
Bride Of The Aragon Prince

She was scurrying off to her school when she suddenly heard the voice. "Hello, human girl." The feminine voice drawls, she heard the voice right inside her head. She almost tripped on her feet but was able to catch herself before falling flat on her face on the sidewalk. Strange. She thought and look around to see if someone is actually talking to her and not just a voice she is hearing in her head but instead, all she is seeing is a man taking a stroll with his dog and people just going on with their daily activities. She is sure she heard a voice, or is she hallucinating? "I know you can hear me, stop pretending as if you can't." The voice says in her head again. "W-who is this?" She whispers in panic and almost had a heart attack when she felt a warm and wet sensation on her leg followed by a soft bark. "It's me. I'm Maggie." She whirls around just to see the dog she spotted with the man taking a stroll before. No, no, no. Not what I'm thinking. "You?" She says to the dog tentatively and noticed the collar around its neck with the name tag 'Maggie.' "Yes me, idiot." The dog pants whilenodding its head up and down. Blood drains from her face and she looks pale with her mouth hanging open and her eyes as wide as saucers as she watches the dog sashay away with its master. "See you around later, it's nice meeting a human who can speak to animals even though the said human looks kinda dumb." It huffs while walking away. What was that? Nathalie wonders in a daze.

Queen_Ebony · Teen
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2 Chs


Words cannot express how excited Nathalie is as she enters the car opened for her by the driver that drives her to and from the school. Her thirteenth birthday is in a few days and she has already been giving out invitation letters to her friends, she can't wait to see what her parents planned for her.

When they got to the house, she removes her seatbelt and jumps out of the car before the driver can open the door for her. She is making her way inside when she spotted a man coming out of the house, the man gave a goofy grin when his gaze landed on her. He takes a step towards her but she takes a step back in fear, there was something about the man that terrifies her. He has mismatched ash and brown eyeballs and she saw a jagged scar about three inches long on his left cheek. Staring at him intently she noticed an ax and skull tattooed on his arm.

Seeing how terrified she looks, the man burst into hysterical laughter that makes shivers run down her spine. Without saying a word, he walks to his car, a sleek black car she didn't notice in the company before, and drove off.

Nathalie could not shake off the feeling that something is wrong as she ran into the house. "Mom," silence. "Dad," silence again. She is sure they are both at home as she has already seen their cars in the compound and they already promised she would meet them at home once she comes back from school so that they can take her to her grandmother as she requested the previous day.

She doesn't see them in the living room or their room. "Mom?" She called again while wondering where they could be. Then she remember she hasn't checked the second living room, she decided to check even though they rarely go there.

A little bit out of breath due to the flight of stairs she climbed, she opened the door and entered. A loud piercing scream tore from her mouth as she take in the scene before her, she was her father's lifeless body on the floor. She also spots her mother laying opposite him, she is in a pool of blood and she's staring directly at her. She noticed that her lips are moving as if she's trying to tell her something and as if coming out of a trance, Nathalie rushed to her mother.

"M-Mom? Speak to me, mom?" She clasps her mother's bloody hand in hers with panic evident on her face.

"N-Nath." Her mother finally breathes out in difficulty. "I have been waiting for you."

Tears filled her eyes as she kept on replaying the face of the man she saw outside a few minutes ago, she knew something was odd about him but didn't think he could murder her parents.

"I'm here now mother, I am here," Nathalie whispers.

"I have to show you something."

"Not now mother, let me take you to the hospital. I-I can call the ambulance or..."

"Nathalie." Jenny cuts in weakly. "Keep quiet, Don't say a word." She warns and then closes her eyes.

Nath watched in curiosity as her mother started muttering something under her breath. Seconds later, something so bright that she had to shed her eyes with her hand appears in front of her, she removes her hand from her eyes slowly and sees that its brightness has subsided to a dull glow. Staring at it intently, Nath noticed that it is her mother's amulet, the amulet is always around her neck until a few day ago. She asked her mother then about the whereabouts of the amulet but she only gave a vague answer.

"Take it." Her mother urges her.

She touches the amulet dangling in her face slowly before wrapping her fingers around it.

Jenny stretches her hand towards her. "Drop it on my hand." Nath doesn't say a word as she drops the green amulet with a silver necklace in her hand.

Her mother motions to her to bend a bit, she does and she wears the amulet around her neck with great difficulty.

"Promise me you'll never remove this amulet from your neck no matter what."

"I promise." She whispers with all sincerity.

Jenny smiles at her daughter in satisfaction and takes her last breath.

Aragon Kingdom

The Aragon Kingdom is a supernatural world located between heaven and earth.

At the chamber of the crown prince of the kingdom.

"Qirux. Must you go?" Jasmine asks Qirux who is seating at the edge of the bed in frustration.

"Yes. Need I remind you of the importance of this mission?"

"It's just that... I will miss you a lot." She moves closer to him on the bed and hugs him from behind.

"The golden heart of Amaya needs to the returned to the kingdom and I need to impress the people by showing them I'm capable enough to rule them."

The golden heart of Amaya is a very powerful treasure in the kingdom that got stolen by one of them who suddenly became evil and power-hungry. Vaughn became greedy for more powers so he started using dark powers, before they could find out that he's possessed, he had stolen the most powerful treasure of the kingdom and ran to the earth which they call the human world. Vaughn has been using this powerful treasure to cause havoc in the human world, it is now Qirux's mission to make sure he brings back the treasure and destroy Vaughn.

Jasmine caresses his chest slowly and at the same time drops kisses on his neck. Jasmine is the daughter of an important official in the kingdom, she and Qirux are childhood friends until they became friends with benefit. Jasmine is in love with Qirux but she would dare tell him for she knows that he just sees her as a friend and nothing more.

"I will be back in 19 days." He assures her.

Nineteen days is equal to nineteen years in the human world.

Qirux turns his head and captures her lips in his, the kiss is getting hotter when someone suddenly walks in. It is General Xim, the commander of all warriors in the Kingdom and their third friend.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

Jasmine pouts as he detaches from her. "Yes."