Crush

A secondary-school student, named Briella, has a crush on a handsome boy, a year older than her. Through these last few years, she did not show any signs of attraction, she has decided that this year will be different. Will she keep to her plan and promise, and let her crush know that she is into him, or will - as always - her nerves get the best of her and cause her to abort the mission as a whole?... *Extract from book* "But tell me..." Nadia begins. When Briella raises her eyes up to her, she sees a smug smile on Nadia's lips. "I never got to ask... Who was that 5th year you always had your eye on last year?". Immediately, Briella's face becomes red as she knows exactly who Nadia is talking about. "Ryan... was that his name??" Nadia questions. 'Ryan...' Briella thinks to herself. 'His name... it brings back all those memories... The first time I saw him was when I was in 2nd year. He was with a group of fellas when his eyes landed on mine and me on his. It was that one look that made me want him. Although he didn't grow on me at first, by the time I got to my 4th year, I had an intense crush on him...'.

Strale · Urban
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Chapter Six - The Invitation...

The next morning, Briella woke up, got ready and went off to school, but today, instead of cycling...

"Honey, do you want me to drop you off to school?" Briella's mother asks as she walks into the kitchen whilst adjusting her right earring.

"I don't mind, mom, I mean, if you don't mind. Besides, I don't want to have to deal with my bike again today..." Briella replies.

"Ah right, the bike..." her mother begins. "I talked to dad since he has a day off, he'll take a look at what he can do. But to be honest, is there anything your father can't fix??".

"Ummm, I don't think so..." Briella replies.

"As I said before, neither do I... which is my I agreed to marry him," Her mother says.

"Hey, I heard that..." Briella's father speaks up from the living room.

"I'm kidding, it's one of the reasons why," her mother whispers, before giving Briella a cheeky smile followed by a playful wink. "Anyways, I'll wait for you in the car. After you are finished with breakfast, you know what to do, go outside and into the car. Yeah?".

"Yeah," Briella replies.

"Alright then, see you in 5 minutes!". With that, her mother leaves the kitchen as the clicking of her high-heels echo throughout the whole house.

Briella goes back to eating the final few bites of her breakfast. After that, she puts her plate in the sink before getting her bag and heading out. Right before going out the front door, she peers into the living room and sees her father reading the paper. "See you later, dad!"

He looks up at smiles warmly at Briella. "Sure thing, honey! I'll most likely have your bike fixed by the time you come back".

"Thanks, dad. You are the best," Briella says.

"Alright, now off you go, you are going to be late!".

"Right...". With that, Briella exits the house and enters her mother's running car.

"Alright, are you ready, Briella?".

"Yes, mom.".

"Alright then, off we go.". And so, the car begins to move...


'I look out the window, at the pathway that I usually take when I cycle. From the pathway, I look out even further to the huge river that is accompanied by big and small ships and boats. Who knew the harbour would be so busy at this time of day?'.

The car ride lasts a few more minutes before Briella's mother turns into the main parking of the school. She stops to allow Briella to exit.

"Tell me, would you rather take the bus home, or walk?" Briella's mother inquires.

"A bus is handier.".

"True, true... anyways, take care, sweetie..." she says to Briella before sending her a kiss. Briella does the same.

"See you, mom!". With that, Briella closes the door before making her way to the school gate. But just before crossing the road, she allows her mother to exit, with one final wave, she drives off.

As if it being some sort of a freak accident, Briella sees Nadia walking up from the city centre. Seconds pass before Nadia notices her.

"Briella, hey! What's up, girl?".

'Should I tell her about yesterday?... Ahhh, who am I kidding, of course I should!'. "Well, nothing much, Nadia... except for the fact that my bike is broken...".

"Okaaay... I was looking for something more intriguing..." Nadia replies.

"But!" Briella begins.


"My bike broke as I was cycling back home..." Briella says.


"And then I tried to fix it...".

"And?" Nadia asks.

"Well... I didn't manage to get it fixed, but Ryan did...".

"Oh, Ryan di- WAIT, WHAT!?".

"I know right!!" Briella says.

"Tell me everything that happened!!" Nadia exclaims as they both head towards the school gates.


"Wait, so let me get this straight... You talked to Ryan???...".

"Yes... and shush, someone might hear you!" Briella says as they move through the busy hallway of the school.

"You know, Briella, I am very happy and glad for you..." Nadia says.

But before Briella could reply...

"Hey, Briella!!".

Immediately, the way her name rolled off the callers tongue, his deep voice, she instantly knew who it was. Slowly she turns around to see Ryan racing towards them.

When he reached Briella and Nadia, he said "hi" to them both.

"Hey, Briella. Can you help me?".

Ryan's words cause her to widen her eyes before she furrows her brows in confusion. 'Ryan needs my help? But... for what exactly?'. "Oh-I... Um, sure, what can I help you with?".

"You are in the art club, yes?".

Once again, Briella's eyes widen. 'How does Ryan know that I'm in the art-club??'. "H-how do you know, Ryan???".

"I saw your paintings from around the school..." Ryan begins.

'Wait, how does he know that they were mine! Omg... does that mean that he is feeling the same way? If he looked at my paintings and... and he figured out that they are mine... Omg, omg, omg...'.

"Honestly, I have to say, your signatures on your paintings look very nice!" Ryan adds with a pleased smile on his face.

Briella's face turns deadpan. 'My signatures, so that's how he found out they were mine... I totally forgot about the signatures!!.... I'm so stupid!!'.

"Anyways, your paintings scream out 'Art Club'," Ryan begins

'Emmm... that was a compliment, right??... I-I'll take it as a compliment...'.

"... So it was only natural for me to assume that you were in the Art Club..." Ryan elaborates.

"Ah right..." Briella replies.

"Anyways, I would like you to come over to my place after school, that is if you are free. I need a person who is good at drawing. For references...".

'Wait... he... he wants me to help him with his work???...'. Suddenly, Briella bursts into a joyous smile. 'Even though he wants me for my work... I... I don't mind. As long as I get to stay with Ryan, I don't mind...'. "Sure! I'm free this evening" Briella answers.

"Huh!?" Nadia exclaims.

"Great!". A smile of both joy and relief takes over Ryan's face.

...While Nadia looks at them, emotionlessly, as they both chuckle merrily.