
Bridges of Mortality: The Coselight War

[Heavy world building + magic] In a world on the brink of collapse, a courageous young boy stumbles upon a mysterious artifact hidden deep within the woods. Little does he know, his discovery sets in motion a perilous adventure that spans the uncharted reaches of the universe. Determined to find his way back home, he embarks on a quest to collect thirteen ancient relics. But he is not alone in his pursuit. A divine being, burdened with the knowledge of the impending cataclysm, vows to rewrite the future and prevent the boy from unknowingly triggering the destruction of the entire universe. Racing against time, their paths intertwine in a relentless chase where the stakes couldn't be higher. As the boy's journey unfolds, malevolent forces take shape and threaten to consume everything in their path. With the very fabric of existence at stake, the clash between gods and the impending doom looms ominously. Will the boy unlock the secrets of the relics and save his world, or will darkness prevail, plunging all into eternal chaos? Prepare for an epic adventure where destiny hangs in the balance, and the clash of gods heralds the ultimate battle for survival.

teddi · Action
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25 Chs

Veil of Deception

In the desolate bowels of Negative Hundred, where shadows clung tenaciously to the edges of concrete walls, I found myself ensnared in an existence I could never have imagined. Two years had slipped through my grasp like elusive shadows, leaving me in the stifling embrace of this grim labyrinth. The Grandmaster's pronouncement, laden with accusations and judgment, echoed ominously in the sterile air, casting me into a sentence of five years, an exile from the vibrant world of Kresa.

As the heavy cell door thundered shut behind me, a bitter wave of resentment surged within. The experiments, the eerie weapons, and the arcane artifacts scattered across Negative Hundred painted a picture of horror. The people within its confines were an enigmatic mosaic of the condemned, each with their own tale of despair etched onto worn faces. I, too, now bore the mark of this place, a badge of undeserved condemnation.

With every step, the sterile walls whispered tales of torment and secrets buried in the cold, damp air. I navigated through the dimly lit corridors, an unwilling passenger in this wretched journey. The faces I encountered bore expressions that ranged from stoic acceptance to haunted despair, a silent testament to the ordeal that was Negative Hundred.

As I delved deeper into the bowels of this subterranean purgatory, I stumbled upon an unexpected companion. Yuo, a wiry figure with a beard that seemed to defy gravity, shared the cramped confines of my cell. His pallid, cracked skin and skeletal frame betrayed the countless trials he endured in this desolate abode.

Approaching Yuo, I sought answers, an escape from the disorienting reality that now bound us. "How long have you been here?" I inquired, my voice echoing in the confined space.

Yuo, rising from the dirty concrete floor, advanced with a deliberate limp, an unspoken reminder of the toll extracted by this place. His body, nearly naked, donned only a pair of oversized shorts, revealing the extent of his malnourishment.

He looked at me with grey pupils and bloodshot eyes, a portrait of madness painted on his canvas. With a measured approach, he implored, "Give me your clothes."

Uncertain of his intentions, I hesitated, only to be met with laughter that reverberated through the cramped cell. His guffaws, forced and jarring, resonated off the sterile walls, my embarrassment laid bare before this unexpected companion.

Apologizing amid fits of coughing, Yuo revealed his ruse, his demeanor transforming into that of a carefree soul. "Welcome to Negative Hundred, pal! Did not think you would be here. But I guess that's life for ya!"

The cell door swung open, granting a reprieve from the stifling confinement. As Yuo guided me through Negative Hundred's artificial streets, I glimpsed the semblance of a town bathed in artificial light. The facades of buildings, eerily similar to those in Kresa, created a disorienting illusion – a testament to the calculated control exerted over every facet of this unnatural realm.

Two sides of Negative Hundred unfolded before me – one reserved for prisoners like Yuo and me, the other a mysterious testing facility. The sprawling expanse, a quarter the size of Kresa, was a surreal amalgamation of the real and the contrived.

In the heart of this fabricated town, a river coursed with a menacing speed, threatening to devour anything that dared to defy its flow. Yuo, standing tall by the water's edge, commanded my attention. "Get in," he urged, his eyes shifting from grey to a penetrating light blue.

Instinctively stepping back, I felt his iron grip, the fabric of my robe entwined in his fist. In a moment of inexplicable strength, he yanked me towards him, his ominous command echoing, "Don't look down."

Before I could comprehend his intentions, I found myself hurtling into the unforgiving current. The water enveloped me, disorienting and cold, each gasp for air a struggle against the relentless pull. The tunnel system beneath Negative Hundred became my watery gauntlet, a ride that tested my endurance and resilience.

Emerging at the river's end, battered and gasping, I felt a firm hand pull me to my feet. To my astonishment, it was Laz, the enigmatic figure with the purple cat. As my surroundings blurred, I glimpsed a ladder leading to a pipeline, and my journey through the mysteries of Negative Hundred took an unforeseen turn.

The purple cat, an ethereal presence by Laz's side, regarded me with its luminescent eyes. Laz, towering over me, remained an enigma. His silent demeanor and the feline companion hinted at a connection beyond the visible.

With a gesture, Laz directed me toward the entrance of a pipeline that vanished into the unknown. The steel rungs of the ladder echoed my ascent, each step a reminder of the uncharted territories that awaited me.

As I emerged from the pipeline, the environment shifted, revealing a sprawling expanse beneath Negative Hundred. The artificial town, the fake sunlight, and the meticulous control of every detail accentuated the surreal nature of this subterranean world. The river's origin, a mere façade of the real, further blurred the line between reality and illusion.

Laz, a silent guide in this strange realm, led the way. The purple cat, a silent companion, maintained a vigilant watch. It became evident that Laz's role extended beyond the confines of Negative Hundred, his presence a mysterious force within this fabricated reality.

Questions lingered in my mind, the mysteries of Negative Hundred intertwining with the enigma of Laz and the purple cat. With every step, I delved deeper into the labyrinth of questions, an unwitting explorer in a realm where reality and illusion danced in a mesmerizing ballet.

As we ventured further, the fabricated town gave way to unseen territories. A riverbank materialized, and Laz, with a solemn nod, gestured toward the flowing water

. "This is the Veil River," he declared, his voice carrying a weight of significance.

The Veil River, a serpentine entity beneath the artificial town, held secrets that eluded the grasp of those confined within Negative Hundred. Laz's cryptic words hinted at a deeper truth, an elusive understanding of the river's purpose in this fabricated realm.

My gaze followed the sinuous course of the river, and as it meandered into the unknown, a sense of foreboding crept over me. The journey through Negative Hundred had become a relentless unraveling of enigmas, each revelation birthing new questions.

Laz's stoic demeanor betrayed no inclination to offer explanations. Instead, he beckoned me to follow, and as we traversed the riverbank, the surroundings morphed once again. The fabricated town dissipated, replaced by an eerie landscape that mirrored the desolation within the hearts of those condemned to Negative Hundred.

The purple cat, ever watchful, emitted a soft glow that illuminated our path. Its ethereal presence seemed to transcend the boundaries of the fabricated reality, a silent witness to the secrets that lay hidden.

A dilapidated structure loomed ahead, its crumbling façade bearing witness to the passage of time. Laz approached it with a solemn reverence, his eyes betraying a connection to the mysteries concealed within.

"This is the Archive," Laz intoned, his voice echoing through the abandoned halls. The Archive, a repository of forgotten truths, held the key to unlocking the shackles of ignorance that bound those within Negative Hundred.

As I stepped into the dimly lit interior of the Archive, the air seemed to thicken with the weight of untold stories. Rows of shelves, laden with dusty tomes and arcane artifacts, whispered of a history erased from collective memory.

Laz, with deliberate steps, guided me through the labyrinthine corridors of the Archive. The purple cat's luminescent eyes illuminated the forgotten narratives etched into the timeworn pages of neglected manuscripts.

The revelations within the Archive transcended the confines of Negative Hundred. The Veil River, the artificial town, and the fabricated reality were threads in a tapestry woven with the forgotten tales of Kresa. The true nature of the river unfolded, and its significance reverberated through the annals of a history obscured.

Laz, a custodian of forgotten truths, bore witness to the eons of deception perpetuated within the fabricated reality. The purple cat, an ethereal guardian, stood sentinel over the revelations that lay within the hallowed halls of the Archive.

As the layers of deception peeled away, a surge of realization coursed through me. The Grand Castle, Kresa, and the world beyond existed as fragments of a reality distorted by unseen forces. Negative Hundred, with its artificial constructs and controlled illusions, was a microcosm of a larger design.

Laz, with a gaze that transcended the boundaries of time, imparted a solemn truth – the Veil River, once a conduit of natural flow, had been manipulated into a charade. The fabricated reality, an elaborate stage, concealed the machinations of those who sought to rewrite the narrative of Kresa.

The revelations within the Archive painted a tapestry of manipulation, a clandestine effort to shape destinies and control the course of events. The Veil River, once a force of nature, became a pawn in a cosmic chess game played by entities hidden in the shadows.

As the weight of this revelation settled upon me, Laz gestured toward a time-worn tome on one of the Archive's shelves. Its pages, brittle with age, whispered the tales of mages and sentinels, of a world unburdened by the shackles of distortion.

With each turn of the ancient pages, the truth unfurled – I, Alan Tumi, the ex Mage Sentinel of Kresa, had become a pawn in a grand design. The events that led to my exile, the disappearance, and the subsequent condemnation were orchestrated by unseen hands that manipulated the very fabric of reality.

Laz, the enigmatic guardian, and the purple cat, an otherworldly observer, had become my guides through this labyrinth of deception. The Archive, with its forgotten truths, held the key to unravelling the tapestry of lies that bound Kresa.

A resolve ignited within me – to confront the puppeteers who pulled the strings, to unveil the true architects of distortion. The path ahead, fraught with challenges and unknown perils, beckoned as I emerged from the depths of Negative Hundred, armed with the revelations of the Archive.

As Laz and the purple cat stood beside me, guardians of forgotten truths, I ventured forth into the shifting shadows of Kresa. The world, once confined to illusions, awaited the awakening of a Mage Sentinel determined to reclaim a destiny entwined with the threads of an ancient tapestry.