
My Vampire Bodyguard

"I am so tired." My best friend, Eira, moaned as we walked down the hall, she laid her head on my shoulder and sniffed. "And we aren't even half way through the day yet."

"Come on Elsie would you stop being such a baby."I said shrugging her off my shoulders, her crystal ice blue eyes looked me over with a bit of annoyance but they soon got back to their enthusiastic gaze. I was escorting her to her next class, training period. She brushed her snowy white hair behind her ear and scoffed."At least you don't have to worry about training period."

I bit my lip to keep myself from crying but she was right, you see we learn at Brickwood Academy(fancy name right?) the first thing you'd think when you hear this name is it must be some school where no ordinary teen went, well yeah that's true but you didn't have to be rich to come here, you had to be supernatural. You had to have powers or be a magical being like my best friend Eira, she was an ice supernatural, she could turn anything into ice make anything outta ice and had the ability to manipulate snowy weather. She had snow white hair, beautiful blue eyes and was one of the most powerful people in school and what about me? A girl with short brown hair, brown eyes and absolutely no powers..yes I had no powers, Then what was I doing there? Well I had the DNA of a supernatural but I just didn't know what kind of supernatural I was. It had been that way since the first the day of school but the teachers had no choice but to keep me just in case my powers showed but it was already two years and still nothing that's why I didn't go to class during training period..I didn't have powers.

Eira saw the heartbroken look on my face. "Sorry Leah...I didn't mean it that way."

"It's okay."I said faking a smile. "I know you didn't mean it."

She smiled back and gave me a hug, her ice cold cheek almost freezing mine, it sent a cold shiver down my spine that I suddenly pushed her back and rubbed my cheek.

"Sorry." she squeaked. "My powers get outta control when I'm emotional."

"Yeah, no kidding."I laughed fishing a half eaten chocolate bar out my pocket. Somebody popped between Eira and I putting their arms around each of our shoulders.

"What are we laughing about?"

It was Nancy, our roommate and close friend. Nancy was a telepathic supernatural, she could read minds which was a bad thing because she was bad at keeping secrets, last time she used her powers she revealed the last principal's secret to everyone. He was so embarrassed that he quit. The school had no choice but to make the telepathic supernatural's wear bracelets that weakened their powers and now Nancy just writes the school paper articles to thirst her quench of gossip. Her bracelet shimmered as she turned so she could walk backwards infront of us.

"Ouhh chocolate." she softly squealed as she snatched my half eaten bar.

"Hello Nancy." I said slowly and bitterly.

She didn't seem to notice she just continued chewing.

"Soo guess what?"Nancy said with a twinkle in her dark brown eyes.

"Uh oh." Eira and I said at once, usually that meant bad news coming from Nancy.

"What did you do this time?" Eira said putting her hand on her hip, Nancy smiled really wide and winked.

"Tell you after class." She said turning and running to her class.

Eira and I just sighed and shook our heads then I felt myself step something.


I was so surprised I almost jumped out of my skin but nothing could compare to the fear I felt when I realized I stepped on Eleanor's hand while she was picking something up. She looked at me with so much rage. Elanor was an elf, and one of the most popular girls in school and one of the best students. She always had beef with Eira since they were both pretty strong supernaturals so the only way she always got to Eira was through me and since I couldn't fight back it was pretty easy for her. I tried to apologize but before I could even let a word out, something strong grab me by the neck and push me hard against the wall, The force was so strong that I felt faint. I looked down to Jason, Elanor's boyfriend. He squeezed my throat so tight I could barely breathe I could only manage a croak I looked into his golden eyes, he had a smirk on his pale face and his dark unruly hair matched well with his features, he was as hot as hell and I wonder how I still noticed that when he was practically trying to kill me. My vision went all blurry and I tried my best to kick and try to get his hand off my throat but he was too strong.

"LEAH!!!"I heard Eira scream but it sounded so far away. I looked her in the eyes and made a very clear message.


Jason's hand tightened around my throat..and I croaked.

"Hey pretty boy." I heard Eira shout. "Let my friend go or your girlfriend turns into an ice sculpture."

She pushed Elanor against the lockers and trapped her in ice and her hand which glowed an icy blue was inches away from her face. Elanor looked pale and her eyes were wide with fright. Jason turned back to me and glared like it was my fault.

" What is going on here?" Mrs Marnie appeared, everyone who was watching scrambled to their classrooms. Jason let me go and I fell to the floor gasping for air. Eira let Elanor go and came to help me up.

"Are you okay?" She asked outing my arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah....I'm...I'm fine." I said still trying to catch my breath. Mrs Marnie's eyes glared at all of us and crossed her arms.

"All of you...to my office. NOW"

Mrs Marnie's office was a place I was very familiar with seeing I had been there only like a million times and all those times as a victim of bullying such was life for me. We were all seated and Mrs Marnie seemed quite calm as she always did, making herself a cup of tea she would look up at one of us like she was making sure we should all be guilty to be in her office right now. She sat down and sighed.

"Honestly.." she muttered removing her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose. It seems she couldn't keep her perfect principal composure any longer. "It's always the same thing...I don't even have to ask."

" She stepped on me." Elanor spoke up.

" And instead of talking it out like the adult you are, you decide to let your boyfriend attack her?"

The pride in Elanor's eyes died.

" And you Jason...I thought you were better than this, LEAH HAS NO POWERS, she's going through enough already and doesn't need you two making life hard for her, you do realise this could get you expelled?"

Wow, she really made me sound pathetic. Jason's expression didn't change just a cold stare.

" You know what...I think I just had a brilliant idea." Mrs Marnie said her face lighting up a bit." Jason should be Leah's personal bodyguard."

" What?" We all asked in unison. I couldn't believe what I just heard, honestly I wanted nothing to do with Mr Hot Vampire, Eira didn't seem charmed by the idea either.

" Well you see, Jason can't go unpunished it's either that or I expell him for endangering another student's life and at the same time seeing how he showed his interested in fighting for people, being Leah's body guard will lessen the violent bullying and save me time as well. Now Mr Dorian..do you agree."

" Of course not." Elanor snapped." This is absurd Mrs Marnie, Leah is not a-"

"I am not talking to you, now sit down."

Elanor balled her fist and her face to the pointy tips of her ears turned red, she gave me the evil eye as she sat back down and I stared back with an expressionless look on my face.

Mrs Marnie put her glasses back on and pulled an expulsion letter out of her drawer. She played with her pen.

" Do you agree Mr Dorian of course it is temporary until I feel satisfied that it's working and people will avoid bullying her."

"Fine." He said emotionless.

Mrs Marnie smiled.

" Since that's been resolved you're dismissed, and remember Jason not a scratch on her."

" Excuse me, I have a question." Eira said looking confused. "Leah and Jason have different classes at some point....how is he...?"

" Oh he knows." Mrs Marnie said her eyes didn't move from the cold staring contest she was having with Jason.

"Now out of my office, you are already late for your classes."

I closed the door to Mrs Marnie's office and turned to Elanor's angry face. Jason was nowhere to be seen.

" I know you're enjoying this Hathaway..but trust me I won't let this go easily." She hissed at me before angrily leaving.

" What just happened?" I turned to Eira. It felt like I just woke up from a bad dream.

"You, my friend, just got yourself a vampire Bodyguard."

The hallway was quiet as I walked not sure where to go, Eira had to hurry to her class and I didn't want to go to the library. I made my way outside to one of my favourite places, under the oak tree near the fountain. I sat down and took out my books so I could study.

" Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Startled, I looked up. It was a boy, great someone wants to bully me. Surprisingly he sat next to me, he looked shabby but in a bad boy way which was attractive with his untucked shirt, loose tie and messy brown hair. His grey eyes stared into space for a while before he turned to me.

" Why are you bunking classes? You're bored too?"

" Uhhh....well, the thing is.."

" You don't like this school, same here."

" No, I'm not in class right now because I do not have powers."

It didn't seem to phase him, he layed back with his hands behind his head and stared at the sky.

" So you must be Leah."

" Yeah that's me." I laughed nervously. So he had already heard of me, I wonder which name he had heard of me as, the freak among freaks, or was it the nonsupernatural supernatural. He sighed.

"You're lucky, you don't have to go through the agony of Training period."

If only he knew how I longed to be there, to experience that. He eyed the apple in my bag, he reached out his hand and it floated towards him. He took a huge bite and stood up.

" Well Leah, if you ever need someone to be lazy with I'm your guy."

And like that he left, I realized I didn't even catch his name as I watched him go. I stayed there for a long time.

"Leah, wake up."

I opened my eyes to Eira smiling. I must have fallen asleep, I stood up and stretched. Eira who had already packed my stuff handed me my bag.

"What class is next?"

" Next? You missed the rest of the classes."


"Well I ain't the one who told you to fall asleep under a tree, I searched everywhere for you."

"I don't know, I didn't realize I fell asleep."

" Let's just get back to our room, I'll show you what we did in class today."


A huge swarm of students was at the entrance of the school building, some just talking while some were heading to their dormitories. As we made it through the crowd, I got pulled by the hair into a circle of girls.

"What the hell are you doing?" Eira said trying to get through, I got a slap so hard I fell to the ground. "Why don't you just leave already I'm sick of seeing your normie ass walking around this school like you're accepted." One of the girls hissed. I received kicks to the stomach while they called me names and then they stopped, I opened my eyes slightly and could see a blurry figure looking down at me, I felt myself getting picked up. my head leaned on their chest, as I got consumed by the darkness, the last voice I heard echoed in my mind.

" If I see you near her again, I will rip your heads off." Jason's voice echoed over and over in the most intimidating tone.