
Brenner Souka

Brenner Souka He's a cowboy with firepower who wears the laws of justice for his pure pleasure.

balerion · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Brenner Souka grabbed the sheriff's face by his right arm and lifted his body and started using his firepower and started burning the sheriff's face. The sheriff screamed, "You little shit!! Let go of me! You'll regret it!" and started firing a few rounds in his direction. Brenner dodged them easily, as always, but kept the fire going and the smoke coming out of his gun.

"Stop that! I'

Brenner Souza is still holding the sheriff's face and burning his face and skin. Then he stopped firing. He let go of the sheriff. The Sheriff fell back. Blood was dripping down from his nose. A small cut on the bridge was still bleeding. The Sheriff sat down on the dirty ground and wiped the blood off his face using his shirt sleeve and groaned.

Brenner Souka: hope it stays clear sheriff this town is mine now if you try to stop me again i will burn your organs because my evil is absolute. The Sheriff gulped. That last sentence made him sick with fear. Brenner Souza started walking away, leaving the smoldering sheriff behind, but then turned around to look at him one more time and smiled coldly.