
Bride of the Vampire King

She was a human despised by her family but was strongly desired by the vampire king. Evelyn Starkins, a human born in a vampire family and was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb offered to the Vampires. Her fate took a new turn when the King realized she was the one he was seeking. He couldn't resist her. ........... "Do you think you can run away from me?" Eve heard his deep voice whisper in her ears which made her knees weaken. "I can if you let me," she said hoping he would free her. "And you think I will?" He brushed the tip of his nose lightly along the sides of her neck, causing her breath to hitch. He pulled away to stare at her flushed face. "Breathe my charm." "Breathe while you still can," he growled, his hot breath tickling her ears. "You tried to run away, and now you will get punished." He pressed his lips to her neck, leaving trails of fiery kisses along her skin. "I'm going to make you regret every step you took," he whispered, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll punish you so hard that you'll beg.. but for more." His fingers grazed her skin, sending shivers down her spine as she fought to control her breathing. She knew she should be scared, but the way he was he took control of her body, the way his touch ignited a fire within her, made her shamelessly excited for his punishment.. ....... Note: cover is not mine

Aee_sharh20 · Fantasy
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131 Chs

In his arms - part two

The rain had started to fall when Eve awoke hours later in the night. She sat up in bed, time had flown by so fast that she briefly doubted if it was actually night. She got out of bed and went to pull the curtains closed over the window.

Walking to her closet, she picked out a blue night dress and headed into the bathroom. She turned on the hot water tap and when it filled the tub halfway, she switched it to cold to mix the water. She added a liquid rose-scented soap before undressing to step in.

Finally relaxing in the tub, her mind returned to her dream. Evilyna had also been cast out by the witches because she was different, but unlike Eve, Evilyna had received her parents' care; she hadn't been deserted. But why had she dreamt about her? Eve asked herself.

'You were reading about her,' she quickly realized. People often say you dream about the last thing you were thinking about.

After finishing her bath, she put on her nightdress and walked into her room. Her stomach growled, reminding her she hadn't eaten lunch and had also missed dinner. Ester hadn't come to wake her up or brought a meal to her room. Deciding to go out, she picked up a shawl to cover herself, grabbed a lantern, and walked out of her room to the dining hall.

The rain had lessened by now and wasn't falling as heavily as when she had woken up. She met no one on her way through the corridors and it made her wonder what time it was for everyone to have already gone to bed, including the servants.

Reaching the dining hall, she opened the doors and stepped in. The lanterns were already extinguished, so she held hers at arm's length as she walked towards the table. There was a basket of fruit covered with a napkin and she lifted it to pick up an apple. She poured water from the jug into a glass cup, drank it, then left, closing the door behind her.

As she started to walk away, the wind carried the faint sound of receding footsteps on the same corridor with her. She turned to look behind her, raising the lantern in front of her, but she couldn't see anyone. Her feet moved in the direction of the sound, walking carefully after the footsteps. It was a long corridor and she continued to walk, dimming the lantern she held so as not to alert the person.

Soon she could see the moonlight on the corridors and she approached the open area where the large pond was situated. The glass fountain shone brighter in the night and she caught sight of someone going deep into the water. She paused her steps at the same time she heard the footsteps she was following stop.

She kept looking at the pond waiting for the swimmer to emerge. Her eyes widened when he did. Emerging from the blue water to the waist with his hair dripping was Sebastian, who locked gazes with her.

Her eyes trailed over his broad shoulders and his chest where a deep mark extended to his stomach, finally settling on his narrow waist. Realizing she was checking him out, her face flushed and she quickly spun on her heels, ready to run when he called out.

"Come here, Evelyn." She paused. Had his voice always been so deep and authoritative? Eve asked herself as she turned back to look at him. Eve waited, if she took five steps further, she would be away from the castle shelter and will be completely wet from the rain, she thought. He was still staring at her, waiting for her to make a move and she did. She dropped the lantern on the ground and walked into the rain, feeling the first drop touch her skin and then second and it became heavy that poured down on her, making her body completely wet with just few steps she had taken.

Eve held her shawl to cover her shoulders and front as she reached the edge of pond and stared down at Sebastian. He swam close to her and raised his hand for her to take.

"I.. I cannot swim," She said.

"I'll hold you," He said softly still she hesitated and he moved. He pushed himself up from the water and pulled her by the waist to fall into the pond.

"Aa..mm," The water entered her mouth stopping her from screaming, as she found herself inside the water which blocked her sight. When she was pulled out, she panted for air, her hands moving to wipe the water from herself which got wet again from the rain that poured down.

"W-what... Why did you do that?" She questioned, moving away the hair from her face. Quickly, she moved her legs under the water before sighing in relief, it almost felt she couldn't feel all of herself in the water.

Sebastian was still holding her waist, keeping her in his close space and she quickly tried to push him away.

"Are you sure?" She heard him ask and she shot up her head to look at him.

"If I let go of you like you want, you'll pushed by the water current which is heavy as the rain is falling," He explained and then added.

"You said you didn't know how to swim."

"It would have been better I stayed outside the pond," Eve replied him, opening her mouth slightly so water wouldn't get in.

"Why should I? I've missed you in my arms," Sebastian confessed, pulling her even more closer and rested his head on her shoulders. Eve stiffened, her hands fisted at her side as he moved his hand up to rest on her back.

"I-I.." She closed her mouth having nothing to say.

"What were you looking for?" He questioned.

Eve remembering why she had stepped here in the first place turned to look at the passage, "That.. I heard someone walking in the corridor and..."

"You followed him." Sebastian concluded moving away from her shoulders but still holding her.

"Did you see the person?" Eve asked.

"No. There was no one here," He replied watching her brows furrow in question.

"Sometimes I wonder what you really were in your past life. A mouse or a cat," he said and she pursed her lips stopping herself from glaring.

"You don't always have to seek for answers when you notice something odd. It either brings pain or danger, rarely happiness. I was also here but didn't go after the person."

"That means someone was truly here?" Eve asked and he almost sighed, of all the things he said. His hand moved to her cheek and he pinched the soft cheek between his fingers.

"No, there was no one. You've been reading too much about the witches," he answered, ignoring her glare.

When she parted her lips to speak, his eyes followed and his head dropped low as he leaned in, capturing her lips with his own. His hand moved to the back of her head and he kissed her slowly. Eve's eyes bulged open, her hands squeezing tightly shut beside her feeling his cold lips move against hers. Nibbling her lower lip, he deepened the kiss, exploring her mouth with his tongue and savoring the lingering taste of the apple she had eaten.

His other hand brushed her breast again like during the day but he didn't move past. He cupped one of her soft mound in his hand as he pushed his tongue further into her mouth. Eve's hands instinctively raised to his chest, grazing his skin with her nails as she felt the fire from the day igniting in her again.

Her cheeks burned as he gently squeeze her breast in his hand, and he continued to kiss her mouth. He moved his hand from her head to her waist as he pushed her gently in the water for her back to hit the edge of the pond. His left leg moved and settled between her legs under the water, and Eve's eyes widened further moaning into his mouth at the contact. Her body was awakening in a feeling she couldn't control.

He pulled away from her lips and kissed her jaw, licking all the way to her neck and her head moved back as she breathed heavily. He continued to lick the middle of her neck before moving down to the swell of her breast and kissed her through the thin fabric. His fingers gently pinched her hardened bud and his fangs sink into the swell of her breast. At the same time, he moved his knee between her legs on her core.

Eve felt the pleasure rippling through her body tripled and she cried out softly.


He continued to suck blood from her breast, palming her gently. He pulled out his fangs and looked up at her face.

"I had been waiting to hear you call my name again," He whispered in her ears and nibbled her earlobe, his knee moved again and he felt her nails tear into his skin.

"Your high-" Sebastian kissed her again muffling her voice before pulling away.

"Say my name."

He breathed through his parted lips while staring down her to watch her look away. His lips stretched in a smile and he moved again on her. Eve's legs trembled with the slow movement of his knee, she bit in her lips trying to stifle her moans but failed when he persisted in his movement.


It came out as a whisper that sounded melancholic to his ears and he dived onto her lips, this time for a fiery dominating kiss as he grazed her sex more. He felt her wound her hands around his back, marking him with her nails.

Eve felt her stomach curl in the pleasure, her head rolled back and he followed, locking lips with her, she was feeling a stronger sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her legs began to shake on either side of him as she felt the wave continue to build up. She parted from his lips, her mouth widening as she succumbed to the feeling, her nail drove even deeper into his finger as Sebastian drove her closer to the edge and then...

Eve snapped her eyes open as she felt the pause in the tingling between her legs. Just a second ago, it felt like she was driven to a high cliff, one she was ready to reach but it all stopped when Sebastian stopped moving his knee. Her eyes fell on him and the smirk he carried gracefully on his lips.

What was that? Eve questioned herself as she panted heavily.

Sebastian patted her back and stroke her hair lovingly, "Breathe in," He whispered and when she did, he fell on her lips and dive into the water. The water stung Eve's eyes and she blinked continuously as Sebastian passed the air from his mouth to her, slowly, she felt the heat from her body reduced. Feeling her relax in his arms, he swam up again. Carrying her in his arms, he stepped out of the pond from the little stairs and drop her on the ground. It was then she realized he was wearing a grey trousers

The rain had ceased, leaving behind a chilling cold that swept over their bodies. Eve instinctively moved her hands to cover her front, her gaze scanning the area in search of her shawl. Just then, she noticed Sebastian raising his hands in front of her, holding out a white scarf. She reached for it and wrapped it around her body. Her eyes didn't meet his, her body still tingling with pleasure despite him denying her the climax she had yearned for.

"Can you walk alone to your room?" He asked and she nodded.

"Go." He said and she curtsied a little and moved quickly back to the corridor, she picked up the lantern that was almost exhausted and rushed away.

Sebastian finally tore his gaze away from her and looked at the other end of the corridor, he would have taken Eve to her room but they was something that demanded his attention. He walked away from the pond, with water droplets falling on the ground, leaving an imprint of each of his steps. He ventured into the darkness until he reached a room, where a faint glow spilled out from beneath the door.

As he turned the knob and stepped inside, the light flickered off, and in that split second, his reflex kicked in. His right hand swiftly shot up to his face, stopping the dart that was thrown at his face.

"Tch. So slow," He said.