
Bride Of Hades

COMPLETED Dimitri Santoris is the heir of one of the oldest and strongest mafia clans in the country. He was described as a very cold-hearted, cruel, and manipulative person. The only thing that makes him happy is torturing evil people for their wrongdoings, having their pitiful lives in his mercy, but one can say that he is doing the world a favor by getting rid of these unsightly characters. Nobody could move his unfeeling heart until an unexpected encounter with Aurora. His attraction was just as strong as a moth, getting attracted to a flame. Aurora is a beautiful, intelligent, and practical person. Being betrayed by her best friend had been a blessing and a curse. When they cross paths again, will the flame be as strong as when they met, or will the pain of her past stop her from finding happiness? Will the king of the underworld, Hades, have his bride? And as the truth of their origins come out will their relationship be threatened or will they be strong enough to survive? Can true love conquer anything? Aiden Cooper, the friendliest and most approachable Aristocratic heir, is handsome, smart, kind, and humorous. His gentle behavior and charming nature make him very favorable among women. But he has his eyes set on the coldest of women, Ice Queen Sophia. Sophia Collins lost her parents at a very young age, was mistreated by her relatives, and betrayed by the one person she thought she could trust, her fiancé. Life had never been easy for her, but she strived to get to the top, and now she is the CEO of the popular Bellezza cosmetics. She is a workaholic and had focused on her career but getting closer to this woman with unparalleled beauty was harder than breaking into a bank. Meeting Aiden Cooper gave her the most disconcerting feeling since she’s sworn off love. Declaring his undying devotion, following her like a lovesick fool made her feel things she had buried deep within her icy exterior. Will Aiden’s antics thaw this Ice Queen’s heart? Will knowing his true identity stop her from falling in love, or will she embrace his darker side? Aristocratic series: Book 1 - Bound To Him [completed] Book 2 - Bride Of Hades [completed] Book 3 - Bewitched His Soul [completed] Each book can be read as stand alone. Note- Follow me on Instagram @ starysky96

StarySky96 · Urban
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169 Chs

Chapter 29

Aurora was half listening to Enzo's and Dimitri's conversation when heard Dimitri say they were moving.

"Dimitri, what are you saying? How can you just think of moving us to another city without asking me?" She was getting annoyed with him, he better explain himself fast. It hasn't been that long since she got her job, and it won't be that easy to find another one. And just when she was finally getting adjusted to their routine Dimitri just wanted to relocate them. There were a lot of things to consider when moving. 

"This is not a spur-of-the-moment decision. I've been thinking about this since I saw you. My headquarters and my house are in another city, I can't stay here, we will need to go back eventually. I'm bringing you and my son with me because I've waited for this moment for so many years and I will not be separated from you again. 

You said you wanted to give our relationship a try, and Enzo doesn't seem to want me to go sleep somewhere else, so I thought we should just live together. So our little family will never get separated," he explained.

Dimitri had completed his business in their city a while ago, he just extended his stay for Aurora and Enzo. His PA has been hounding him day and night to come back so he could take care of business, and some of them can't be postponed any longer.

He did not want to leave his family in another city where he could not take care of them. Plus, there was much to be said for the area they were living in. His family should be living a lavish lifestyle, not in poverty.

"But my job is in this city, and I'm not sure how I'd manage to move this soon. I need to pack and… There's just so much to do...," she trailed off, thinking about all the things she needed to do was stressing her out.

"Aurora I have already arranged everything for you. You needn't worry about anything. All you need to do is tell me what you need, it's my responsibility to fulfill it. You don't even need to lift a finger," he was making everything easy for her so she could not back out and think of any reason to say no.

She had a troubled expression on her face, so he held her hands in his, saying in a soft tone. "Please say yes. I can't wait to take you both home and show the world that I have a very beautiful wife and a cute, smart son. Please don't deny me this," he begged.

There was sincerity in his voice, and his pleading expression had touched her heart. He had been there every day since he learned about Enzo, ready to take responsibility for them both. It's not like she had anybody in the city anyway. She had no one to call as friends or family, except Enzo. The prospect of having Dimitri as her family appealed to her very much, someone to take care of her and her son, no matter what.

Enzo had become dependent on having Dimitri in his life, even insisting they all sleep together last night. He had become more cheerful and more energetic in the few days that Dimitri had been in their house. She never thought this could ever happen, all hope had been lost for their family to be whole again, but fate was kind to her at last.

"Okay… I agree. We will come and live with you," she replied.

He could see the wheels turning in her head and the apprehension that flitted across her face, and he thought it would take a long time to convince her, but he was glad that she agreed. He was now able to smile and tell her what else he had done to make things easier for her.

"I promise, you will never want for anything else while you are with me. You will never encounter any hardships ever again," he squeezed her hand.

She was nervous, but she managed to give him a smile as she nodded her head.

"Mama say yes? Go with dada?" he asked when he saw his mother and father smile at each other. 

"Yes baby, we're going to live with dada," she said as she bent down to give him a kiss, " You need to help mama put all the toys that you want to bring in a bag okay," she said to keep her son busy while she sorted out her stuff. 

"Let me go and tell the hospital, then I need to give them my resignation letter tomorrow," she thought out loud.

"I already let management know you are leaving and gave them your resignation letter after you left work," he stated

Aurora was stunned. He just asked her to move in with him, yet he took care of her paperwork at the hospital already? 

This only meant that either he was very sure of himself that she would agree. Or that whatever happened he was not ready to take no for an answer.

"What? What if I didn't agree?" she questioned. 

"I would have done everything to make you agree. Plus, I thought it wouldn't have taken much time to change your decision anyway, so I took the initiative," he smirked. He had a very bossy nature and always wanted things to go his way. And this time around, there is no difference, he was the head of this family, and what he says goes.

Not that it wasn't in their best interest anyway, growing up in this neighborhood would not be ideal for Enzo. He needed a safer place, somewhere that would nurture his abilities.

She sighed, knowing that from the first moment they saw each other again he had already practiced his dominance over her, and it was not surprising that he was doing it again. She just hopes this was not a bad decision because she found the dominating presence that made her apprehensive, very attractive right now.

It was very difficult for him not to show too much force when it came to her, but he had always given orders and was not used to getting them. He just had to remember not to scare her away.

"Okay, give me two days. I have few things I need to do," she said. Over the years, she had accumulated some stuff, and it will not be easy to pack those into boxes.

"Aurora, when I said I would take care of everything, I meant it. I talked to the owner of the house, and have scheduled people to pack all your stuff and ship them to our house so you can go over them later. I also talked to Enzo's principal and have considered several schools he could attend near my area. Everything is set," he explained.

"Well, at least let me pack some clothes," she said, worried, "I need to pack a few for Enzo just in case he gets too dirty." Kids will soil themselves easily, and she had to be prepared.

"Okay, just for the trip tomorrow. Don't spend too much time on it. I will have new clothes for you and Enzo at the house," he smiled, everything was going to plan. By tomorrow he will have his family with him.

The next morning Enzo was very excited when he woke up, knowing that he was going on a trip. This will be his first time in a car since they always took the bus. His eyes were big as he entered his father's car. Dimitri had ordered his men to get Enzo a car seat, so they could have him strapped and safe in the car.

"Mama, look! Big car!" he screamed, "Vroom... Vroom… Let's go!"

Dimitri laughed at his son's enthusiasm, "Enzo do you like this car?" he asked.

"Ya dada. Big car," he replied.

"Dada has a lot of cars, and you can ride in all of them. Different colors and different shapes," Dimitri patted his head.

"Ohhh… Triangle? Square?" Enzo happily identified the shapes he knew. He was droning on and on about anything and everything the whole trip. Dimitri had listened to him very patiently.

After a few hours, Aurora felt someone caressing her face, she had unconsciously fallen asleep listening to Enzo and his stories.

When she opened her eyes, Dimitri was stroking her face and looking at her very lovingly, "I asked the driver to stop for a while, you can stretch your legs here. I also booked us a room so everybody can rest, and have lunch. We'll be here for a few hours, and then we can continue again on our journey."

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