
Breathe (African novel) [GL]

Nikola was born with the might of Africa in her veins. She was designed with one purpose - protect. She has a mission and failure is not an option. ...but how will Nikola justify risking her life for the girl that cost her everything.

Lexsitra · LGBT+
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189 Chs

Amashumi amabili nesishiyagalombili

I just want to say thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this story - I really appreciate it! This one is a bit fluffy so I hope you enjoy it :)

Nikola's POV

I kissed the back of Lissa's ear, she sighed and snuggled into me. I smiled down at her, grinning when she turned to kiss me. Melting into her kiss, I was so consumed but the delicious warmth of my wife's lips that I barely register her sly movements. A wet feeling on my cheek pulled me from my lover's trance. I raised my hand to my face, finding the mushy evidence of my wife's prank. The sound of her giggling made me melt inside with happiness. I tickled her so that I could listen to it for a little longer. As she leaned in to kiss me, I armed myself with a paintbrush and made a few magenta strokes across her forehead. Both of us were reduced into a puddle of laughter and silliness.